Practice Connect #150


4 August 2022

Welcome to this 150th edition of Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.

Acknowledgement of Country (AoC)

WA Primary Health Alliance acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and well being of the whole community.

Throughout this newsletter, the term 'Aboriginal' is used to refer to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, unless stated otherwise.


Winter-Strategy.jpgWinter Strategy & COVID-19 Updates


ATAGI recommends Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine for use in children aged six months to under five years

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has released its recommendations on COVID-19 vaccine use in children aged six months to under five years.

ATAGI recommends COVID-19 vaccination for children aged six months to under five years with severe immunocompromise, disability, and those who have complex and/or multiple health conditions which increase the risk of severe COVID-19.

It is expected the rollout for this cohort will begin early-September.

The outcome of a recent EOI to administer vaccines to this cohort will be communicated to practices shortly.

For more information on dosing schedule and the full list of health conditions read ATAGI's full recommendations here



Government Funded influenza vaccines still free for all West Australians

Free Jab June and July has now ended, and while vaccines administered from August onwards are not eligible for reimbursement, providers are encouraged to continue to administer government-funded vaccines to all West Australians including those who are not usually eligible to receive a free vaccination via the National Immunisation Program (NIP) or ongoing state-funded programs.
The Department of Health encourages participating GPs, community pharmacies and AMSs to continue providing the WA community with opportunistic influenza vaccinations as influenza cases remain high. You are encouraged to use your remaining government-funded influenza vaccine stocks and order more if required.

More information click here 

Free Jab June by the numbers

More than one million West Australians are now vaccinated against influenza.

Free Jab June and July was estimated to have boosted vaccination numbers by 30 per cent.

More than 555,000 influenza vaccines were administered by general practice.



Variation to Comirnaty (Pfizer) 12+ vials

The vials for Comirnaty (Pfizer) 12+ have slightly changed with a variation in size and cap shade.

The vials are slightly larger and a grape-coloured shade as per the below photos.

This batch has commenced being thawed and started being dispatched from Friday 22nd July 2022.

There is no change to the volume of vaccine or doses per vial. The vials are still able to fit in the current packaging.



CVAS Spikevax (Moderna) product name change

The Australian Government Department of Health have advised there has been a change to the name of the existing Spikevax (Moderna) product in CVAS from Moderna to Moderna 6 years+ (Red).

This will be visible within CVAS to all sites currently activated for Spikevax (Moderna).



Don’t Rush to Crush resource

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia produces a resource called, Don’t Rush to Crush.

This includes advice on what options are available for people eligible for COVID-19 oral treatments, who have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules.

Details are available online



COVID-19 and influenza (flu) video series for healthcare providers

The Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS), in conjunction with Professor Chris Blyth (Infectious Disease Physician), have developed a series of short informational videos for healthcare providers, to facilitate discussions surrounding influenza and COVID-19.

'Talking COVID and Flu' with Professor Chris Blyth covers a range of topics, including:

These videos were not developed for public viewing so have an internal focus but we hope providers find these videos beneficial.



Webinar recording available: 'Preventing Paediatric Influenza & Improving Vaccination Rates'

A recording is now available of the Immunisation Coalition’s ‘Preventing Paediatric Influenza & Improving Vaccination Rates’ webinar  held on Wednesday 27 July 2022.
Infectious Diseases Specialist and Paediatrician Professor Robert Booy moderates a session on ways to improve vaccination rates in children, reduce hospitalisations and control disease transmission.
Covering topics from vaccine safety and efficacy to harnessing communication skills when encouraging parents to opt in for vaccination.
View the webinar here


  Monkeypox Updates


State and Federal government working to secure Monkeypox vaccine supplies

The WA Department of Health is working with the Australian Government to secure limited supplies of vaccines for the prevention of Monkeypox.
Vaccines, when available, will be prioritised to those at highest risk of contracting Monkeypox, which will initially be those who have confirmed high-risk exposure to someone who has tested positive to Monkeypox.
As more vaccines become available, they will be offered to other priority groups.
Widespread vaccination is not currently recommended due to the low risk of infection for the general population.
Further updates will be provided by the WA Department of Health as soon as information is available.
The WA Department of Health has advice recommending that those at risk of exposure to Monkeypox (for example, those travelling overseas and taking part in high-risk activities) take precautions to prevent the spread of Monkeypox with more information available at
HealthyWA Monkeypox which provides information on vaccination.
Clinicians can find further information at WA Department of Health Monkeypox



Chief Medical Officer declares Monkeypox a communicable disease incident of national significance

On Thursday 28 July, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly declared Monkeypox a communicable disease incident of national significance.

In Australia, there have been 44 cases of Monkeypox, while none have been found in WA.

GPs are being urged to be on the alert for cases.



Monkeypox Resources

WA Department of Health monkeypox guidance for patients 

The WA Department of Health has Monkeypox guidance for patients via HealthyWA

The Monkeypox frequently asked questions may be useful for patients most at risk of contracting Monkeypox.


WA Department of Health Monkeypox guidance for health providers 

The WA Department of Health has guidance on testing, use of PPE, management of contacts and reporting of Monkeypox.

Cases must be reported urgently by telephone to the Public Health Units (Healthy WA) within a few hours of first suspicion of diagnosis.

Read more


Monkeypox resource collection

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has prepared fact sheets and posters to help health professionals and patients identify Monkeypox.

These can be found using this link


WA Department of Health Monkey pox update for clinicians: 13 July webinar

The WA Department of Health produced a Monkeypox update for clinicians on 13 July 2022.
Topics include:

  • Clinical presentation
  • Clinical management
  • Infection prevention and management
  • Specimen collection and testing
Presenters include:
  • Dr Jelena Maticevic, WA Department of Health
  • Dr Vincent Cornelisse, NSW Health
  • Dr David Speers, Pathwest
  • Dr Caitlyn White, WA Department of Health


    Health Assessments


Get on track with Health Assessments

Health Assessments are the key to early intervention in General Practice

A health assessment is an opportunity to take stock of a patient’s total health and wellbeing including physical, psychological, and social function. Health assessments  have been one of those activities that have proved understandably difficult to maintain over the past two years.

Preventative care in General Practice is vitally important. According to the RACGP Guidelines for preventative activities in General Practice  it is estimated that 80% of premature heart disease , stroke, and type 2 diabetes  and 40% of cancer could be prevented through health lifestyle interventions.

Medicare provides for preventative care via Health Assessment activities with targeted MBS items. These items focus on at risk groups and allow for assistance from a practice nurse or an Aboriginal health professional to assist the usual medical practitioner in performing the health assessment.

The Health Assessment target groups detailed below are an excellent opportunity for practices to design focused preventive care strategies for these patients:

  • Health assessment for people aged 75 years and older  - Eligible Annually
  • Health assessment for people aged 45-49 years who are at risk of developing chronic disease -  Once only eligibility
  • Type 2 diabetes risk evaluation for people aged 40-49 years  - Once every three years eligibility
  • Comprehensive medical assessment for permanent residents of  residential aged care facilities - Eligible Annually
  • Health assessment for people with an intellectual disability -  Eligible Annually
  • Health assessment for refugees and other humanitarian entrants - Once only eligibility
  • Health assessment for former serving members of the Australian Defence Force - Once only eligibility
  • Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - once every 9 months
Using the time-based  MBS items 701 -707 practices can deliver Health Assessments to these eligible target groups. For more details on MBS eligibility, Health Assessment guidelines  and claiming limits please check out the links below.   

Quick Health Assessment practice tips:

  • Use templates set out by your medical software provider! Most software providers have templates ready made to assist in Health Assessments
  • Create autofill’s in your practice medical software to help with capturing common terms and save typing,
  • Patient questionnaires – get your patient involved! Can you use a questionnaire to gather some key information for the assessment. This can also be an  opportunity for patients to check on all their key registrations details and update the practice
  • Start with 49-year-olds ! Not sure where to start? Start your focus on eligible 49-year-olds, as when they turn 50 they are not eligible for an MBS Health Assessment item until they turn 75 years (unless the patient is Aboriginal).

Our practice QI Team and Primary Care Navigators can help practices use their practice data to identify patients in these target groups as well as assistance with strategies.

For further information contact us via Practice Assist.



Improving health assessment participation in general practice

Health assessment participation can greatly contribute to the prevention, early identification, and appropriate management of many health conditions. By performing targeted and effective Quality Improvement activities practices will gain improved, sustainable business and health outcomes.

Focusing on system change processes where reports are collated on a regular, systematic basis and become part of policy and procedure is the most effective way of ensuring continuous quality improvement in practice.

Ideas for improving participation and follow up of health assessments in general practice may include system improvements and changes such as:

  • Improving patient records including demographic information to ensure eligibility is identified.
  • Education for health professionals and patients on the importance of health assessments.
  • Embedding processes and procedures that support reminder systems for identifying when patients are eligible.
  • Utilising clinical audit tools to regularly review patients and groups eligible for these important health assessments.
Once an area for improvement has been identified, it is useful to set SMART goals that are Specific, Measured, Achievable, Relevant and Timed.

Setting SMART Goals provides a structured approach that outlines what you want to achieve and by when, which can prevent you feeling overwhelmed by the QI activities.

Ideas for SMART goals related to health assessments may include:
  • By DD/ MM/YY increase uptake of HA by 20%.
  • By DD/MM/YY increase waist measurement taken by x%
  • By DD/MM/YY develop plan for reminder system for 40-49 year olds at risk of developing Chronic disease.
  • Provide professional development to nursing team to effectively perform Health Assessment by DD/ MM/ YY

Our practice QI team and Primary Care Navigators can help practices use their practice data to identify patients that are in these target groups as well as assistance with strategies to invite and accommodate Health Assessments in your practice.

For support on implementing Quality Improvement (QI) activities in your practice, please contact Practice Assist and one of our QI coaches will be in touch with you. 



HealthPathways WA – Health Assessments

HealthPathways WA is a secure web-based portal with information on patient assessment, management, and referral pathways to assist clinicians in navigating patients through the health care system in Western Australia. The pathways are developed by General Practitioners to be used during consultation but can also be accessed and utilised by other health professionals.

HealthPathways WA currently have two pathways to assist GPs with completing health assessments:

  • Refugee Health Assessment - guides GPs to assist with the assessment and management of patients and refers to two recently reviewed migrant and refugee request pages which contain information on relevant services operating state-wide.
  • Guide to MBS Items

You can request access or provide feedback via the HealthPathways WA Project Site or by emailing the team at


PA-Icon-10-(4).JPG  Immunisation & Cancer Screening Updates


National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Campaign

In June, Cancer Council Australia, in partnership with the Australian Government, launched a national campaign to encourage people to Get2it and participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP).  

An important part of this campaign is the call to GPs and other primary care health professionals to continue to encourage their patients to take part in bowel cancer screening.  

We are asking you to help spread the message around the importance of the NBCSP. 

Please share content and resources that have been developed, within your organisation’s newsletter, and / or any other appropriate channels you communicate through.   

There are ready-made social media posts that can be shared on your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) as well as a GP specific resource detailing the research conducted into the barriers and enablers for potential bowel screening participants. It provides guidance on how to talk to the three key groups identified: Intenders, Refusers, and the FOBT Naïve (Faecal Occult Blood Test).  



National Cervical Screening Program self-collection eligibility expansion

As of 1 July 2022, anyone eligible for a Cervical Screening Test under the National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP), i.e. women and people with a cervix aged 25-74 years who have ever had any sexual contact, will have the choice to screen either through:

  • self-collection of a vaginal sample using a simple swab (unless a co-test is indicated) or
  • clinician-collection of a sample from the cervix using a speculum.
Healthcare providers are encouraged to read through the new NCSP National Cervical Screening Policy.


National Cervical Screening Program update video

To coincide with the launch of the updated NCSP Clinical Guidelines, Prof Marion Saville AM and Prof Alison McMillan PSM discuss the key changes in this video.

FAQs for Providers

To support the expansion of self-collection eligibility, Cancer Council Australia and the NCSP have developed FAQs for Providers. This quick reference guide provides answers to key questions such as:

  • Are there cases when women should not be offered self-collection of a vaginal sample?
  • Will self-collection kits be mailed out to everyone?

Healthcare provider toolkit

This toolkit helps healthcare providers engage under-screened and never-screened women in cervical screening, and support them if they choose to participate.



Study finds GP knowledge gaps regarding Zostavax use in immunocompromised people remain concerning

New research has found notable knowledge gaps continue to exist among Australian general practitioners regarding live attenuated zoster vaccination of immunocompromised people.

While the vaccine is safe, its use is contraindicated in severely immunocompromised people because the virus from the vaccine can cause serious disseminated infection. There have been three Zostavax-related deaths in immunocompromised people between 2017 and 2020 in Australia.
The research, led by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), used an online survey to assess the knowledge of GPs regarding Zostavax. GPs were asked to respond to five clinical scenarios testing their knowledge of Zostavax contraindications, and the proportion of correct answers ranged from 25% to 82% across all scenarios.

Zostavax was introduced on the National Immunisation Program in November 2016 for people aged 70 years, with a catch-up program for adults aged 71–79 years funded until October 2023. 

A non-live recombinant subunit zoster vaccine, Shingrix, is now available in the private market and provides an alternative, especially for immunocompromised patients.

Read more here

Herpes zoster vaccine resources:


Webinar-1-pink-(1).jpg  Important Practice Updates


Shaping weight management support in primary care 

New online resource hub, SHAPE (Supporting holistic and person-centred weight education) has launched, supporting health professionals to play a more central role in helping people to manage their weight and improve health and wellbeing outcomes.  

SHAPE is a centralised website of tools, resources, and education, designed to support a better understanding of the complexity of factors influencing body shape and size, and how to engage patients and guide them on their journey. Through this we can drive long-term change.

WA Primary Health Alliance General Manager - Primary Care Innovation & Development, Bernadette Kenny, said fostering a workforce who are equipped to have the conversation with their patients and empower behaviour change is integral to supporting people living with overweight and obesity who are seeking guidance to improve their health.
“Australia has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world, with about two thirds of adults and a quarter of children in Australia considered overweight or obese. We have an important opportunity to change this through equipping health professionals with the skills and confidence to start the conversation.
“Conversations about weight can be sensitive and are often challenging for both health professionals and patients alike. A reluctance among health professionals to discuss weight, along with stigma, shame and other psychological factors often acting as barriers to people seeking or getting the support they need.”
SHAPE acknowledges the long-term relationships general practitioners have with their patients and encourages GPs and other health professionals to consider the complete picture, while also promoting a person-centred approach to patient weight management and health behaviour change. 
SHAPE offers Conversations about Weight, a suite of training modules for health professionals developed by Diabetes WA and are accredited by RACGP. The training focuses on different aspects of weight management, including causes and treatments, from the perspective of both patient and health professional. Each module provides insight into the complexity of this topic, to empower health professionals to support patients and guide these sensitive, yet important conversations.
The project’s Clinical Content Working Group (CCWG) has made a significant contribution throughout development of the hub, providing direction, advice and clinical expertise along the way. Consumer perspectives and the diverse range of stakeholders involved has also helped shape the project and development of resources.  
As a key partner in the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan 2019-2024, WA Primary Health Alliance has developed SHAPE to improve weight management in primary care.
The CCWG includes of Dr Jennifer Graham-Taylor, Kate Fleming, Dr Rebecca Hunt-Davies, Clare Mullen, Helen Mitchell, Jennifer Cake, Dr Sue Jackson and Mandy Morgan-Lewis.

View the SHAPE animation - Supporting holistic and person-centred weight education here (or click on image below).



DVA Quick Guides for GPs

Always have the key information you need to treat veterans and members of their family with DVA’s new Quick Guides for general practices:

The DVA Basics Quick Guide is a useful resource in assisting staff to identify the different types of DVA cards and what they cover, along with quick access to key services and phone numbers.

The DVA Claiming Quick Guide is relevant to this financial year and the current rebate amounts. You may find this resource invaluable to your practice in identifying what item numbers to use for services provided in a clinic such as one-off Veteran Health Check, Annual Health Check and Coordinated Veterans Care Program.



Redesigned Health Professional Education website

Services Australia has launched the newly redesigned Health Professional Education Resources website.
The new site features a fresh design that makes it easier to access digital education resources.
The website offers education resources across all Services Australia health programs and includes:

  • infographics
  • eLearning
  • simulations.

Visit the Health Professional Education Resources website here.



Applications for Avant and AAPM's Scholarship Program are now open

Each scholarship recipient will receive an enrolment for one of the following UNE Partnerships courses:

  • Certificate IV in Leadership and Management for Health Practice Managers
  • Diploma of Leadership in Healthcare Practice 
  • Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

These courses have been developed in conjunction with industry professionals, and are aimed at Practice Principals, Managers and Administrators. All scholarships offer students an accelerated career path within the Practice Management environment, fast-tracking career progress.

All courses are delivered and completed via distance education only and within three years of the granting of the scholarship.

Read more about how to apply



Help WA Health to communicate the impact of climate change on health 

The University of Western Australia and Department of Health WA would like to hear from a wide range of WA healthcare professionals to better understand their views on the links between climate change and health.
This research follows on from the findings of the Sustainable Health Review and the Climate Health WA Inquiry led by the State’s former Chief Health Officer, Professor Tarun Weeramanthri.
The project involves a short, fifteen-minute survey open to 22 August 2022.
The information gathered through this research will be used by WA Health to develop public health messaging and resources for both the community and health professionals.
For more information contact WA Health Lead Sustainable Development Officer, Sarah Joyce on (08) 9222 4017 or



Introducing Type 1 Diabetes National Screening Pilot and the Role of Primary Care Providers

Introducing Type 1 Diabetes National Screening Pilot and the Role of Primary Care Providers. A new pilot program to screen children for type 1 diabetes is being rolled out in South Perth and we need Primary Care Providers' invaluable support. The pilot aims to understand how a national screening program for type 1 diabetes should be offered to all Australian children in the future. 

We invite you to register here to join an introductory information session via zoom | Wednesday 3 August 2022 | 5:30pm–6:15pm (AWST)



Childhood Obesity Healthcare Provider Survey

The Healthy Weight Service at Perth Children's Hospital is creating a Childhood Obesity educational program for WA Health Care Providers.  Help us create an education and mentoring program that best meets your needs by completing this survey.  This will take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete.  To thank you for your time, you will have the chance to win one of two $200 Rebel sport vouchers



Toolkit-(1).jpg  Practice Assist Tool Kit

Our Practice Assist website is home to a large range of resources developed and reviewed regularly to support general practice.

These resources are a compilation of face sheets, user guides, checklists, business plans and posters. They can be found in the Tool Kit pages on our website. In addition to this there are a small number of resources available in our Resource Library.

Should you find that the resources are currently not meeting your needs, please contact Practice Assist for further support.

Please see below links for quick reference with to assist you to view our Tool Kit pages where you will find our most current and available resources.

If you have an idea for a new resource or feedback on our current resources, please email with ideas and comments.



Webinar-1.jpg  Education & Events


The Future of General Practice, Health Reforms and Improvement Frameworks

Saturday 10 September 2022  (8.40am for 9.00am start to 1.30pm AWST)
Venue: UWA Club (light brunch included)

Practice principals, leaders and managers, don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s foremost GP leaders, Dr Wally Jammal, and international expert on health system transformation, Dr Kirsten Meisinger.

To ensure the maximum benefit for participants, places to this event are limited to forty. We can therefore only offer two places per practice. CPD points are available.

Topics covered in this highly informative and interactive session will include:

  • The future of General Practice, health reforms, and improvement frameworks
  • Change management and harnessing your team to deliver gold standard care
  • Strengthening practice to systematically improve clinician engagement, clinical care, sustainability and patient experience          
  • Using data to make decisions around areas of focus - priorities for you and your patients – making room for health priorities
  • How to know you are making a difference – interpreting data & systems to support

RSVP: Book your place now

Dr Walid Jammal (MB BS (Syd), Dip Child Health, FRACGP, MHL)
Dr Jammal is a GP in Western Sydney, with a strong commitment to quality and safety in health care, as well as health system policy and reform. He has been involved with testing and developing integrated care models for many years. Dr Jammal continues to be actively involved in primary care innovation and reform with positions on a variety of groups and boards, most recently the Australian Government’s new Strengthening Medicare Taskforce. He is Clinical Lecturer at the University of Sydney and Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University.


Dr Kirsten Meisinger, MD, MHCDS
Dr. Meisinger is an international expert on Patient Centered Medical Homes and healthcare system transformation, having been involved in an initiative which transformed over 140,000 US practices to value-based, patient centered medical care. She is helping design and implement a national pilot for primary care transformation in Brazil. She is a regional medical director, medical director of sexual and reproductive health, primary care lead and cares for an active family medicine panel at an award-winning Patient Centred Medical Home practice in the US. Dr Meisinger leads the system transformation team at the Harvard Center for Primary Care, Harvard Medical School.



Taking stock of our COVID toolkit: A GP perspective of the Australasian COVID-19 Conference

Mon 8 August 2022  (6.30pm to 8.00pm AEST)

General Practitioners play a crucial role in improving the health outcomes of people living with COVID-19.
Attend this free 90-minute training to hear key findings from the 2022 Australasian COVID-19 conference, and to improve your knowledge and skills to support patients with COVID-19.
With this year’s conference theme being ‘Taking stock of our COVID toolkit,’ findings will centre on new and existing tools that we have access to in order to comprehensively address the prevention, treatment and management of COVID-19/SARS-COV-2 and the evolving challenges presented.
This webinar is open to all, with a focus on General Practice.

Register here


The impact of COVID-19 on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQA+SB community webinar

Mon 8 August 2022  (1.00pm to 2.00pm AEST)

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss findings from Black Rainbow's research on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQA+SB people and the Covid 19 pandemic.
  • Identify how the findings from Black Rainbow's research highlights the mental health and social and emotional well-being needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQA+SB people, including types of support that practitioners can provide.   
  • Identify how to improve service access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQA+SB people. 
  • Outline the importance of a person-centred approach when providing care and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQA+SB people. 
Register here


2022 Adult Immunisation Forum

Monday 22 August 2022  (8.00am to 6.00pm AEST)

The Immunisation Coalition will be hosting the 6th Annual Adult Immunisation Forum as a virtual event on Monday 22 August 2022. This is a free event and will run from 0800- 1800 AEST.
This one day event continues to build on the aims:

  • to better understand the burden of vaccine preventable diseases in adults
  • to build an awareness of the challenges and strategies for improved vaccination in adults
  • to hear the latest developments in vaccine programs for adults
  • to consider ways of improving knowledge about immunisation best practice.
The forum will be of particular interest to health professionals, immunisation specialists, policy makers and anyone else working on the front line of public health.

Register here


Helping GPs to support the sexual and reproductive health needs of CaLD women

Saturday 17 September 2022 (8.00am to 2.00pm AWST)
SAVE THE DATE! Registration details to follow

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) and Women’s Health Strategy and Programs (WHSP) together with Women and Newborn Health Service (WNHS) King Edward Memorial Hospital are hosting a GP face-to-face education event for GPs working in suburbs with high prevalence of women affected by female circumcision or traditional cutting.
For more information, contact the Training & Communities of Practice team at WAPHA on or 08 6272 4912



Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

Allied health's contribution to comprehensive care for residents of RACFs
Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
4 August
BreastScreen WA mobile visit to Moora
Presented by BreastScreen WA
9 to 29 August
Basic Life Supprt (Albany)
Presented by RACGP
12 August
Introduction to point-of-care ultrasound (Albany)
Presented by RACGP
13 August
Chronic Kidney Disease & Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Presented by Kidney Health Australia
16 August

Understanding Financial & Accounting Practices Using Bp Premier
Presented by Best Practice
17 August

The Immunisation Coalition’s 2022 Adult Immunisation Forum
Presented by AIF
22 August

GP in Training series: Contraceptive conversations beyond the pill
Presented by RACGP
23 August
Session 5: Alcohol & Other Drug Network - A Project ECHO Initiative (Topic TBA)
Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
25 August
Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention (Regional WA) 
Presented by Black Dog Institute 
Aug to Sept 
Joint Australasian HIV & AIDS + Sexual Health Conferences 
Presented by ASHM 
29 August - 1 September
Culturally Responsive Care And Hepatitis B          
Presented by ASHM
30 August
Course in Wound Closure
Presented by The Benchmarque Group
2 September
Concussion Management in General Practice
Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
6 September
AAPM 2022 Practice Manager Education Days
Presented by AAPM
9 September
Practice Owners Masterclass
Presented by RACGP
10 September
HIV Nursing Webinar - Risk Management: Substance Use - Drug and Alcohol Issues
Presented by ASHM 
15 September
Chronic Disease Care Planning 
Presented by The Benchmarque Group
16 September
Wound Management: Advanced Practice
Presented by The Benchmarque Group
28 September
Self collection of CST Webinars
Presented by Sexual Health Quarters
28 September
GP in Training series: ADHD
Presented by RACGP
11 October
2022 ACNP National Conference: Inspiring Future Growth for Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice
Presented by ANCP
13-15 October
Talking about Suicide in General Practice - Online Interactive Webinar
Presented by Black Dog Institute
20 October

Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention - Online Workshop
Presented by Black Dog Institute
Multiple dates

GP22 Registrations open
Presented by RACGP
25 to 27 November
Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.