From 24 March 2022, all PPE orders from general practices which qualify for Living with COVID PPE Bundles from the National Medical Stockpile will be dispatched through a national distribution system. This will be overseen by the Australian Government Department of Health and run by DHL. This change will support a more streamlined approach to PPE distribution and provide greater visibility of stock tracking and delivery via a national distribution centre. WA Primary Health Alliance’s role will be to receive and validate orders, then release them into the national ordering system.
General practices should continue to submit orders using their organisation’s personalised link to the WA Primary Health Alliance PPE order form. If you cannot find your personalised link, please email pperesponse@wapha.org.au
There will be no change to the way in which general practices submit their orders. However, the form will be updated as general practices must now include the Provider ID numbers of relevant general practitioners managing COVID positive patients for whom the PPE is sought. These numbers will be used by the Australian Government Department of Health to ensure correct allocations of PPE.
WA Primary Health Alliance will validate orders before releasing them into the national system within 24 to 48 hours of receipt, or the following business day for orders received after 12pm on a Friday. DHL will email a purchase order confirmation that general practices can use to track their order. Delivery timelines will vary depending on location. You can continue to send any queries to pperesponse@wapha.org.au and, if necessary, we will escalate these to the Australian Government Department of Health. Read the fact sheet on the new process, including confirmation of which general practitioners are eligible for Living with COVID Bundles, here.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge general practices, this week the Practice Assist team has been focusing on useful resources to assist practice staff and administration teams. We recently heard from a practice manager in Victoria who had to double her practice’s administration support staff to manage the increased operational demands during a sustained outbreak. To find out more, view the recording of our webinar about Practice Preparedness for COVID - Lessons from the East Coast. In response to the anticipated increased workload, we have developed a new cheat sheet with COVID-19 Tips for GP Administration Teams and a simple one-page document outlining a range of COVID-19 Links to Useful Resources for practice staff. It is also important to remember that every challenge or change is an opportunity for quality improvement in your practice to support accreditation and enhance administration systems. If you would like further information or coaching on quality improvement activities in your practice, please reach out to our Practice QI Coaches by emailing practiceassist@wapha.org.au or calling 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478).
Have you or your practice team identified patients who are homebound and haven’t received their COVID-19 vaccinations? Homebound people have been identified as a vulnerable cohort who are at considerable risk of contracting COVID-19 and they have limited access to the COVID-19 vaccination program. People are deemed to be homebound when they are unable to leave their home environment as a result of physical or psychological illness. Your practice may currently provide telehealth services and/or home visits to homebound patients or they may use a proxy to attend the practice on their behalf. Click here for detailed information. If your practice cannot assist with providing COVID-19 vaccinations to homebound patients, they can request assistance from the WA Department of Health by submitting the COVID-19 Vaccination: Further Assistance Required online form or emailing covid.immunisation@health.wa.gov.au
As the WA health sector responds to the increase of COVID-19 infections in the community, GP Respiratory Clinics (GPRCs) are available to see your symptomatic or COVID positive patients (both adults and children) face-to-face and via telehealth. This may be a good option if your practice cannot see them safely, reducing the risk of infection to staff and other patients. It also provides an option for COVID positive telehealth patients that you think may need a face-to-face examination that cannot be done at your practice. Read more and book an appointment here
HealthPathways WA is a secure web-based portal with information on patient assessment, management, and referral pathways to assist clinicians in navigating patients through the complex primary, community and acute health care system in Western Australia. The pathways are developed by General Practitioners (GPs) to be used during consultation but can also be utilised by other health professionals.
Feedback can be provided on all pathways using the “Send Feedback” button at the bottom of each page. To access HealthPathways, please email the HealthPathways team at healthpathways@wapha.org.au
The Videos and Resources section of the COVID-19 Vaccination Training Program Dashboard have been updated with a revised Vaccine Comparison Poster to include information related to Moderna (SPIKEVAX) (Ages 6 – 11 years). The poster provides key differences between each COVID-19 vaccine approved for use in Australia as per the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Guidelines. Log into the training modules here to access this updated resource
Please be aware that the COVID-19 Vaccine Operations Centre (VOC) opening hours have changed. VOC is now open from 7:00am – 9:00pm AEDT (7 days). Ph: 1800 318 208 Email: COVID19VaccineOperationsCentre@health.gov.au
The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) have released a new COVID-19 vaccine decision aid for children (5–15 years). This has been developed to help parents and carers make a decision about getting a COVID-19 vaccine for their child.
Through five simple steps, the COVID-19 vaccine decision aid for children (5–15) offers information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the available vaccines to help parents weigh up the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccination for children.
Healthcare providers are encouraged to use this tool during consultations with patients to support discussions about COVID-19 vaccination in children.
Also still available is the COVID-19 vaccine decision aid (16+ years).
Access the COVID-19 vaccine decision aids here
On 16 January 2022, the Australian Government announced the re-introduction of certain temporary telehealth items to the Medicare Benefits Schedule to ensure healthcare providers have additional flexibility to safely support their patients during the Omicron outbreak.
In line with this decision, DVA has re-introduced temporary telehealth arrangements for allied health providers delivering initial and extended consultations to eligible Veteran Card holders between 1 January and 30 June 2022. These arrangements are a temporary change to the permanent telehealth services introduced on 1 January 2022. Read more here
WA Primary Health Alliance has produced vaccination stickers that we are sending to general practices. This is to let people entering your premises know that your staff are fully vaccinated, and to encourage your patients and other visitors to get vaccinated, if they are not already. The stickers can be easily removed, when no longer required. We hope you find these useful. For additional supplies, please contact communications@wapha.org.au
Millions of free Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will be given to Western Australians for free as part of the WA Free RAT Program. RATs will be automatically sent to people who previously registered to have their first five free tests delivered. Read more
In our last edition of Practice Connect, we discussed the new Digital Health - 'How To Series' available by visiting our Digital Health Toolkit webpage. Each fortnight we will upload, videos, imagery and written information on all the important Digital Health tools. All you have to do is click here choose what way you want to learn more. This fortnight we are fully focused on Telehealth. You will find written information as well as videos on everything to do with Telehealth. We have pulled together an FAQ on Telehealth so if you have a specific question, we are sure it will be answered there, if it is not please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further. As this ‘how to’ series is new to WAPHA we would love to hear your feedback, especially on if you find the information useful and if so, what medium do you prefer it in. You can email us with your feedback or any questions you may have on ehealth@wapha.org.au
Learnings from colleagues on the east coast have indicated that using telehealth services during the pandemic has been critical for the health care of their patients, and the business continuity of their practice. If you are not telehealth enabled please contact our Digital Health Team or see the Digital Health resources below. The Department of Health has extended the healthdirect Video Call COVID- 19 GP Program to 30 June 2022.
This provides free Video Call access for general practitioners working in private practice and/or Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs).
In collaboration with the RACGP, Healthdirect Australia is offering CPD courses that support GPs and Practice Managers to use Video Call more confidently and effectively. The following free courses are run by Healthdirect’s RACGP Education Activity Representatives:
This module is for GPs new to Video Call and covers the basic functionality of the platform. The course will also suit Practice Managers who may be implementing telehealth into their practice workflows. Register here for essential training
This module covers more advanced use of the platform. The course will also suit Practice Managers and anyone interested in how Video Call can reshape the provision of services to patients or clients. Register here for advanced training Please contact the healthdirect Video Call team if you have any questions.
Please review the following information that has been emailed to practices this week:
For information on the 2022 WA Influenza vaccination program, please visit Immunisation provider information and resources website for our most recent Vaccine Update.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to protecting Western Australians from influenza.
The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) have released a new Influenza Vaccines for Australians fact sheet that provides information for immunisation providers on seasonal influenza vaccines that are available in Australia in 2022. Topics covered include:
This fact sheet can be used in conjunction with the NCIRS fact sheet Influenza Vaccines – Frequently Asked Questions which provides responses to common questions about influenza viruses and seasonal influenza vaccines.
The Communicable Disease Control Directorate (CDCD) Immunisation Program invites all WA immunisation providers to attend the 2022 WA Influenza Update. The session will cover a general overview of the influenza disease trends and vaccine. You will also learn about the WA Health 2022 state-wide community Influenza vaccination program, vaccine brands, vaccine ordering processes, and promotional activities. All immunisation providers delivering influenza vaccines in both the public and private sectors are welcome. The session is free and conducted virtually, next Wednesday 23 March (8.30am to 11.00am AWST) via Microsoft Teams. Register here
The General Practice Education program at Cancer Council WA is committed to providing valuable education experiences to all primary care health professionals in Western Australia (WA). They are currently seeking additional representation on their General Practice Advisory Committee. The General Practice Advisory Committee comprises of a diverse range of members including General Practitioners, and representatives from the WA Clinical Oncology Group, WA Primary Health Alliance, and Cancer Council WA’s Palliative and Supportive Care Education program. The committee acts in a consultative and collaborative manner to inform, guide and support the development and delivery of cancer education activities for primary care health professionals. Expressions of interest are sought from primary care health professionals (including Practice Nurses, GPs, allied health professionals, consumers, and peak body representatives who have a special interest in cancer and can commit to seasonal meetings, and correspondence between meetings) To express your interest in being part of the Cancer Council WA General Practice Advisory Committee, please submit an Expression of Interest form by Monday 25 April. They are are particularly hoping to hear from people who can provide a voice for regional WA or who work with particular priority groups such as:
Click here to complete submit an expression of interest form. Questions? For further information please contact Kate Alford, General Practice Education Coordinator at Cancer Council WA by email via gp@cancerwa.asn.au
It's Coeliac Awareness Week (CAW 2022) from 13-20 March 2022, and this year we are shining a light on the little-known link between iron deficiency and coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is a common cause of iron deficiency, estimated to affect 1 in 20 cases of low iron in men and women. Yet many people remain unaware of this life-changing link, or that iron deficiency should always be investigated further by a healthcare professional. That’s why CAW 2022 is encouraging people with iron deficiency or those with related symptoms, such as lethargy, migraines, headaches or poor concentration, to seek medical advice and ask the question: Could it be coeliac disease? It’s a question that we’re also asking healthcare professionals to consider. 1 in 70 Australians are estimated to have coeliac disease, but a staggering 4 out of 5 are estimated to still remain undiagnosed. Early diagnosis of coeliac disease can have profound impact on a person’s quality of life and reduces the risk of long-term health complications such as osteoporosis or lymphoma.
MedicineInsight is a data program that aims to support quality improvement in general practice, while also providing a national pool of deidentified data to support effective post-market surveillance of medicines. MedicineInsight was established by NPS MedicineWise with funding from the Commonwealth and is free to general practices Australia wide. The program draws de-identified, longitudinal data from consenting practices. Data is pooled and made available to participating practices in useful clinical summary reports. The reports give GPs insights into prescribing patterns at local, regional and national levels, supporting quality improvement in healthcare decisions and improved patient outcomes. If you are interested in finding out more about MedicineInsight, further information is available on the NPS MedicineWise website or by contacting Nicole Humphrey on 08 6272 4921 (email nhumphrey@nps.org.au).
The Tool Kit provides useful fact sheets, user guides, checklists, business plans, posters and other resources covering all aspects of the day-to-day operations of successful general practices.
The Communicable Disease Control Directorate (CDCD) Immunisation Program invites all WA immunisation providers to attend the 2022 WA Influenza Update. The session will cover a general overview of the influenza disease trends and vaccine. You will also learn about the WA Health 2022 state-wide community Influenza vaccination program, vaccine brands, vaccine ordering processes, and promotional activities. All immunisation providers delivering influenza vaccines in both the public and private sectors are welcome. The session is free and conducted virtually, via Microsoft Teams. Register here
The Immunisation Coalition invites you to attend the Influenza Masterclass 2022. Join Prof Robert Booy and a panel of Australian experts as they discuss:
Register here
On Thursday 24 March 2022, from 6 – 7:30pm, the Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD)Network commences their second session. If you have an interest in:
then this Network meeting is for you. Dr Wendy Lawrence, Addiction Medicine Specialist and General Practitioner at The Mental Health Commission and North Metropolitan Community Alcohol and Drug Service, will lead the presentation on Starting the Conversation with Patients. Participants then have an opportunity to present a real-life case and to ask peers questions on the best evidence based approach to helping complex alcohol and other drug cases. If you have a question for like-minded peers and AOD subject matter experts, let us know in the registration and we will contact you. Please Register here Registrations are open for the remainder of the series. Sessions are held in a drop-in format every fourth Thursday of the month, for 75 minutes. Eligible attendees of the peer learning program will receive CPD points recognised with RACGP and ACRRM. Please visit the Project Page for more information or contact Project ECHO Officer, Isobel Storey, at Isobel.storey@wapha.org.au for queries or questions.
Applications for Treatment Skills and Advanced Skills are closing. Treatment Skills applications close on the 31 March 2022, and Advanced Skills applications close on the 21 March 2022. GPs can apply directly from the AOD homepage. There are a limited number of spaces available. GPs then have up until July 2022 to complete the training. This is the last opportunity for GPs to apply for training and receive a grant payment on completion. WA Program registration and completion data Please find attached the Program registration and completion data for WA participants, as of March 2022. Please sort by postcode to identify GPs in your region. GPs consent to having their registration information shared with the PHNs when they register for the Program. Refer to the Treatment Skills and Advanced Skills Terms and conditions. Please do not share this information with third parties.
WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) is delighted to share the learning content of the three Living with COVID-19 Webinars that were hosted by dynamic presenter Katrina Otto in the early months of this year. Within these sessions, Katrina addressed topics that were highlighted by practices in the recent WAPHA practice survey and discussions with practice managers. See below for the individual session topics and the links to their recording.
More details on our presenter and the course she delivers can be found here: www.trainitmedical.com.au For more events you may be interested in, see our website for all upcoming events. This calendar is updated regularly so keep your eyes peeled!
A recording of this National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) webinar is now available.
How do we get to immunisation business as usual while living with SARS-CoV-2?
Watch the recording of the first NCIRS webinar to hear from our expert speakers on:
View the webinar here
BreastScreen WA mobile visit CARNARVON Presented by BreastScreen WA 16 March to 11 April
Culturally Responsive Care and Hepatitis B Presented by ASHM 22 March
Shifting the focus: the pandemic and children – two years on Presented by The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne 22 March
Bringing the ‘social’ into mental health Presented by Hobart Mental Health Professionals' Network 29 March
C the Whole Story: Hepatitis C in Homelessness, AOD, and Mental Health Settings Presented by ASHM 1 April
STI and BBV Nursing: Management and Care Presented by ASHM 4, 5, 11 & 12 April
Hepatitis B Case Discussion Presented by ASHM 6 April
2022 Wound Management Workshops: Metro Presented by Clinical Design Solutions Multiple Dates
2022 Wound Management Workshops: Regional Presented by Clinical Design Solutions Multiple Dates
Practice Owners National Conference registrations are open Presented by RACGP 14 to 15 May
2022 ACNP National Conference: Inspiring Future Growth for Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice Presented by ANCP 13-15 October