Practice Connect #124

5 August 2021

Welcome to Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.


Practice Connect Good News Story – GP Innovation Grants

Practices have enhanced their digital capability with WAPHA’s GP Innovation Grants.

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Australia, an increasing number of general practices across the country are embracing and delivering virtual healthcare.
To help general practices in Western Australia enhance their digital capability, WA Primary Health Allicance (WAPHA) recently offered GP Innovation Grants  of up to $1,500 per practice for the purchase of information technology (IT) equipment to participate in virtual programs, such as telehealth video consultations, online meetings, webinars and more.
The response from general practices throughout the State was very receptive and positive. After submitting their online applications in April this year, 235 general practices have taken advantage of WAPHA’s GP Innovation Grants.
The team at Albany Medical Centre used the grant to purchase a new laptop for their patients to access telehealth appointments.

Albany Medical Centre, Western Australia

Practice Manager, Carolyn Aggiss, explained, “We have had increasing demand from patients and their specialists for telehealth consultations to be held at our surgery, allowing the patient’s GP and/or our practice nurse to participate in the consultation. Not only does this deliver potentially better outcomes for the patient, it also provides an opportunity for our staff to engage and form relationships with participating specialists.”
“The portability of the laptop gives us flexibility in the spaces we have available for use on any given day, giving us the freedom to offer appointments throughout the week. The telehealth appointments are delivered over a couple of platforms and we are finding the camera, sound and processing speed allows for a seamless consultation,” Carolyn Aggiss added.
Livingston Medical’s Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe Medical Centres also used WAPHA’s GP Innovation Grants to enhance their digital capability.
Business Director, Rachel Livingston, said, “Due to our increase in laptops, we are now able to offer outreach services to Varley and the Shire of Jerramungup who haven’t had service for a long time. Patients are delighted in the outreach clinics and the ability to inform the doctor of some history before their appointment. This means more quality time during the consult with the doctor.”
WAPHA’s GP Innovation Grants program is not only helping general practices deliver better connected healthcare to their patients, it is also enabling general practitioners in regional areas to work more efficiently.
“Doctors in the country are extremely time poor due to often being solo practitioners, travelling between various locations, often 100km plus apart, being on-call 24 hours a day and managing a full GP patient list plus an emergency department and surgical list, as well as managing the practice itself. Any technology that can save time and streamline the process for the GP will absolutely make a huge difference to the doctor and their workforce,” Rachel Livingston said.
Livingston Medical has embraced telehealth and introduced procedures that allow farmers, who can’t leave their farm, to access acute and general medical services from the comfort of their header or seeder.                                                                                                                                                                 

Business Director, Rachel Livingston of Livingston Medical’s Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe Medical Centres

“We can follow up with urgent results using a simple web link and webcam setup. The whole thing is absolutely pivotal to the health of people who live in the bush. COVID-19 has enabled the MBS item numbers, but this has created a true realisation that this technology and these item numbers need to stay. People who live 600km from their nearest city, like we do, need to be able to see a doctor, and these grants have enabled the technology to deliver this vital service. We would absolutely love to be involved in any future technology grants,” Rachel Livingston explained.



Help celebrate the contribution of general practices in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout 

Share a photo and your practice could win a prize

There are hundreds of general practices across WA with dedicated teams who are
making a massive contribution towards the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.
As of the 3rd of August this year, 6.7 million vaccines have been administered in
primary care across Australia and 602,963 of those doses were in WA Primary
Care settings.
This is an amazing achievement and we would love to share photos of general
practices celebrating their success.

Email us a photo of staff at your vaccination clinic by the 21st of August and your practice could win one of our prizes for the most unexpected, funniest or creative images.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the Practice Connect Newsletter during September as we reveal the winning photos.



COVID digital certificates on digital wallets, Google Cloud's data engine

The COVID-19 digital certificate issued to people who have had both doses of their vaccine can now be added to Apple Wallet on iOS and Google Pay on Android phones.
Once an individual has received all the required doses, they can add their certificate to their digital wallet via the Express Plus Medicare App or Medicare Online, providing quick and convenient access wherever they are.
Minister for Government Services Linda Reynolds said the capability was made available over the past weekend.

“We know Australians are increasingly using digital wallets so people can choose to store their certificate in this way, if it suits them,” Ms Reynolds said. “It replicates the certificate they’re already able to access through myGov.

“The COVID-19 digital certificate is entirely optional for Australians. We’re giving people control over the level of vaccination history they share, as the standalone certificate only shows COVID-19 vaccination status.”



General Practice staff eligible for priority COVID-19 vaccination (with proof of employment template)

All staff working in healthcare facilities including general practice are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.

These staff members are eligible for walk in appointments at any State-run community vaccination clinic (the full community clinic list is available here). For a confirmed booking time, visit VaccinateWA.

Alternatively, staff can make a priority booking at a GP clinic taking part in the COVID-19 vaccination rollout or a Commonwealth Vaccination Clinic using the Vaccine Eligibility Checker.

WA Primary Health Alliance has produced a proof of employment letter that can be adapted for use on your practice’s letterhead.



Anaphylaxis training for COVID-19 vaccination providers

Vaccination providers should have completed the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) e-training. This training provides access to anaphylaxis education in Australia, free of charge.

ASCIA has more information on the risks of anaphylaxis when administering the Pfizer (Comirnaty) and AstraZeneca vaccines here.

Links to this training module and the COVID-19 Vaccine Training Program can be found in the HealthPathways COVID-19 Vaccination Information pathway.

The Australian Government Department of Health has information related to observation of patients following the COVID-19 vaccine.



Pregnant women prioritised and eligible for Pfizer (Comirnaty)

Pregnant women aged 16 years and over are now prioritised and eligible for a Pfizer (Comirnaty) COVID-19 vaccination.

Pregnant women should be offered Pfizer (Comirnaty) at any stage of pregnancy as pregnant women who contract COVID-19 have an increased risk of severe illness and, a slight increased risk of their baby being born prematurely (1.5 times higher risk) or needing admission to hospital (3 times higher risk).

International data has indicated mRNA vaccines – including Pfizer – are safe to be given at any stage during pregnancy and are also suitable for people who are breastfeeding.

Pregnant women who received their first dose of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca can receive a second dose of either COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca or Pfizer (Comirnaty), although Pfizer (Comirnaty) is preferred. Pregnant women should speak with their health care provider about the best choice for them.

Further information is available in the shared decision making guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy.

Pregnant women can access a Pfizer (Comirnaty) vaccine or second dose of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca:

  • at a State-run community clinic using VaccinateWA
  • from a GP taking part in the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout,
  • or by phoning the National COVID-19 Hotline on 1800‑020‑080 or via the Vaccine Eligibility Checker).



Non-participating practices can still apply to join the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

The role of general practice within the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout is set to expand further.

The Australian Government Department of Health is continuing to extend both the Pfizer (Comirnaty) and AstraZeneca rollouts. Additional practices were onboarded on 26 July, and these practices will commence vaccinating in August.

Any non-participating practices interested in joining the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout should email

Practices that are already taking part in the rollout that would like to apply for Pfizer (Comirnaty) should fill out the application form.



COVID-19 Vaccination Blitz as bookings open for 30 to 39s to 'Roll Up'

Western Australia's vaccine rollout is picking up speed, with bookings reopening for those aged 30 to 39 and 140,000 Pfizer appointments on offer for eligible Western Australians over a two-week vaccination blitz.

The vaccination blitz will run between Monday, 16 August  to Sunday 29 August.

Western Australians aged between 30 and 39 who have already registered on will be given priority for bookings, and can make an appointment at a State-run clinic from August 3.

All other Western Australians aged 30 to 39 can register for a COVID-19 vaccine now at Roll up for WA. These people will be eligible to make a booking from Monday, August 9.

Read the full media release here.



COVID-19 HealthPathways Updates

The following pathways have now been updated to reflect recent changes to COVID-19 information:
Recently Localised Pathways
Recently Reviewed Pathways The HealthPathways website is now optimised for mobile devices meaning users can easily view the content on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or mobile phones.

To access HealthPathways, email the HealthPathways team at



COVID-19 Vaccination Training Modules Updated

Updates have occurred in the COVID-19 vaccination training program on Friday 23 July and Friday 30 July.  Module progress and completion have not been affected.

Staff at vaccinating clinics are expected to log-in and view the new information. A summary of the updates can be found in the announcement forum. All changes within the modules are identified by 'NEW' in red.

You can log-in to the training modules here.



Post-vaccination safety in your facility

With many practices now administering COVID-19 vaccinations, please read this timely reminder from the Communicable Disease Control Directorate (CDCD):
All providers are reminded to keep patients under observation in your facility for at least 15 minutes to monitor for adverse effects following immunisation (AEFI). Waiting in an area outside the facility (such as a vehicle) that is not under observation is not suitable.
Consider mapping out post-vaccination patient flow within your facility to meet vaccine safety guidelines. Please ensure:

  • Patients in waiting areas are easily visible and monitored by staff  
  • They are easily accessible should emergency treatment be required  
  • Patients are informed regarding the start and end of their observational period  
  • All emergency equipment is checked regularly and in the appropriate location  

WA Health provides a range of online immunisation education modules, which are accessible 24/7 and offered free of charge to all immunisation providers.   Please visit their Immunisation education page to access these modules.   



Allocation of surgical masks from the National Medical Stockpile

WA Primary Health Alliance has been advised by the Australian Department of Health that the National Medical Stockpile is a strategic reserve and not a general supplier of personal protective equipment (PPE). The Stockpile is only intended to provide PPE where commercial supply is unavailable and there is a demonstrated need or clinical advice for its use.
We appreciate that some providers have been accessing the Stockpile regularly until now.

Due to the widespread commercial availability of PPE supply, as per Government advice, WA Primary Health Alliance will request a declaration from your organisation as proof it has been unable to source a commercial supply.
WA Primary Health Alliance can only provide PPE where commercial supply is unavailable and requests meet the following criteria:

  • There is no local supply available commercially.
  • The people coming to your practice are more likely to have been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Your practice has an unusual number of patients who have respiratory symptoms.
WA Primary Health Alliance will provide surgical masks to community pharmacies if they meet both of the criteria below:
  • There is no local supply available commercially.
  • Staff have significant contact with people who have fever and respiratory symptoms.

If you are experiencing difficulties obtaining PPE from a commercial supplier, please email WA Primary Health Alliance via addressing the above points.



New NCIRS web page now live: COVID-19 Vaccination – summary for immunisation providers

The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) have developed a new web page to assist immunisation providers with the latest information and key guidance relating to the COVID-19 vaccination program – all in one place.

This page will be regularly updated as new or updated information becomes available.

The web page can be accessed here



Closure of Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) authentication files

Authentication file access to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is being closed to all provider types on 30 September 2021. More information can be found here.

All providers need to transition to Provider Digital Access (PRODA) to maintain access.   With a PRODA account, health professionals can access the AIR using Health Professional Online Services (HPOS).  For health professionals who access the AIR as a member of an organisation, you can also find out how to register an organisation in PRODA and link HPOS to your organisation so members can access the AIR.

Further information is available on the Services Australia website: Register for a PRODA account and set up access to HPOS.



Hepatitis B vaccine brand and dose clarification 

Please read the following message from the Communicable Disease Control Directorate (CDCD) regarding the two Hepatitis B vaccination brands available.

The Immunisation Program is experiencing an increased number of queries around the differences between the two available brands of hepatitis B vaccine. Here is some information to provide clarification: 

WA Health offers 2 brands of hepatitis B vaccine, Engerix-B and H-B-Vax II, each with adult and paediatric formulations. The brand of hepatitis B vaccine you can order for eligible patients will depend on current stock availability.  

Hepatitis B vaccine dose formulation by brand: 

Brand Volume surface Antigen content
Engerix-B (Paediatric) 0.5mL 10 µg
Engerix-B (Adult) 1.0mL 20 µg
H-B-Vax II (Paediatric) 0.5mL 5 µg
H-B-Vax II (Adult) 1.0mL 10 µg

Although both paediatric and adult doses are the same volume across both brands, there are differences in the surface antigen content.  As can be viewed in the table, Engerix B adult formulation has 20 µg and H-B-Vax II adult formulation has 10 µg. Engerix B paediatric formulation has 10 µg and H-B-Vax II paediatric formulation has 5 µg. Although the 2 brands contain different hepatitis B surface antigen content, they are considered equivalent doses (i.e. 0.5mL injection is given for a paediatric dose irrespective of which product is used, despite the difference in surface antigen).   

For eligibility please refer to the WA Immunisation Schedule and for State Programs, see the WA Health Guidelines for Accessing State Funded Vaccines at the WA Health vaccine orders web page. Please be reminded that dialysis patients are not eligible to receive hepatitis B through the government-funded programs. 

For dosing information, always refer to the hepatitis B section in the Australian Immunisation Handbook




National Cancer Screening Register: Order a replacement home test-kit online

General practice health professionals can now order or encourage their patients to order a replacement bowel home test-kit via the National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) website. To request a kit you must provide basic demographic details including date of birth, postal address, and Medicare or department of veterans affairs number. This feature can be accessed on the ‘contact us’ page of the website.

Click here to order a kit.



National Bowel Cancer Screening Program

The WA Department of Health has produced a flipchart as a tool to assist in providing information on bowel cancer, bowel cancer screening and having a colonoscopy for all West Australian community members, particularly those eligible to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

General practice health professionals can now order hard copies of these flipcharts via email or download an electronic copy visit the webpage



WA Cancer & Palliative Care Network: Optimal Care Pathways

WA Cancer & Palliative Care Network Clinical Implementation Unit has produced USBs containing all of the Optimal Care Pathways for ~20 tumour types, tumour specific factsheets, quick reference guides, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific resources and other useful links.

General practice health professionals can now order these USBs via email



Participate in the Pilot Study - Conversations about Weight

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA)and Diabetes WA and are currently seeking General Practitioners and Practice Nurses to participate in a Pilot Study - Conversations about Weight in September.

Conversations about Weight is an online education package that will give you the tools to have difficult conversations around weight management and help you to motivate your patients to engage in weight management activities.

The education package has six core modules, each module takes approximately one to two hours to complete and will contain a range of interactive material, such as:

  • Provide opportunity for GPs and Practice Nurses to upskill in:

       o weight science,
       o how to have sensitive conversations about weight,
       o motivational interviewing and
       o supporting patients through weight-loss.

  • Pathways to a range of weight management services.
  • Support to participate in patient weight management as a quality improvement activity.
  • The importance of taking a comprehensive approach to weight management in particular the role of mental health professionals.

Conversations about Weight will commence in mid-September. Each eligible participant will have two week to complete the six modules.

Participants of the pilot will be financially remunerated and eligible for professional development points.

To be involved in the pilot program or for more please contact Project Manager, Kelly Harris by email or by telephone on (08) 9436 6238.



National Syphilis campaign materials

The Australian Government Department of Health has launched a nationwide syphilis campaign ‘Don’t fool around with syphilis’.  The campaign will run nationally on a range of online channels including social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat), online video, search and programmatic ads.
The campaign webpage, including downloadable resources (Fact Sheets for priority populations and health professionals, and posters), can be found here: Don't fool around with syphilis | Australian Government Department of Health
Further information is available here:



NPS MedicineWise Educational visits available in a format that suits your practice


NPS MedicineWise offers its free educational visiting service virtually via video call across Australia, so health professionals can participate in these evidence-based educational activities without a face-to-face appointment. 

NPS MedicineWise educational visits cover therapeutic areas commonly managed in general practice.  Facilitated by our independent Educational Visitors, these visits offer health professionals the opportunity to discuss different therapeutic approaches and the choices available.

The latest topic looks at Heart Failure ( Managing heart failure is complex. High rates of mortality and hospital readmission make this a challenging condition for patients and their GPs, but there are clear principles to support effective management in primary care. 

Virtual visits are approved activities under the RACGP and ACRRM CPD programs.

How virtual educational visits work

  • The virtual visit can be carried out via a range of platforms, eg  FaceTime, ZOOM, Teams or another video conferencing option if preferred.
  • Virtual visits can be scheduled as a 30-minute one-on-one discussion or one-hour small group meeting, at a time that suits – including before or after standard work hours.
  • If a practice participates in MedicineInsight, their data will be presented in a practice report and used to customise the visit, providing richer insights into the topic and evidence. Non-participating practices will receive insights drawn from aggregated MedicineInsight clinical data.



Grace period implemented for CTG PBS Co-payment Program until 30 September 2021

Since the changes to the CTG PBS Co-payment Program were introduced on 1 July 2021, it has emerged that some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were previously receiving benefits via the Program are not actually registered for the Program through Services Australia.

The Commonwealth Department of Health, together with Services Australia, has implemented a grace period from 12 July 2021 to 30 September 2021. The grace period will prevent CTG annotated prescriptions from being rejected at the time of dispensing if the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person is not formally registered in the new centralised database.

During the grace period, if a CTG annotated prescription is presented by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person and they are not correctly registered, the pharmacist will receive a warning message through their dispensing system, however, the CTG prescription will still be able to be dispensed [Read more here].

Additional resources:

The Australian Government Department of Health has also released communication materials outlining details of reforms to the Closing the Gap (CTG) Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Co‑payment Program.

Four separate fact sheets have been published targeted at the following stakeholder groups:

There is also a general Frequently Asked Questions document that covers all of the above stakeholder groups.

More information on the CTG PBS Co-payment Program, including patient eligibility, registering for the program and further resources and information can be found here.




Practice Assist Resource Library

As part of our support for general practices, Practice Assist maintains a library of useful resources in our Practice Assist Resource Library. These resources range across different topics from GP Accreditation, Practice Incentives Program, to the latest in resources around COVID-19.
Here are some of our new and updated resources:

COVID-19 Resources

Digital Health


If you have an idea for a new resource or feedback on our current resources, please email with ideas and comments.



Health Promotion Events

Daffodil Day is Friday 27 August 


This year, Daffodil Day will take place on Friday 27 August 2021.


Together, we can all be the power behind the flower that represents hope for the 145,000 Australians diagnosed with cancer every year. Donatefundraise, share on socials or get involved in your area. Every dollar raised goes towards life-saving cancer research.

Join the thousands of Australians spreading their Flower Power throughout August to fund life-saving cancer research.

Find out more at


Digital health tools are a game changer

Digital health tools are changing how healthcare is delivered in Australia. Access to My Health Record and telehealth consultations is transforming health service delivery, not only in remote Aboriginal communities but across the country. Please join the Australian Digital Health Agency, WA Primary Health Alliance, Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia, and special guest panel members from Aboriginal Medical Services across WA, to hear how digital health has been a game changer for them. Healthcare professionals from across all sectors are encouraged to attend, hear these success stories and be inspired to start using digital health. There will also be the opportunity for participants to ask questions.
Date: Tuesday 31 August 2021
Time: 5:30 – 6:30pm AWST (7:30 – 8:30pm AEST)
Registration link:


Australian Digital Health Agency Events and Updated Virtual Classrooms

The Australian Digital Health Agency offers a range of training and events on digital health, My Health Record, electronic prescribing and more. To view upcoming events and training please click here or you can view archived webinars here

Updated direct links to our Virtual Classroom Sessions

Clinician Vaccine Integrated Platform (CVIP) education for health care providers -
My Health Record - Aged Care Case Study -
My Health Record - Aged Care Overview -
Best Practice -
MedicalDirector -
Genie -
Zedmed -
Communicare -
Fred IT -
National Provider Portal (NPP) -
Practice Manager - Compliance Sessions -
Pharmacy staff - Compliance Sessions -
Data Quality -


Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination – Webinar recording now available

A recent webinar presented by the Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation (COSSI) Group is now available to view.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is the main tool for bringing the world out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mandatory vaccination has been debated as a strategy to get high vaccination coverage and protect individuals in certain settings.

This webinar, held on 26 July 2021, considered the policy, behavioural, ethical and epidemiological aspects of mandating COVID-19 vaccination.

Watch the video of this webinar to :

► find out what vaccination mandates are, who they may be used for and how they could be delivered
► hear about the governance and political aspects of vaccination mandates
► hear about epidemiological, behavioural and social considerations of mandates, including effectiveness
► hear about ethical considerations of vaccine mandates for adults
► listen to the discussion about the ethics, politics, and practicalities of mandating vaccination.

Watch the webinar here.


Welcome to the TADPole Education Program: Alcohol and drug issues in general practice

The Treating Alcohol and Drugs in Primary Care (TADPole) program is funded by the WA Primary Health Care Alliance (WAPHA) with the primary aim of increasing the capacity of the WA primary care workforce to provide alcohol and drug treatment and support.
The team at Edith Cowan University of WA drug and alcohol specialists have developed educational resources to enhance the skills of GPs looking after patients with common alcohol and other drug problems, e.g. alcohol dependence, benzodiazepines and methamphetamine use. Please visit the TadPole website for more information.

They would like to offer you the opportunity of having a small group education session in your practice. This is free and qualifies for RACGP CPD points. The facilitator (an addiction specialist or a GP with a special interest in addiction) will give a short presentation about alcohol or other drug topics of interest followed by 30 minutes to talk through case studies or any concerns you have about your patients.

They will supply lunch/snacks and accreditation for 2 RACGP CPD points in the 2020-2022 triennium.

  • Choose one hour between 12 and 2pm or 5:30 to 6:30pm, Tuesday through Friday.
  • Choose two topics of interest. See over page.
  • Email and we will get back to you to confirm arrangements.
View the flyer here for more information.


Diabesity Masterclass 2021, via zoom over 12 weeks

Mondays, 7pm-8.30pm, from August 2 to October 25 2021
The Diabesity Masterclass 2021 is for general practitioners, practice and community nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists, podiatrists and diabetes educators.
The series is facilitated by Western Sydney Diabetes, Blacktown Metabolic and Weightloss Clinic, Western Sydney LHD/PHN, Hunter New England LHD/PHN, Nepean Blue Mountains LHD/PHN and South West Sydney LHD/PHN.
Register for this free event here and be kept informed with program updates. For enquiries, email

Coming up soon...... 

World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7
MS Readathon - One month challenge August 1-31
OCD and Anxiety Disorders Week August 4-10
Red Nose Day August 13
Healthy Bones Action Week August 20-26


Education and training

Visit our Webinars & Workshops page at for the events calendar.

Webinars & Workshops

PATHFINDER: Early career GP conference 2021
Presented by RACGP
Saturday 7 August
2021 Wound Management Workshops: Rural
Presented by Clinical Design Solutions
Multiple dates (rural WA)
Non-Biased weight management
Presented by Diabetes WA
Monday 9 August
Rural Health Webinar Series - The assessment and management of toxicological emergencies
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 2 September
Talking about suicide in General Practice
Presented by Black Dog Institute
Wednesday 11 August
Advance care planning workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council WA & PaSCE
Wednesday 8 September
Making better use of your medical records for decisions, care and quality improvement
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 12 August
Joint Australasian Sexual Health and HIV&AIDS Conferences: VIRTUAL
Presented by ASHM
Monday 6 to Thursday 9 September
Optimizing Care Series
Presented by ASHM
 14 & 28 August
Shared care management of opioid dependence
Presented by RACGP
Wednesday 8 September
PEN CS: TopBar for General Practice
Presented by PEN CS
Thursday 19 August
Quality Improvement: What has it got to do with GP research?
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 16 September
Paediatric eczema, allergy and asthma update for Primary Care Nurses WA
Presented by Perth Children’s Hospital
Saturday 21 August
Advance Care Planning Workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council WA & PaSCE
Monday 20 September
NDSS Aged Care Update
Presented by Diabetes WA
Monday 23 August
Become a rural GP: Emergency medicine skills
Presented by RACGP
Wednesday 22 September
Cervical Screening for nurses
Presented by Sexual Head Quarters (SHQ)
24 & 25 August
The health effects of climate change
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 30 September
Digital Health tools are a game changer
Presented by Australian Digital Health Agency
Tuesday 31 August  
Advance Care Planning Workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council & PaSCE
Monday 11 October
CAT Plus for General Practice
Presented by PEN cs
Tuesday 31 August
Aboriginal Health Conference 2021
Presented by Rural Health West
Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 November
Become a rural GP: In conversation with Rural Generalists
Presented By RACGP
Tuesday 31 August





Online Training

Foundations of Spirometry in Primary Health Care
Presented by APNA
Keeping your practice COVID-safe
Presented by RACGP
GP Framework for Child Mental Health Assessment
Presented by Emerging Minds
Medico-legal concerns and My Health Record
Presented by RACGP
Diabetes in Practice for Nurses
Presented by Diabetes Qualified
Chronic Disease Management and Healthy Ageing online program
Presented by APNA
Electronic Prescribing online training
Presented by ADHA
Safety Through Reporting
Presented by Department of Health & TGA
RACGP webinar - Phone and Video consultations
Presented by RACGP

Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.