Practice Connect #127

16 September 2021

Welcome to Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.


Good News Story: 360 Street Doctor

Good News Story: 360 Street Doctor employs non-dispensing pharmacist after a successful placement funded by WAPHA


360 Street Doctor is a mobile GP service that provides primary care from a purpose-built clinical truck to vulnerable people who might be street present or experiencing homelessness. 360 Street Doctor’s patients often lead chaotic lives with family, cultural responsibilities and social circumstances taking priority over their own healthcare.
To help 360 Street Doctor provide its much-needed service, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) funded the placement of a non-dispensing pharmacist as part of the Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) Program.
Lisa Winter from 360 Street Doctor said the addition of the pharmacist to the team had an immediate and positive influence on their clinics.
“Kate was a welcome addition to the consulting team, contributing to improved compliance and health outcomes for each client. For example, suggesting alternative treatments for acute ailments that require less doses for people sleeping rough, increased the likelihood of completed treatments before medications were lost or stolen,” she said.
As 360 Street Doctor’s non-dispensing pharmacist, Kate also contributed to the chronic disease management of regular patients by ensuring continuity of care post hospitalisation, picking up and resolving hospital discharge errors, and improving medication reconciliation.
“Kate was able to sit with clients while they waited for the GP and assess their barriers and challenges to taking and understanding treatments. She also provided education without the time pressures faced by the GP. Often by the time a client was seen by the GP, Kate had already reconciled medications, highlighted any issues with medication compliance and suggested alternatives to improve compliance and understanding,” Ms Winter said.
In addition, Kate worked with 360 Street Doctor’s Aboriginal Health Practitioner to deliver culturally appropriate education sessions on the COVID-19 vaccines to patients who were unsure about getting vaccinated because of negative publicity in the mainstream media.
As a result of Kate’s successful placement as a non-dispensing pharmacist, 360 Street Doctor has successfully sourced further funding to employ her within the team.
“Kate has seamlessly integrated into the 360 Street Doctor team, making significant improvements to our processes, care coordination, management and planning, and ultimately patient outcomes. Her flexibility to adjust her professional practice to a unique, non-traditional setting and adapt to an outdoor outreach work environment, whilst supporting innovative, appropriate healthcare to the unique circumstances of our client group make Kate a valuable addition to our team,” Ms Winter said.



One million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by WA general practices

WA general practices have reached a significant milestone this week, delivering a million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Western Australians from Broome in the north to Albany in the south.

one-million.pngVaccines delivered by general practice make up about half of the vaccines administered throughout WA, with the State total reaching 2,039,416 doses on 12 September.

More than 580 (79 per cent) of WA general practices are taking part in the rollout – with many now providing both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines.

This includes 14 Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics who are also delivering crucial services in the assessment and testing of COVID-19 in the community.

“GPs deserve to be recognised for the effort that has gone into reaching this milestone,” WA Primary Health Alliance CEO Learne Durrington said.

“We’d also like to acknowledge the work put in by nurses, receptionists and administration staff working within WA general practices.

“We express our sincere thanks to general practice not just for reaching this milestone, but for all the work done throughout the pandemic.”

On behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health, WA Primary Health Alliance has approached general practice to not only deliver the vaccine to patients but to conduct in-reach visits to residential aged care facilities, to people with disabilities and to homebound patients.

“General practitioners have risen to the challenge despite difficult circumstances, an increasing workload and limited vaccine supplies,” Ms Durrington said.

“Going forward we know general practice will continue to meet the challenges of vaccinating eligible people, increasing vaccination rates amongst culturally and linguistic populations and tackling vaccine hesitancy.

“WA Primary Health Alliance will continue to be there to offer support and guidance in the face of this massive task.”

Find out more about our work supporting the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.                                                                                            



People aged 60 and over can access excess doses of Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine at general practices from Monday 20 September

From Monday 20 September, West Australians aged 60 and over are eligible to book an appointment for a Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine at State-run vaccination clinics.
The Australian Department of Health has confirmed that while primary care providers (including general practices, Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics, and Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Services) are required to prioritise national eligibility (which is reflected in the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder), from 20 September: 

  • If primary care vaccination clinics have available appointments;
  • and are prioritising other Comirnaty (Pfizer) eligible groups;
  • clinics can offer Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccines as per WA State-based eligibility to those aged 60 and over;
  • these bookings will not be reflected in the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder and will require practices to manage their bookings.

Read Premier Mark McGowan’s announcement here



COVID-19 Immunisation Update Aboriginal Health 


During the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some patient groups who may be more vulnerable than others, and for your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients it is more important than ever to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The following resources and information included in our recent COVID-19 Immunisatin Update Aborginal Health Edition will assist you with engaging with these vulnerable populations in your practice.

Featured information in this update included:
  • Eligibility and booking information for Aboriginal people
  • Tom Price and Paraburdoo COVID-19 mass vaccination clinics
  • Kwinana COVID-19 vaccine clinic Aboriginal Family Day
  • Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service (KAMS) COVID-19 ads
  • Mythbusters and frequently asked questions: WA Department of Health
  • Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services Aboriginal Corporation’s massive COVID-19 vaccine drive
  • Martu and Niraparib Elders lead the way at Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service (PAMS) COVID-19 vaccination clinic
  • Mary G radio show interviews
  • Australian Department of Health information and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about COVID-19 vaccines
  • WA Department of Health information and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about COVID-19 vaccines
  • National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) COVID-19 vaccine updates 
View the full edition here.



Reminder to check AIR before administering a COVID-19 vaccine

Immunisation providers are reminded to check the Australian Immunisaton Register (AIR) for each patient’s immunisaton history before administering a COVID-19 vaccine to avoid any vaccine brand or interval errors.
ATAGI currently do not recommend the administration of booster or third doses of COVID-19 vaccines.
Please visit HealthPathways COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure for further information related to dose intervals of AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) and Pfizer (Comirnaty).



Contact WAPHA if your practice has expiring COVID-19 vaccines

If your practice has vials of COVID-19 vaccines that are about to expire, or excess stock that you cannot use, please contact WA Primary Health Alliance at



How to get your COVID-19 digital certificate

If you are:

  • 1e7ba27efdce6f8060d036fb7d2640c8c8c0853d-4x3-x159y0w1440h1080.jpgeligible for Medicare you can access the digital certificate or history statement via the Express Plus Medicare app, via your Medicare online account through myGov or through your My Health Record.
  • not eligible for Medicare, you can access your digital certificate using the Individual Healthcare Identifiers service (IHI service) through myGov. 

Further information and instructions are available on the Services Australia website and the My Health Record website.

Alternatively you can call the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) on 1800 653 809 or ask your immunisation provider to print a statement for you.

Enhancements to AIR will be implemented in mid-September 2021 to ensure that people who have received a mixed vaccination schedule, in line with the ATAGI advice, can also access a COVID-19 digital certificate. A myGov notification will be sent to eligible individuals when their certificate becomes available.



COVID-19 HealthPathways Updates

The following content updates have now been published on the HealthPathways site:
Recently Localised Pathways
Recently Reviewed Pathways
To access HealthPathways, email the HealthPathways team at



COVID-19 Vaccination Training Modules Updated

Updates have occurred in the COVID-19 vaccination training program on Friday 10 September. Module progress and completion have not been affected.

Staff at vaccinating clinics are expected to log-in and view the new information. A summary of the updates can be found in the announcement forum. All new changes and updates within the modules for this week are identified by 'NEW' and 'UPDATED' in blue with white, all new changes relating to the Moderna (SPIKEVAX) vaccine are identified by ‘NEW’ in purple and white. All changes from previous updates will be identified as 'NEW' and 'UPDATED' in red and white. 

NOTE - Three videos have been uploaded in this update showing how to prepare a vaccine dose from a multi-dose vial (MDV) and how to dilute the Pfizer (COMIRNATY) vaccine. These videos can be found in Module 4 and the Pfizer additional module.

You can log-in to the training modules here.



Commonwealth-funded places for Nurse Immuniser course available

A limited number of fully funded places are available for the University of Melbourne, the Australian College of Nursing and the Benchmarque Group Pty Ltd online authorised immunisation courses. Registered nurses are encouraged to access the websites below for selection criteria and to register their interest by completing the Expression of Interest Form. Please note that some allocations may have been exhausted.


Message from WA Department of Health: Transition of immunisation providers to the Onelink vaccine ordering system from Monday 20 September

The transition of immunisation providers to the Onelink vaccine ordering system will be staggered during the week of Monday 20 September.

You will be notified by the WA Department of Health and Onelink when your account is making the transition to Onelink via email from Monday 20 – Thursday 23 September. Please check your emails to find out your planned transition date.

From Monday 20 September, there will be several changes to how you order and receive government-funded vaccines.

To support you through these changes, WA Department of Health have developed some frequently asked questions for your information. Please read these carefully.

Please ensure you have Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari or Firefox installed on the PC you use to place your vaccine orders.

In the meantime, please contact with any queries.

Please note that these changes relate to National Immunisation Program (NIP) orders only and do not affect COVID-19 Vaccine Orders. Please continue to order COVID-19 Vaccines through the COVID-19 Vaccine Administrative System (CVAS)



Reconnecting Together - Socially Isolated program for older adults

Clear Health Psychology is working collaboratively with the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) to deliver in- reach support for older adults. Older adults can be at risk of isolation, loneliness and mental health concerns as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This service is fully funded, with no out of pocket costs, and can assist patients with 

  • Connecting older people to appropriate services and support.
  • Reconnecting older people with social networks.
  • Restoring access to services that may have been disrupted by the pandemic.
  • Enabling early intervention and, where appropriate, providing psychological therapies to improve mental health & wellbeing

GPs or Allied Health Professionals can refer to the program by completing the referal form found at under ‘Our Services’.  Download the form and upload it to your clinical software now.
For further information on this service please view the Reconnecting Together Brochure patient brochure here.  Don’t forget to share this information with your GP’s and Practice Nurses.




Supporting young people at risk of suicide: free training

rotator-how-2-refer.jpgPrimary care practitioners can now access free online training on managing youth suicide risk and self-harm.

Developed by Orygen, Australia’s centre of excellence in youth mental health, the one-hour training module aims to improve practitioners’ knowledge and skills when it comes to supporting young people at risk.

The training contains videos and interactive components and covers:

  • epidemiology of youth suicide and self-harm;
  • the role of primary care in suicide prevention;
  • identification of risk factors and warning signs in young people;
  • engagement and rapport building with young people;
  • psychosocial assessment for suicide risk;
  • safety planning with young people; and
  • useful resources for practitioners.

To complete the training, and provide valuable feedback on it, visit




A Systematic Approach to Investigating Symptoms of Lung Cancer training

Free training available for primary health care professionals


Lung cancer is Australia’s number one cancer killer, with more than 13,250 Australians being diagnosed each year. Some lung cancer symptoms may be easy to recognise, but others can be non-specific and challenging to differentiate from other conditions, resulting in diagnostic delays, more advanced stage cancer and poorer patient outcomes.

Lung Foundation Australia, in collaboration with Cancer Australia, is delighted to launch the CPD Accredited Activity, A Systematic Approach to Investigating Symptoms of Lung Cancer, to support primary healthcare professionals in their application of the clinical guide Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: a guide for all health professionals (the Guide). The eLearning introduces the Guide, underpins its key messages and supports the systematic application of its recommendations with rich, scenario-based learning. The key learning outcomes will assist health professionals in identifying lung cancer, facilitating early and rapid referral into the multidisciplinary diagnostic pathway.

To find out more and to enrol in the training, visit   



Extension to Digital Image Prescriptions

Pharmacy Guild of Australia National President, Trent Twomey, has welcomed extension of Digital Image Prescriptions from end September to end December 2021. Digital Image Prescriptions have been an option providing Australians with prompt access to their PBS medicines during COVID and allowing timely claiming by pharmacies. This has been particularly valuable when people have been in lockdown, as well as part of prescriber telehealth arrangements. It means that all Commonwealth COVID PBS arrangements will continue to the end of December 2021 - Digital Image Prescriptions, expanded Continued Dispensing, prescription signature exemptions and the home delivery service.

Despite the extension, practices are still strongly encouraged to transition to the use of electronic scripts as they are faster, secure and more convenient for prescribers, dispensers and consumers.  For support or queries on the use of eScripts, please contact your software vendor or the Digital Health Team



Have your say on the future of digital health

Driven by the 2018-2022 National Digital Health Strategy, the last 5 years have seen a remarkable rise in the use of digital technology in everyday clinical practice.
During this period, the My Health Record expansion program has transformed the way clinical information is shared, with 99% of GPs and Pharmacies using the system nationwide and over 425 million documents having been uploaded by consumers and their clinicians.  In WA alone, over 1.3 million documents were added by clinicians and 220,000 documents viewed in June 2021 compared to 72,000 uploads and under 4,000 views in June 2018. 
The ability to provide remote appointments using video consultations is transforming the way services are provided, allowing for innovative new ways of working and better continuity of care.  Over 70 million telehealth consultations have taken place since March 2021 to Australians nationwide from the city through to some of the most remote communities in the world. 
Despite having been widely available for less than a year, over 15 million electronic prescriptions have already been created nationwide, with consumers increasingly valuing the flexibility they provide.  Alongside the ability to create secure online referrals and electronically request pathology tests, ePrescriptions provide a secure and efficient support to both face to face and telehealth appointments.
Now the Australian Digital Health Agency is seeking your help to design the national strategy to be implemented over the next five years.  This is an exciting opportunity to have your say on the future of healthcare, both as a provider and consumer.


WA Department of Health concerns about S8 prescribing

Investigations by the Medicines and Poisons Regulations Branch (MPRB), at the Western Australian Department of Health, have identified a number of recurring concerns in relation to Schedule 8 (S8) medicines:

  • Prescribing of S8 medicines for patients who are recorded as drug-dependent or over-supplied, without the prescriber being authorised to prescribe for that patient as required by the S8 Medicines Prescribing Code.
  • Prescribers not contacting the Branch to confirm a patient’s status and S8 history, particularly when prescribing S8 medicines for a patient who is new to their practice.
  • Practices not confirming the identify of patients when they first attend the practice, which allows them to use different aliases at multiple practices.
  • Practice staff not understanding that the dispensing pharmacist must, by law, speak directly with the prescriber to verify S8 prescriptions, before these prescriptions can be dispensed for the patient.
  • Prescribers not meeting their obligation to provide the original paper-based S8 prescription directly to the supplying pharmacy, where they have previously used a digital image (such as via fax or email) to direct a pharmacist to dispense for their patient. The use of a fully electronic prescription means there is no requirement to mail prescriptions to pharmacies.
Medical practitioners who are considering prescribing a S8 medicine should contact the S8 Prescriber Information Service on 9222 4424 to:
  • Check whether the patient has been flagged as exhibiting high-risk behaviour, such as doctor-shopping or drug dependency and
  • Obtain information about their previous history of prescribed S8 medicines.

This telephone service is available Monday to Friday, 0830 to 1630.
Once Real-Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) becomes available to prescribers in early 2022, phoning the Branch will no longer be necessary as prescribers will be able to check the relevant information via links within their practice software.
MPRB also issues Patient Alerts for patients deemed to be at very high risk, because they are actively doctor shopping, using multiple aliases and/or forging prescriptions. Because MPRB only has verified contact details for registered pharmacies, these alerts are sent to pharmacies rather than medical practices. Pharmacists are asked to contact the Department if they receive a S8 prescription for a person who is subject to a Patient Alert and MPRB or the pharmacy will then contact the prescriber.



NPS MedicineWise update

NPS MedicineWise offer a broad range of evidence-based education and professional development for GPs, Pharmacists and Nurses. 

Topics are developed to promote discussion of the current evidence around a condition, with the aim of promoting the quality use of medicines, reducing overprescribing and improving health outcomes. 

All activities are free and accredited and supported by resources that can assist health professionals in their conversations with their patients.
Choose an activity to suit areas of interest within your practice and your preferred format – online, face-to-face, virtual or group discussion.   Topics and case studies are updated through the year.  Activities are accredited for RACGP QI&CPD program points and in the ACRRM PD program for GPs.   They can also be used as self-reported CPD by other health professions.

To review the topics currently on offer visit:



WA GP Advisory Panel Expression of Interest now open


WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), Rural Health West (RHW) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners WA (RACGP) WA (the Steering Group) have partnered to create a WA GP Advisory Panel.

The WA GP Advisory Panel will comprise a diverse range of GPs from across WA who will be able to provide timely guidance, advice or options to support the development and delivery of projects and initiatives being led, or input to, by WAPHA, RHW and RACGP WA.

We are calling for expressions of interest from General Practitioners across WA who are passionate about their fields of expertise and able to commit to quarterly meetings as well as occasional ad hoc consultations.

To express your interest in being part of this panel, please complete the Expression of Interest form by COB Thursday 30 September.


To discuss the Panel, please contact Jane Harwood, Stakeholder Engagement Manger at WA Primary Health Alliance by email via



Monash University KAP survey – LARCs and MTOP

Monash University is conducting a survey on long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) and medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) and would like your involvement.
The survey aims to establish levels of knowledge and attitudes on current practices of LARCs and MTOP. The survey is aimed at general practice GPs, general practice nurses and primary care pharmacists. The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete and participants will be reimbursed with a gift card.
To complete the survey click here or view the flyer here for further information.



Have your say: Guiding principles for medication management

Are you involved in medication management?  The Department of Health has engaged the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to review the two QUM publications relating to the National Medicines Policy, and would appreciate input with updating these publications:

The guiding principles support aged care facilities, clinicians and people taking medicines, and are focused on person-centred care.

Please review the updated publications and submit feedback by 27 September 2021 by visiting the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care website.

For more information, email



Practice Assist Resource Library

As part of our support for general practices, Practice Assist maintains a library of useful resources in our Practice Assist Resource Library. These resources range across different topics from GP Accreditation, Practice Incentives Program, to the latest in resources around COVID-19.
Here are some of our new and updated resources:

COVID-19 Resources

Digital Health

Programs & National Schemes

If you have an idea for a new resource or feedback on our current resources, please email with ideas and comments.



Health Promotion Events

Reception Insider – online podcast series for medical receptionists

Practice-staff-hero.jpgReceptionists influence how patients view their medical practice. They provide that first vital impression, and go on to build trust, allowing for the exchange of sensitive information. Their effectiveness, as well as that of the doctors, protects the patients and the practice against adverse outcomes.

In a busy practice, staying welcoming, focused and accurate is challenging. Receptionists juggle many tasks while the phone rings and patients line up. It’s hard to find time to grow their knowledge.

What they need is quick bites of information, on a variety of topics, tailored to the medical receptionist role. This is why the RACGP has developed Reception Insider: a free online series of five-minute podcasts.

Released podcasts: 

For more information on these podcasts or to contact RACGP please click here.

Heart Failure Masterclass Workshop

Multiple dates September to November 2021

Don’t miss out on the next heart failure management workshop! This is your chance to hear from cardiologists on the latest updates, connect with primary health professionals and learn ways to change your patient’s approach to their heart failure management. From September to November 2021.

This masterclass has been designed for primary health care professionals: GPs, nurses, pharmacists, Aboriginal community health workers. The masterclass builds on understanding of current evidence and guidelines for optimising outcomes in heart failure patients within the primary care setting. Attendees will also learn and utilise principles of change management to establish a vision and strategies for ensuring optimised patient care for people with heart failure. Attendees will be challenged
by a diverse array of case study scenarios.

For more information view the flyer here or register here


GP Breast Disease Education Forum

Saturday 2 October 2021 at 9:00am to 3:30pm 

Held at the Pan Pacific Perth, topics will include:
  • Breast Cancer contemporary management
  • Benign breast problems including dense breasts, implants, fibroadenoma and more
  • Survivorship issues including menopausal symptoms, diet and exercise, fertility and bone health
  • Panel discussion: questions and cases for discussion can be submitted upon registration
For more information view the flyer here or register here


Annual Review of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes (ARMED) 2021 

Saturday 30 October 

The Annual Review of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes (ARMED) 2021 is presented by South Metro Health Service, Fiona Stanley Hospital and Diabetes WA in partnership with WA Primary Health Alliance and HealthPathways WA. 

During this free event for general practitioners (GPs) the following topics will be covered: 

  • Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Workshop: Tailoring Type 2 Diabetes Treatments
  • ​Workshop: Diabetes Remission
  • Workshop: Issues for Diabetes in Pregnancy, pre and post
  • Diabetes Foot Disease
  • HealthPathways and Primary Care Resources

Morning tea and lunch will be provided. For more information, refer to the event invitation

To register, submit the online registration form by Monday 4 October. 


Rural Health West Aboriginal Health Conference 2021


Registrations are now open!
The Aboriginal Health Conference, hosted by Rural Health West will celebrate culture, strengths and successes in Aboriginal health – a time to reflect on past achievements and how we can address the challenges. The conference will provide a space to rejoice and reconnect with colleagues after a challenging year in terms of environmental impacts and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Aboriginal Health Conference is open to:

  • Aboriginal health workers
  • Medical practitioners and medical officers
  • Medical registrars
  • Aboriginal health practitioners
  • Nurses
  • Allied health workers
  • Health and medical students
  • Health organisations and stakeholders

Please visit the website for further information.


TADPole education module: Enhanced understanding of specific drugs and comorbid conditions

Green-tadpole.pngPerth metropolitan general practices are being offered the opportunity by Edith Cowan University (ECU) to have a free education session in their own practice 'Enhanced understanding of specific drugs and comorbid conditions'.  ECU will organise an addiction medicine specialist to visit your practice over your lunch hour to provide education on alcohol addiction, including information on the prevention of FASD and parent child attachment from an Aboriginal culturally appropriate framework.  They will also provide lunch and submit RACGP points for the GPs too.

Please email to register your interest.



Education and training

Visit our Webinars & Workshops page at for the events calendar.

Webinars & Workshops

Advance Care Planning Workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council WA & PaSCE
Monday 20 September
ENT Update
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 7 October
Optimising Care for People with Whiplash Associated Disorders
Presented by Black Swan Health
Tuesday 21 September
Heart Failure Masterclass
Presented by PSA and WA Primary Health Alliance
Multiple Dates

Become a rural GP: Emergency medicine skills
Presented by RACGP
Wednesday 22 September

Mental Health Week Opening Ceremony in Bunbury
Presented by WA Association for Mental Health
Saturday 9 October
Talking to your health professional (Wellard)
Presented by Choosing Wisely and City of Kwinana
Thursday 23 September
Adolescent eating disorders 
Presented by RACGP
Tuesday 12 October

Expert Insights - Repetitive Negative Thinking: Understanding and treating rumination and worry
Presented by Black Dog Institute
Wednesday 29 September

NCNP National Symposium
Presented by ACNP
Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 October
The health effects of climate change
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 30 September
Advance Care Planning Workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council & PaSCE
Monday 25 October
Treating doctor-patients- tips and tricks
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 30 September
Annual review of Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes (ARMED) 2021
Presented by Health Pathways
Saturday 30 October
Expression of Interest – STI and BBV Nursing: Working with young people 
Presented by ASHM
Date Pending
Advance Care Planning Workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council & PaSCE
Monday 1 November
GP Breast Disease Education 
Presented by ACRRM and RACGP
Saturday  2 October
Advance Care Planning Workshops: Residential Aged Care
Presented by Cancer Council & PaSCE
Monday 15 November
STI and BBV Nursing: Management and Care 
Presented by ASHM
Multiple dates (October)
Aboriginal Health Conference 2021
Presented by Rural Health West
Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 November
Sexual health update: Spotlight on syphilis
Presented by ASHM
Wednesday 6 October
AAPM State Conference
Presented by AAPM
Date to be confirmed
Workshop: Ophthalmology
Presented by RACGP
Thursday 7 October
APNA Conference Roadshow (WA)
Presented by APNA
Friday 25 to Saturday 26 February 2022 





Online Training

Foundations of Spirometry in Primary Health Care
Presented by APNA
Immunisation Endorsement Pathway (Nurse Immuniser)
Presented by Benchmarque Group
GP Framework for Child Mental Health Assessment
Presented by Emerging Minds
Keeping your practice COVID-safe
Presented by RACGP
Diabetes in Practice for Nurses
Presented by Diabetes Qualified
Medico-legal concerns and My Health Record
Presented by RACGP
Electronic Prescribing online training
Presented by ADHA
Chronic Disease Management and Healthy Ageing online program
Presented by APNA
RACGP webinar - Phone and Video consultations
Presented by RACGP
Safety Through Reporting
Presented by Department of Health & TGA



Allocation of surgical masks from the National Medical Stockpile

WA Primary Health Alliance has been advised by the Australian Department of Health that the National Medical Stockpile is a strategic reserve and not a general supplier of personal protective equipment (PPE). The Stockpile is only intended to provide PPE where commercial supply is unavailable and there is a demonstrated need or clinical advice for its use.
We appreciate that some providers have been accessing the Stockpile regularly until now.

Due to the widespread commercial availability of PPE supply, as per Government advice, WA Primary Health Alliance will request a declaration from your organisation as proof it has been unable to source a commercial supply.
WA Primary Health Alliance can only provide PPE where commercial supply is unavailable and requests meet the following criteria:

  • There is no local supply available commercially.
  • The people coming to your practice are more likely to have been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Your practice has an unusual number of patients who have respiratory symptoms.
WA Primary Health Alliance will provide surgical masks to community pharmacies if they meet both of the criteria below:
  • There is no local supply available commercially.
  • Staff have significant contact with people who have fever and respiratory symptoms.

If you are experiencing difficulties obtaining PPE from a commercial supplier, please email WA Primary Health Alliance via addressing the above points.

Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.