Practice Connect #142

14 April 2022

Welcome to this Practice Connect, as we feature this fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on the Influenza Vaccine, as well as relevant issues, upcoming events and education.



 Influenza-1.jpg  Feature Edition: 2022 Flu Vaccination Season



The 2022 Influenza Immunisation Season has now commenced

Vaccination against influenza is important this year with the Australian community potentially more vulnerable to the virus.

With the easing of international and domestic public health measures arising from the COVID-19 global pandemic, a resurgence of influenza is expected in 2022, with the Australian community potentially more vulnerable to the virus this Winter.


Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all people aged 6 months and over (unless contraindicated). The National Immunisation Program (NIP) funds influenza vaccines for people most at risk.

The public are encouraged to start to book their appointments from mid-April to ensure the best protection at the peak of the season which is usually between June and September.
The WA Department of Health would like to provide a vaccine ordering update to immunisation providers: 



Help stop the Flu in 2022 - This year, it’s even more important to get the flu vaccine

As the public health measures are eased in WA, it has been highlighted that we may see a steady rise in the Influenza rates this year. Some of the most vulnerable patients in our communities will be at high risk of contracting the flu. This year it is even more important to get the flu vaccine and practices may consider looking at how they will deliver their flu vaccine program in 2022 and ensure they are not missing any of their patients that fall into the high-risk category.  A poster identifying who is eligible for a FREE Flu vaccine and many other resources are available at Department of Health.

The PIP QI Incentive rewards practices for participating in continuous Quality Improvement activities in partnership and with the support of their local Primary Health Network.  There are ten specified Quality Improvement measures (QIM) to assist practices meeting their requirements for PIP QI, three of which are listed below and directly related to immunisation against flu.

4. Proportion of patients aged 65 and over who were immunised against influenza.
5. Proportion of patients with diabetes who were immunised against influenza.
6. Proportion of patients with COPD who were immunised against influenza.

General practices sharing unidentified patient data with WA Primary Health Alliance or their local PHN, have been provided access to the Pen CS suite of tools. Using Pen CS practices can access recipes to identify various cohorts of patients and patient groups to assist with their Quality Improvement activities.

Should you require any assistance, please contact Practice Assist 1800 2 ASSIST (277 478) or and our friendly team will put you in touch with your QI coach and Navigator who will be more than happy to support your practice.




HealthPathways WA Influenza Immunisation Update

In preparation for flu season the HealthPathways WA team is currently undertaking a review of the following pathways within the immunisation suite:

These pathway updates will soon be available via the HealthPathways WA website and will include the latest ATAGI advice on co-administering the influenza vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccinations. There has been no change, since 2021, to the eligibility for government funded influenza immunisations.

To gain access to the site email the HealthPathways team at



Influenza Immunisation – available clinical resources for practices

The following clinical information and resources are available to support immunisation providers:



Influenza Immunisation – available promotional resources for practices

Promotional materials including posters and brochures are being distributed to General Practices and Aboriginal Medical Services nationwide, with extra resources available to be ordered. Please see here for available resources:  


Co-administration of COVID-19 and influenza vaccines MBS billing advice

COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations can be administered at the same time and may be provided to patients at one visit.

The Australian Government Department of Health advises that GPs have no obligation to bulk-bill patients receiving an influenza vaccination.

However, patients who receive a COVID-19 booster vaccination at the same appointment must be bulk-billed for the COVID-19 vaccine part of the service.

The Department have provided the following case study for further clarification.


Hera is invited to attend her local metropolitan medical practice to receive her annual flu vaccination. Because of the time that has elapsed since she received her second COVID-19 vaccination she is now eligible for a booster, her GP, Dr X, recommends that she also have a COVID-19 booster shot. Dr X explains that it is no longer necessary to wait two weeks between different types of vaccinations, so Hera agrees to have both vaccinations at the same time.

Dr X provides the vaccine suitability assessment service, using MBS item 93644 for a second dose suitability assessment provided in a metropolitan area during business hours. As it is still a requirement that MBS COVID-19 vaccination support services be bulk-billed, Hera does not have to pay a fee for this part of the attendance.

Because Hera attended the practice to receive a booster vaccination, Dr X also bills MBS item 93666, for the vaccine booster incentive. However, Hera is not in one of the categories of patients eligible for a free annual influenza vaccine under the National Immunisation Program, and Dr X is not required to bulk bill her for this part of the attendance. Hera is already aware that she will have to pay a co-payment for the flu vaccination.

Dr X bills this part of the attendance using MBS item 23, for a level B standard attendance. Hera receives $39.10 as the Medicare rebate for the service. If Hera had been an eligible patient under the National Immunisation Program, Dr X would not have charged a co-payment for any part of the attendance. Instead, Hera received a bulk-billed COVID-19 vaccine suitability assessment and was charged a co-payment for the influenza vaccination.

Read the MBS FAQs for more information.



COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations at residential aged care facilities

Residential aged care facility managers may have begun to contact local general practice to administer COVID-19 booster (winter dose) and influenza vaccines at in-reach clinics.

If your general practice has in-reach clinics booked at a residential aged care facility, please notify WA Primary Health Alliance via email as this is part of our Commonwealth reporting requirements.



AusVaxSafety commences routine monitoring of 2022 seasonal influenza vaccines

With 2022 seasonal influenza vaccines now available across Australia, AusVaxSafety has commenced active surveillance to monitor the adverse event profile and safety of the vaccines in near-real time.

AusVaxSafety sends out a short online survey via SMS or email to individuals (or their parent/carer) who receive their influenza vaccine at a participating AusVaxSafety site, allowing participants to report any side effects they may have experienced after vaccination.

De-identified data from completed surveys are analysed and monitored by epidemiologists and vaccine experts to ensure that vaccines are performing as safely as expected in real-world conditions.

AusVaxSafety data for the 2022 influenza vaccines will be available on the AusVaxSafety website from Wednesday 20 April 2022 and updated weekly.

Read more here



ATAGI advice on seasonal influenza vaccines in 2022ATAGI-Statement-two.PNG

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has developed advice for immunisation providers regarding the administration of 2022 seasonal influenza vaccines.

It includes information about:

  • the influenza vaccines available for use in Australia in 2022, by age
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​influenza virus strains included in the 2022 seasonal influenza vaccines
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​timing of vaccination, including for travel and co-administration with COVID-19 vaccines
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​vaccination for pregnant women
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​eligibility for influenza vaccines funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​medical conditions that are associated with an increased risk of influenza complications.

Access here




2022 Influenza immunisation – education available for immunisation providers

There are several webinars and online modules available to update providers on the 2022 influenza immunisation program.

Immunisation Update for Practice Nurses - Register NOW

Thursday 5 May 2022 - 6.00pm to 7.30pm (AWST)

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance and Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control (MCDC)
Join us for the return of our popular Immunisation Update for general practice staff.

More information here

2022 WA Health Influenza Online Education Module – now LIVE

The WA Department of Heath 2022 influenza online education module is now LIVE. The influenza module has been developed to support immunisation providers to undertake an annual refresher on this topic and provides the user with up-to-date information for the upcoming 2022 influenza season.

In order to access the influenza module, as well as the full library of Immunisation Update modules, users are required to complete a registration form. Your request will be responded to within 3 working days. Please note: please look out for an email from Rise Education with a link to complete the modules.

Once access is provided, users will have two weeks to complete the module and obtain a copy of their certificate. Please note: user access to the platform will be automatically removed at the end of the two-week period. WA Health does not keep a record of any assessments or certificates, and it is up to the user to save a copy for their records

Managing seasonal respiratory viruses: Flu and SARS-CoV-2 Winter 2022

This webinar hosted by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) was recorded on Tuesday 05 April 2022, and chaired by Professor Kristine Macartney. Watch the recording to find out what you need to know to be prepared for influenza and COVID-19 vaccination in 2022.

View the webinar here

WA Immunisation Program 2022 Influenza Update - Recording now available

On Wednesday 23 March 2022, the Immunisation Program, Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Department of Health hosted the ‘2022 WA Influenza Update’ for all immunisation providers in WA.

The full recording of the Influenza Update, as well as the presentation PDFs are now available to access on the Immunisation Education webpage, under the ‘Immunisation Education Update sessions’ heading.

View the Immunisation Education webpage here

The Immunisation Coalition’s 2022 Influenza Vaccination Webinar

The Immunisation Coalition’s annual update on Influenza Vaccination for GPs, Immunisation Nurses, Pharmacists, and other immunisation professionals.
This webinar provides the latest information on influenza vaccines for 2022, as well as everything you need to know about influenza vaccination during the pandemic.

View webinar here


PA-Icon-3-(5).JPG   COVID-19 Updates 



Good News Story – HJ Lochner General Practice

The importance of engaging and collaborating with other health services

According to the RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition), it is important for general practices to engage and collaborate with other health services to deliver comprehensive care to patients whose healthcare requires the integration of multiple services.
The value of this engagement was recently demonstrated by HJ Lochner General Practice in Hopetoun. Working with other health service providers in the region, Dr Hermanus Lochner was able to assist an 83 year-old, COVID-positive patient with comorbidities into the WA COVID Care at Home program and commence antiviral treatment within 24 hours of diagnosis.
Practice Manager/Practice Nurse at HJ Lochner General Practice, Alison Bell, said that Dr Lochner was able to provide local medical care for the patient and her family members who tested positive to COVID-19.
“The patient and her family were very impressed with the frequent phone calls and advice they received from the WA COVID Care at Home program. They felt very supported during the time they were in isolation and were able to access all the care they required,” she said.
To stay up to date with the latest news and information during the COVID-19 pandemic, the team at HJ Lochner General Practice regularly refer to the Practice Connect Newsletter, GP Connect Newsletter, Practice Assist COVID-19 Practice Resources and the COVID-19 HealthPathways.
“For up-to-date clinical information, our go-to resource is HealthPathways, which helps us stay across the frequent clinical changes in the management of COVID-19. We also found the Practice Assist Living with COVID-19 Pandemic Checklist and Toolkit a valuable tool in developing our practice procedures because all the information we required was in one document,” Ms Bell said.
From Ms Bell’s experience, having direct communication between general practices and WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) is very beneficial for improving patient outcomes.
Alison Bell and Dr Hermanus Lochner from HJ Lochner General Practice in Hopetoun.



Paediatric COVID Care @ Home - SPARC COVID

The Statewide Paediatric and Adolescent Remote Care (SPARC) COVID team is a specialised multidisciplinary service under the broader COVID Care @ Home program.

SPARC COVID service facilitates virtual home monitoring (telephone and telehealth reviews) for children across WA with significant underlying medical conditions associated with increased risk of severe COVID disease.

View the flyer here for more information.




Funding for non-Medicare patient COVID-19 vaccinations

The Australian Government Department of Health has provided funding to WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) to allocate for the provision of COVID-19 vaccinations for non-Medicare patients. 

About the funding 

WAPHA can reimburse general practices to the value of the relevant MBS item number to support non-Medicare patients being vaccinated against COVID-19. 

General practices can only be reimbursed for services administered between 4 April 2022 to 30 June 2022. 

Claims for some historical vaccinations may be accepted, however this would be decided on a case-by-case basis.  

As reimbursement can occur from now until the end of June 2022, WAPHA is keeping the process simple.  

The invoicing process and requirements for reports from practices will be minimal (reports would include: numbers vaccinated, dose interval and any good new stories). 

Note: To claim, practices will be required to declare reimbursement (ie. private fee charge) has not already been received for the services claimed. 

WAPHA understands some practices are not taking part in the COVID-19 vaccination program

However, practices with a large cohort of non-Medicare patients wishing to make the most of available funding can be supported to submit an expression of interest to join the program. 

Note: Being a provider of the National Immunisation Program (NIP) is a requirement for joining the COVID-19 vaccination program and sites must be able to meet relevant site requirements. 

Please contact the Practice Assist team for further information. 



VIDEO how to guide: Providing patients with antiviral and monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19

The HealthPathways and Digital Health Teams have created a short video for clinicians to provide an introduction to prescribing antiviral and monoclonal treatments for COVID-19.  The five minute video is designed to complement the COVID-19 Assessment and Management pathway and:

  • Provides an overview of the available treatments
  • Demonstrates how to access the COVID-19 Assessment and Management pathway
  • Explains the use of the WA Department of Health (WA Health) COVID-19 Emergency Treatment Approval Forms
  • Shows the process followed once WA Emergency COVID-19 treatment approval has been given

View the video here




Public holiday PPE ordering arrangements

Practices can continue to submit PPE orders via WA Primary Health Alliance form using their personalised link throughout the Easter and Anzac Day holiday period.  As usual, orders which are accepted, will be sent to the national logistics provider. However, the Australian Government Department of Health has advised it cannot guarantee orders will be processed by the national logistics provider until after the public holidays.



Register RATs via the WA Department of Health 13 COVID helpline

The WA Department of Health has updated its 13 COVID (13 26843) coronavirus (COVID-19) information helpline with an option to register a positive RAT test.

When consumers call the helpline – after a short introduction they will hear the following prompt:

To register for free household Rapid Antigen Tests, assistance uploading a positive test result, if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or are a close contact, need information about isolation requirements or to register for care at home following a positive COVID result or information on where to get tested press one.

If an individual needs welfare support from the Department of Communities, they need to press Option 4 and then Option 2.

Your practice may want to direct patients who present with a positive RAT to the helpline, alternatively the following script could be shared on social media:

A rapid antigen test (RAT) is a quick at home test to check if you may have COVID-19.

To register a positive RAT call 13 COVID (13 26843) or register your result online at

After registering a RAT, WA Health will send a follow up text message with a short survey. You can use this survey to indicate if you need urgent help or extra support while isolating with COVID-19.



Changes to Vaccine Operations Centre (VOC) operating hours

The VOC operating hours have permanently changed to the following:

Monday to Thursday 5.00am - 6.00pm
Friday 5.00am - 7.00pm
Saturday to Sunday 6.00am - 5.00pm

With the following operating hours over the Easter and Anzac Day public holidays:

Date Public Holiday VOC Opening Hours
15 April 2022 Good Friday 7.00am  to 4.00pm 
16 April 2022 Easter Saturday 7.00am  to 4.00pm 
17 April 2022 Easter Sunday 7.00am  to 4.00pm 
18 April 2022 Easter Monday 7.00am  to 4.00pm 
25 April 2022 ANZAC Day 7.00am  to 4.00pm 

Delivery schedules have also been adjusted during this period:

Date Public Holiday VOC Opening Hours
15 April 2022 Good Friday To be delivered by RDD Thursday 14 April
18 April 2022 Easter Monday To be delivered by RDD Friday 22 April
25 April 2022 ANZAC Day To be delivered by RDD Friday 29 April


PA-Icon-14-(3).JPG   Digital Health Updates 



Digital Health - 'How To Series' - Secure Messaging (new)

In our last edition of Practice Connect, we discussed the new Digital Health - 'How To Series' available by visiting our  Digital Health Toolkit  webpage.
Each fortnight we will upload, videos, imagery and written information on all the important Digital Health tools. All you have to do is click here choose what way you want to learn more.
This fortnight we are fully focused on Secure Messaging. You will find written information as well as videos on everything to do with Secure Messaging. We have pulled together an FAQ on Secure Messaging so if you have a specific question, we are sure it will be answered there, if it is not please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further.
As this ‘how to’ series is new to WAPHA we would love to hear your feedback, especially if you find the information useful and if so, what medium do you prefer it in. You can email us with your feedback or any questions you may have on



Healthdirect Video Call platform

The Department of Health has funded access to the HealthDirect Video Call platform to 30 June 2022.

This provides free Video Call access for general practitioners working in private practice and/or Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs).

  • For GPs in private practice wanting to start using the service, please register your practice. For GPs in ACCHOs wanting to start using the service, please register for access.
  • For training and education on the use of the platform, including CPD accredited webinars, see the HealthDirect portal or contact the Digital Health Team via Practice Assist



PA-Icon-10-(4).JPG   Immunisation & Cancer Screening Updates 



World Immunisation Week 24 to 30 April

World Immunisation Week is just around the corner and aims promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against vaccine-preventable diseases.
To help counteract some of the myths surrounding vaccines, our Immunisation Myths campaign, features a series of short videos debunking some of the myths and encourages people to seek further advice from their GP.
You can watch and share the videos below or visit our website for more information: 


Support for general practice

If you are a general practice and want to find out more about how we can help you to increase your childhood immunisation rates, please contact your usual Practice Support team member, or contact our toll free Practice Assist helpdesk on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478) or email



Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV): information for health professionals and consumers

ATAGI, CDNA and the Department of Health has produced clinical guidance and advice regarding JEV vaccines.

They are monitoring the unfolding situation in Australia concerning the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). It has been declared a Communicable Disease Incident of National Significance.

As at 6 April 2022, there are 35 human cases of JEV in Australia. 23 have been confirmed with definitive laboratory and 12 are probable cases where the person has been linked epidemiologically and/or has symptoms of the disease and has laboratory suggestive evidence. None of these cases have occurred in WA.

The following resources and webpages are available regarding Japanese encephalitis:



The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and transition to web services

A new resource has been developed to assist providers with information about the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and the transition to web services.

What is web services?

Web services is a technology that is available over the internet. It enables two-way communication between two devices on a network, which means they can talk to each other securely and share data and services.
The resource provides information about the transition to web services. Web services compatible Practice Management Software (PMS) will allow providers to access AIR and view a patient’s immunisation history without needing to log on to the AIR site. All providers who use PMS  to do business with Services Australia need to transition to web services compatible software to ensure their organisation can continue to do so. This includes transmitting vaccination encounters to AIR.

The resource is also available on the NCIRS website (under Vaccines delivery and AIR) for public access by all health professionals and immunisation providers.
Please note that this document will be updated when new information is received and version control should be considered. Once printed, this document is no longer quality controlled.



Webinar-1-pink-(1).jpg   Other news



Lung Cancer Screening Education and Training Survey

Lung cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Australia and accounts for 9% of all cancers.  It is responsible for almost one in five cancer deaths in Australia. Cancer Australia, in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Health, has commenced the early scoping of a potential national lung cancer screening program. As part of this work, Cancer Australia has engaged the University of Melbourne to undertake initial scoping work on workforce requirements for a potential Lung Cancer Screening program.

You can contribute to this work through a short survey (7-10 minutes) to identify future training and education needs across the healthcare workforce. The survey takes 7-10 minutes to complete and closes on Tuesday 26 April.  You can access the survey here or by clicking the QR code below.




Governance of primary health care data on Primary Health Insights

In an age where data can be used to great benefit, it is helpful for GPs and general practices to understand how patients’ and practices’ sensitive data is kept safe and their privacy protected.

Read more here




HealthPathways Update: Non-acute Mental Health Assessment request page restructure

HealthPathways are reviewed every 3 years or more frequently if clinical guidelines are updated. Feedback from HealthPathways users is greatly appreciated and is routinely considered in the review process.

General practitioners and other HealthPathways users have told us that the previous version of the Non-Acute Mental Health Assessment request page was difficult to navigate and that during a busy consultation it was difficult to locate the information required. The request page had grown significantly since it was first developed. As such during the review process, the page was divided, and similar services were grouped on separate request pages.

The updated version of the Non-acute Mental Health Assessment contains listings for community-based adult mental health services. The page also contains links to the new request pages which contain the other services previously housed on the Non-Acute Mental Health Assessment request page as well as additional services added during the review process.

The new request pages include Psychological Therapy, Mental Health Care Coordination and  Psychosocial support and Mental Health Transitional Residential Care.

It is hoped that this new structure will allow users to more easily locate the service their patient requires. Feedback on the new structure can be provided by emailing the HealthPathways team or by clicking on the ‘send feedback’ icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the request page.



Head to Health Assessment and Referral Phone Service tender now open

A new Assessment and Referral Phone Service will open for calls statewide from July 2022. The mental healthcare initiative is formed under the national Head to Health network of services, as part of the Australian Government National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan.
Operating alongside the Midland Head to Health adult mental health centre and Head to Health digital platform, the service provides state-wide access to telephone-based assessment and referral to match people to services to meet their mental health needs. 
WAPHA is leading the service establishment, with the tender process now commenced. An update on procurement for the awarded service provider is expected May 2022. The service model aligns with the person-centric principles identified by stakeholders through the initial pilot design phase for a service that is:

  • Accessible & Equitable
  • Simple & Intuitive
  • Respectful & Ethical
  • Responsible, Reliable & Accountable
  • Flexible & Supportive
  • Integrated

The dedicated landing page for the project can be accessed here



NPS MedicineWise update - Anticholinergic burden: the unintended consequences for older people

Improving the safe use of medicines with anticholinergic effects for older people can have a positive impact on quality of life and reduce the risk of side effects.

The NPS MedicineWise website offers a range of evidence based education and resources on Anticholinergic Burden.
The website includes:

  • Podcasts
  • Decision aids
  • Actions plans
  • Consumer resources
  • Links for booking RACGP & ACRRM approved educational visits.



Provide a better patient experience whilst improving your financial performance and productivity

Are you looking for ways to provide a better patient experience with improved outreach and engagement?

Topbar is a decision support system designed to help you and your practice team. It supports more productive workflows, greater billing efficiency, and more comprehensive care – by better identifying patient needs.

Top bar has a number of integrated apps that can customised to each user. The FLU app helps practices identify patients eligible and at risk of flu as soon as they present in your waiting room. For more information on Topbar access the Topbar Brochure and contact our Practice Assist team on 1800 2 ASSIST (277 478) or for further assistance.



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Happy Easter from the Practice Assist team & holiday period trading hours​

From the team at Practice Assist, may we take this time to wish you a Happy Easter, and safe and relaxing holiday period.

Please be advised of our operating hours over the Easter holiday period for 2022

Friday 15 April 2022 Good Friday - Closed
Saturday 16 April 2022 Easter Saturday - Closed
Sunday 17 April 2022 Easter Sunday - Closed
Monday 18 April 2022 Easter Monday - Closed
Tuesday 19 April 2022 Normal Trading Hours Resume
Monday 25 April 2022 ANZAC DAY - Closed
Tuesday 26 April 2022 Normal Trading Hours Resume



Toolkit-(1).jpg   Practice Assist Tool Kit (Resource Library)

Our Resource Library page and accompanying resources are currently under review.

Whilst the location of these resources may change, the range and relevance of resources will continue to improve, they are now integrated into our Toolkit pages on our Practice Assist website.

The Tool Kit provides useful fact sheets, user guides, checklists, business plans, posters and other resources covering all aspects of the day-to-day operations of successful general practices. 

Please see below links for quick reference with assisting you to view our Toolkit pages where you will find our most current and available resources.

Recently published resources:

COVID-19 Resources

Digital Health

Video - How To Series

Fact Sheets - How To Series

If you have an idea for a new resource or feedback on our current resources, please email with ideas and comments.



Webinar-1.jpg    Education & Events 


Featured Events & Training 


PEN CS WEBINARS: Are you ready to understand your patient data at a new level?  

Multiple dates (see below April to July 2022)

Practice assist in conjunction with Pen CS is running a series of webinars developed to provide you with a refresher on how to use Pen CS. These webinars will support you to evaluate your data and ensure it is squeaky clean.  

Regular review of your data will enable you to see opportunities for Quality Improvement which our team of Quality Improvements coaches can support your practice to implement.  

Along with our Primary Care Solutions team we have a dedicated Pen CS expert who will guide us through the fundamentals of using your data, in creating positive patient outcomes.  

These sessions start on Wednesday 27 of April at 12:30pm and will run weekly on Wednesdays at the same time until July. Topics and booking links are below. 

Wednesday 27 April 2022  Navigating Cat 4 – Getting Started  
Wednesday 4 May 2022  Improving Data Quality: Part 1- Missing non-clinical patient demographics  
Wednesday 11 May 2022 Improving Data Quality: Part 2 - Missing clinical patient demographics 
Wednesday 18 May 2022 Health Promotion: Immunisation 
Wednesday 25 May 2022 Health Promotion: Cancer Screeening
Wednesday 1 June 2022 Health Promotion: Health Assessments 
Wednesday 8 June 2022 At Risk Groups 
Wednesday 15 June 2022 Chronic Disease 
Wednesday 22 June 2022 Mental Health 
Wednesday 29 June 2022 Custom searches / Practice requests 
Wednesday 6 July 2022 Custom searches / Practice requests 
Wednesday 13 July 2022 Custom searches / Practice requests 


Aged Care and MBS Updates: Integrated Care Opportunities

Wednesday 27 April 2022 (17:30 to 19:30 AWST)

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance 

As Australians continue to live longer, they are more likely to develop multiple health conditions and chronic diseases. Recent evidence suggests that the adoption of integrated care is needed to provide the best possible care for older adults especially for those with multiple care needs and comorbidities.

Join WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) and a panel of experts in the field to learn about the available resources in Western Australia for integrated care for older adults, pathways to incorporate integrated care into practice and the new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items to support the provision of comprehensive care for residents in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) including items for multidisciplinary care plans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This interactive and informative webinar will feature relevant clinical case studies and a panel discussion.

View the flyer here for more information.

Register online here


GP Webinar Series: Early Diagnosis of Dementia....Why Bother?

In association with WA Primary Health Alliance, and proudly sponsored by Dementia Australia

Tuesday 3 May 2022 - 7:00 PM (AEST) 

Dementia puts enormous strains on people living with declining cognitive function, their families, carers and their GPs. There’s a degree of scepticism about the value of early diagnosis given there are no effective medications; but in fact making the diagnosis as early as possible has enormous value and there are interventions, management options, pathways and sources of support which make a difference.

Join us as we open up this very important conversation, with world authority on dementia, Professor Henry Brodaty, Dementia Australia’s Kaele Stokes, two GPs with a strong interest in the disease, metro based Dr Steph Daly and leading rural GP Dr Ewen McPhee. The panel will also be joined by a person living with dementia, sharing their invaluable real-life insight of the importance of diagnosis, management and support.

This webinar is totally focussed on primary care and will offer valuable insights and an opportunity for interaction and discussion.

Don’t miss it. Register Now.


Immunisation Update for Practice Nurses

Thursday 5 May 2022 - 6.00pm to 7.30pm (AWST)

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance and Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control (MCDC)
Join us for the return of our popular Immunisation Update for general practice staff.
This presentation will cover:

  • Promoting immunisation uptake
  • National Immunisation Program (NIP) – changes and updates
  • Pneumococcal and Meningococcal programs
  • AIR and PRODA (HPOS)
  • Immunisation education – online modules    
  • Cold chain
  • Adverse event reporting processes
  • Formulating catch-up immunisation plans
  • 2022 Influenza Vaccination Program update.
  • Susie Ridderhof, Clinical Nurse Specialist-Immunisation, Metro CDC
  • Jennifer Cake, WAPHA Program Coordinator – Immunisation & Cancer Screening
  • Sam McMillan, Primary Care QI Manager, WAPHA

View the flyer here for more information

Certificate of Attendance will be issued.

Register here


COVID-19 and Long COVID – the emerging picture 

Friday 6 May 2022 (9am-10.30am AWST)

Following his extremely well-received presentation in November 2021, the Better Health, Together forum again welcomes esteemed Professor Jeremy Nicholson as keynote speaker for our May Forum. 

This time, Professor Nicholson will share his insights and facilitate discussion on: 

  • COVID-19 as a systemic disease - what you can’t see can still hurt you! 
  • COVID-19, Relationships with diabetes, and long-term cardiovascular risks… it works both ways. 
  • Children, COVID-19 and Multiple Inflammatory Syndrome. 
  • Omicron, BA2 and other variants and possible roles in Long COVID.
Professor Jeremy Nicholson is the Emeritus Professor of Biological Chemistry at Imperial College London (2018-2025) and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences at Murdoch University (October 2018-onwards). He is also Director of the Australian National Phenome Center which opened officially in October 2019.   

Register here



Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

BreastScreen WA mobile visit to Geraldton
Presented by BreastScreen WA
13 April to 17 October
Asthma and COPD with CAT Plus
Presented by PenCS
19 April

Spirometry Quality Assurance in Primary Care
Presented by Asthma WA
20 April

Coeliac Disease
Presented by Diabetes WA
20 April
BreastScreen WA mobile visit to Bullsbrook
Presented by BreastScreen WA
22 April to 6 May
BreastScreen WA mobile visit to Byford
Presented by BreastScreen WA
26 April to 24 May

Upcoming changes to Provider Reporting on Resident and Workforce COVID-19 Vaccination
Presented by the Department of Health
27 April

GP Education Evening - Melanoma Institute Australia
Presented by Melanoma Institute Australia
28 April
Multimorbidity Webinar Series - Multimorbidity and increased risk of cognitive decline
Presented by Invivo Academy
4 May

Practice Owners National Conference registrations are open
Presented by RACGP
14 to 15 May

Hepatitis C in Drug and Alcohol Settings
Presented by ASHM
28 May

2022 ACNP National Conference: Inspiring Future Growth for Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice
Presented by ANCP
13-15 October 


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