Practice Connect #203


5 September 2024

Welcome to this edition of Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.

Acknowledgement of Country 

WA Primary Health Alliance acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

Throughout this newsletter, the term 'Aboriginal' is used to refer to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, unless stated otherwise.




General Practice in Aged Care Incentive News

GP ACI Information kits now available

New information kits are now available for Aged Care Incentive GPs, practices and aged care providers.
TheGeneral Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GP ACI) commenced in July, providing incentive payments to general practices and GPs for delivering regular visits and care planning to older people living in residential aged care.  
The GP and Practices Information Kit includes comprehensive details on delivering the incentive, including the requirements and information on primary care in residential aged care homes. The Residential Aged Care Provider Information Kit is designed to assist staff in understanding, communicating, and supporting the incentive.
GPs, practices and residential aged care providers can access the information kits, program guidelines and frequently asked questions on the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website.

GP ACI short video series now available

WA Primary Health Alliance is excited to provide new resources which have been developed by other PHN’s and generously shared to support general practices to better understand MyMedicare and the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GP ACI).

The following short (2 - 5 minute) video series produced by South East Melbourne PHN featuring Dr Billy Stoupas quickly explains MyMedicare and the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive from the perspective of a GP.

Patient information about MyMedicare

Other useful links and information



Breaking GP ACI News: New Error Causing Issues in PRODA

Some general practices have been experiencing an error message when linking providers to General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) patients.  An example of this error is below:

The Department of Health and Aged Care has received confirmation from Services Australia that this is a new error. It has come to their attention through the help desk as well as through PHNs, they are working with the systems team on a fix.

The fix is expected to go live in December, it cannot happen sooner than that unfortunately.
In the interim, the explanation is:

  • The 0831 warning displays when a provider is not eligible for the full period that the incentive indicator is assigned to the patient. Please note, this is not an error and does not restrict the ability for a practice to add an incentive indicator or assign a responsible provider. 
  • As this is only a warning message, the user can continue by selecting ‘confirm’ again after the message appears to proceed with linking/adding the responsible provider.
  • Operators may also have to select ‘save’ twice.
  • We will be releasing updated wording for the 0831 warning message this week to help alleviate confusion.

Any further advice from Services Australia will be circulated once received.


Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care project

Enhancing routine health assessments with advance care planning in general practice – a pilot study

The Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care project recently completed a successful pilot with three general practices, Burslem Medical Centre, Plaza Medical Centre, and Quinns Mindarie Super Clinic. Each practice identified a Palliative Care Champion who focused on implementing advance care planning as part of routine health assessments. Through baseline audits and quality improvement activities, these practices were able to strengthen their advance care planning and palliative care practices.

Policies and processes were provided to support advance care planning implementation, resulting in 93 completed advance care planning documents uploaded to My Health Record. An impressive response rate to the Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care Learning Needs Analysis Survey also led to the development of a six-part webinar series which will commence in October.

Following the success of the pilot, the initiative has been extended to include six new practices across the state. These practices will implement advance care planning as part of caring for people with complex chronic disease. Additionally, three Champion practices will trial a model of supportive care for people approaching the end of their lives but not meeting the criteria for specialist palliative care services.

This project has made significant strides in enhancing the uptake of advance care planning and supporting choice at the end of life. The dedication and commitment of the Palliative Care Champions and participating practices have helped paved the way for improved palliative care services and better outcomes for patients and their families.

Burslem Medical Team and Quinns Mindarie Super Clinic Teams (pictured L-R)

Integration of advance care planning and a palliative approach in general practice

The Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care program held an orientation day in August to expand the Palliative Care Practice Champions project. This event was a significant milestone, bringing together nine general practices across the state.

The event provided a valuable opportunity for GPs, nurse practitioners, practice nurses, practice managers, and administrative staff to discuss enhancing capacity and capability for implementing advance care planning.

The day included hands-on workshops, presentations from Palliative Care WA and the Department of Health End-of-Life Care Program, and offered a forum to share strategies and success stories.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with comments highlighting the opportunity to improve patient care and the helpfulness of the information provided.

The next steps for the project include monthly activities for practices to develop systems and processes to support, promote, and implement advance care planning as part of routine care, with the assistance of a QI Coach and a data-driven approach through the use of Primary Sense.

Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care program orientation day in August

To learn about the he Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care project, find out more here. You can also contact Practice Assist on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478 or 08 6278 7900) or via email  to connect with the Greater Choices team.


Navigating Dementia: Local resources and community support

In Western Australia, it’s estimated that 40,500 people are currently living with dementia, a condition that impacts not only those diagnosed but also their families and carers.
The Dementia Community Services and Support Finder is a webpage designed to help assist with navigating national and local resources relating to dementia care.
To help improve the visibility of support available we’re proud to be working with Linkwest to add localised community support service information under the ‘support in your area section of the page.
The webpage also offers resources for clinicians including pathways, further education and a range of printable documents to share in practice.
Practices can direct their patients and carers to this resource on the WA Primary Health Alliance website.
We are committed to raising awareness and improving the standard of care for people living with dementia. By providing these resources, we aim to make the journey easier for both those affected by dementia and their families.
This page was made possible through the Primary Health Network Aged Care Program funding and was informed by consultation with local dementia organisations and consumers.



Multidisciplinary team care and Strengthening Medicare reforms

Health care reforms and patient centred care: Insights from Dr. Walid Jammal

Watch the final part of our interview series with Dr Walid Jammal from Hills Family General Practice, as we discuss the importance of being patient centred.

Dr Jammal challenges people to think about what patient-centeredness really means to them and their patients, emphasising the importance of understanding what patients want from their GP and general practice.

He suggests focusing on three essential elements that patients want when asked: access, high-quality medicine, and convenience. By implementing changes and reforms with these three elements in mind patients can benefit from the convenience of telehealth, communication tools, and apps while receiving holistic high-quality care that is centred around their needs.

Watch more!



GP Balint Group

Improve challenging patient interactions, professional satisfaction and wellbeing

Join an ongoing 12-month Balint group to reflect on cases with colleagues. During each small-group online session, you can expect to improve how you handle difficult situations and overall sense of professional satisfaction.  Registration fee is fully reimbursed at the completion of the program.

More information
Proudly supported by WA Primary Health Alliance’s suicide prevention program.


Revolutionise your dermatology practice with ACRRM Tele-Derm 

Expert Care, Wherever You Are
Tired of long waitlists and limited access to dermatology care? ACRRM Tele-Derm offers fast, expert dermatology consultations for rural and remote communities, right at your fingertips

Educational Resources
Access a wealth of dermatology educational resources, including real patient cases with answers, recordings of past webinars, and video demonstrations of common skin procedures taught by expert plastic surgeon and dermatologists.

Free Access: Available at no cost to ACRRM members and non-members who work part-time or full-time in Modified Monash Model areas 3 to 7.

Register here and elevate your dermatology practice today with ACRRM Tele-Derm!


Help for parents and carers to talk to young people about the harms of vaping

The journey to quitting vaping can be hard, particularly for young people.

Because young people are heavily influenced by the adults in their lives, the Department of Health and Aged Care has released resources to help parents and carers understand how they can help young people give up vaping for good.

Resources include:

  • a conversation guide and factsheet
  • FAQs about vaping
  • a series of short animated videos.

Whether it be talking to a young person about vaping or helping them on their journey to quit, these resources provide helpful information about vapes, the impact they can have, and guidance on how to start conversations.

Learn more here



Free support program for patients with coronary heart disease

One third of patients who survive acute coronary syndrome are readmitted to hospital for cardiovascular disease within two years. Only one in four patients leave hospital with optimal care, including medicines, referral to cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle advice (National Heart Foundation 2024).

The new, MyHeart MyLife digital patient support program complements the expert clinical care provided by GPs, by empowering patients and their carers to understand their condition and to be an active participant in their health care.

More information for clinicians is available on the Heart Foundation website and patients can be referred to the program web page. Order hard copies of the MyHeart MyLife patient flyer for your practice here.



'New' DVA Rehabilitation Program Medical Certificate

DVA’s new medical certificate, known as the DVA Rehabilitation Program Medical Certificate asks allied health professionals, general practitioners and other treating specialists to respond to questions that focus on supporting eligible veterans with vocational activities, tasks or programs that require further review from a medical professional.

Aligning with enhancements to DVA’s Rehabilitation Program aimed at accelerating eligible veterans’ access to services and activities as part of the program, the revised form should also mean less paperwork overall for medical providers supporting veterans to access rehabilitation services.

Learn more here.




Mpox cases and travel immunisation

Providers may receive increased inquiries related to mpox because two locally-acquired cases of Mpox have been recorded.

The local cases – which are still being investigated – are the milder clade II strain of mpox and are not connected to the more severe clade Ib strain of mpox which is spreading through west and central Africa.

It is important to raise awareness of this virus and encourage people at risk to get vaccinated. Please be vigilant with high-risk patients and ensure they are aware to be alert for symptoms and to seek testing promptly.

The Department also received several queries regarding individuals seeking mpox vaccination prior to international travel.

Please be reminded that mpox vaccination is not currently recommended for travel unless one or more of the eligibility criteria are met.

To learn more about the eligibility criteria for the WA mpox immunisation program, visit the program website.


Two Australian Immunisation Handbook chapters updated

Minor updates have been applied to the pneumococcal and pertussis (whooping cough) disease chapters of the Australian Immunisation Handbook.
The pneumococcal chapter updates include:

  • addition of information to reflect availability of Prevenar 20 (20vPCV) for infants and children aged 6 weeks–18 years
  • minor editorial changes to list of risk conditions, to improve clarity
  • the addition of information on groups for which vaccination is funded under the National Immunisation Program.

The pertussis chapter updates include changes to reflect the advice that pertussis-containing vaccines can be co-administered to pregnant women with the RSV vaccine Abrysvo.



National Immunisation Program (NIP): Expansion of eligible shingles cohort from September 2024

From September 2024, free shingles vaccination under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) will be expanded to include people at moderate to high risk of severe infection and complications from shingles.

The herpes zoster vaccine, Shingrix® is available free to eligible individuals: 

  • aged 65 years and over
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 years and over
  • adults aged 18 years and over who are at increased risk of herpes zoster due to an underlying condition and/or immunomodulatory/ immunosuppressive treatments.

Details regarding those who are at increased risk of herpes zoster is available in the Shingles vaccination - Program advice for health professionals (September 2024).

More information and advice on the shingles vaccination program is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website


Pneumococcal vaccination recommendations for people who have previously received a pneumococcal vaccine

An infographic is now available in the Australian Immunisation Handbook providing updated pneumococcal vaccination recommendations for individuals who have previously received a pneumococcal vaccine.

It outlines the recommendations for vaccinating: 

  • non-indigenous adults aged 70 years and over without risk conditions for pneumococcal disease
  • all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged 50 years and over
  • people aged 12 months and over with risk conditions for the disease

The infographic can be viewed on the Australian Immunisation Handbook website.


New Respiratory Infectious Diseases Podcasts

Immunisation Coalition has released a new podcast series on seasonal respiratory infections.

There are four 15-minute CPD accredited podcasts to listen to. 

Each podcast is presented by two Australian experts, where they provide their opinion and experience on each of the infectious disease topics.
Topics covered include:

  • Respiratory Infections
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
  • Influenza
  • Pertussis and other Respiratory infections

To register for the series click here.


2024 Pertussis Webinar

Presented by Immunisation Coalition
17 September 2024 (4pm to 5pm AWST)

This webinar hosted by the Immunisation Coalition will provide viewers with an update regarding pertussis epidemiology and current trends in vaccination rates.

Low pertussis booster rates in Australian adults impact the epidemiology of the disease.

This webinar will explore what current literature indicates are the barriers and potential enablers to improving pertussis vaccination rates in Australia, and therefore reducing disease burden and complications.
To register and for further information click here.



Research study - Lung Cancer Screening for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

Lung cancer screening will be implemented in Australia from July 2025. This research study aims to understand the needs of the workforce who provide care and support to culturally and linguistically diverse communities in preparation for program roll-out.
Researchers from the University of Melbourne, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Cancer Council Victoria, invite (a) healthcare providers (general practitioners, nurses, practice managers) and (b) bicultural workers, peer workers & interpreters who work in a primary heath or community health setting to take part in an interview in September and October 2024.
Participants may take part as an individual or in a group. All participants will receive a $150 gift voucher as an acknowledgment of their time.
Click here for more information or to express interest in taking part. 




COVID-19 booster still recommended every 6 months for adults with severe immunocompromise and/or aged 75 years and over

Ensure your vulnerable patients remain protected against the risk of COVID-19 infection by scheduling booster reminders and planning their upcoming vaccinations in conjunction with their over 75 health checks or other standard appointments.   

  • People aged 75 years and older are recommended a COVID-19 vaccination every 6 months.  
  • People aged 65 to 74 years are recommended a COVID-19 vaccination every 12 months, and can consider a dose every 6 months, based on their individual health needs.  
  • People aged 18 to 74 with severe immunocompromise are recommended a COVID-19 vaccination every 12 months and can consider a dose every 6 months, based on their individual health needs.  

If it is not known when the last COVID-19 infection was, it is safe to get another COVID-19 vaccine.
For further information please visit the Practice Assist website or email




Telehealth carts improving patient outcomes in aged care

New telehealth carts are helping to bring a wave of positive changes to the
lives of older Australians in residential aged care homes (RACHs) across the state.
As part of our commitment to improving access to care for older Australians,
WA Primary Health Alliance rolled out 180 telehealth carts to aged care
homes in WA.
These carts, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, enable quick and efficient communication with GPs and other clinicians, improving access to
care and reducing unnecessary hospital visits.
Magnolia House at Brightwater Oxford Gardens recently used the cart to support a 74-year-old resident who presented with a necrotic (black colour blood blister) on the tip of his left big toe.
The nurse practitioner assessed the patient on-site and concerned about the resident’s medical history, requested an urgent Doppler test and a transfer to the emergency department, suspecting a diabetic foot ulcer or gangrene.
The WA Virtual ED was initiated by Joondalup Health Campus prior to sending out an ambulance, and an emergency department consultant was able to use the telehealth carts high-resolution cameras to examine the toe.
Upon examination, it was determined that the cause was related to a hematoma secondary to trauma rather than a gangrenous toe. The patient was happy to be able to stay at the facility and receive the appropriate treatment on-site.
The remote clinician commented that the cart helped prevent an unnecessary and uncomfortable visit to the emergency department. Additionally, it helped avoid any possible complications that could have arisen from the visit.
This example demonstrates how telehealth carts can help provide timely and effective care for older Australians, ensuring they receive the best possible treatment without unnecessary hospitalisation.
Practices can view a list of RACHs with Visionflex’s telehealth technology or contact for additional support.
This equipment has been made available through funding under the Australian Government Aged Care Reform Package.




13YARN national evaluation to primary care

The Department of Health and Aged Care has engaged Scyne Advisory and yamagigu to conduct an independent evaluation into the Lifeline-funded, 13YARN national Indigenous crisis support line. 13YARN is Australia's first national crisis support line for First Nations peoples and offers confidential one-on-one yarning opportunities with Lifeline-trained First Nations Crisis Supporters who can provide 24/7 support. 
The evaluation will aim to assess the service's cultural appropriateness, awareness, efficiency, accessibility and effectiveness with recommendations for service delivery improvements. As part of the evaluation, the Department would like a greater understanding of the awareness that mainstream service providers and practitioners have of 13YARN, their likeliness to refer people to 13YARN and any suggestions for integration or delivery.
If you are a service provider or practitioner who provides services to First Nations peoples - we would like to hear from you!
Please complete the 5-10 minute survey by clicking this link – the survey will remain open until 20 September 2024.




R U OK? Day is 12 September

Ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day.  

A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week.  Whether it’s a friend, family member, 
colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups
and downs every day.

By having regular, meaningful conversations, you build trust and normalise talking about what’s really going on, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know you’re someone they can talk to.

So whilst R U OK? Day on Thursday September 12 is our National Day of Action, ask
R U OK? Any Day of the year because a conversation could change a life.

Looking to ask R U OK? in the workplace or to host an event, access the developed resources, including posters and a practical guide, to help you ask the question in a
safe and supportive way.

Learn more here 



Clinician Assist WA Live Demonstration

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
Multiple Dates & Times

Clinician Assist WA is a free to access, secure website providing GPs and other health professionals with guidance for assessing, managing and referring patients across Western Australia. It has replaced HealthPathways WA and provides access to the same trusted local guidance, features and functionality.

The Clinician Assist WA team will run online demonstrations facilitated by a GP Clinical Editor monthly until November 2024 to support users. These sessions will demonstrate how to maximise integration of Clinician Assist WA into your clinical practice. Learn key functionalities of the website and how to access condition specific tools and resources, Referral Access Criteria (RAC) (where available), GPbook Specialist Directory and specialist regional rosters.
Sessions have been approved for 1 CPD Educational Hour with the RACGP and will be held online on the following dates: 

For more information or to register, please refer the event flyer.
Open to all health professionals registered to practice in WA as well as general practice staff.
To register for an account, please visit


Paid GP online training: IAR-DST to guide mental health referrals – September training dates

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
Multiple Dates & Times

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) is providing GPs in WA with paid online Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) training, designed to help practitioners and clinicians recommend the most appropriate level of care for a person seeking mental health support.
GPs and GP registrars who attend the two workshops in the one online session will be remunerated $300 and CPD hours are available.

For the September IAR-DST training dates and registration links, visit the WAPHA IAR-DST webpage. For the September IAR-DST training dates and registration links, visit the WAPHA IAR-DST webpage.


Streamlining Visa and Sponsorship for General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health

Presented by Rural Health West
16 September 2024 (1pm AWST)

Navigating the complexities of visas and sponsorship nominations can be challenging for employers, especially with the ever-changing regulations. To simplify this process, Rural Health West has partnered with migration specialists at EasiVisa. They’ve crafted a straightforward four-step approach to guide you through the application process:

  1. Employer Sponsorship: Ensure the employer is an approved Standard Business Sponsor (SBS).
  2. Labour Market Testing: Conduct the necessary Labour Market Testing (LMT).
  3. Nomination Application: Submit the nomination application.
  4. Visa Application: Complete and file the visa application.

By breaking down the process into these clear steps, EasiVisa aims to alleviate confusion and support employers in managing their visa and sponsorship requirements effectively.
The new WA Designated Area Migration Agreement (WA DAMA) may also help you. This is a groundbreaking initiative by the WA government to enable regional practices to recruit and sponsor experienced healthcare professionals, who would typically be ineligible for permanent residency due to their age.
For more details, join Rural Health West’s recruitment team and EasiVisa for a webinar on Monday 16 September at 1.00pm. Pre-asked questions will be answered.

To register for the webinar and submit your questions please email


The Dementia Symposium 2024

Presented by Alzheimer’s WA
18 September 2024 (9am to 5pm, Perth Convention Centre)

Alzheimer’s WA Dementia Symposium provides a platform to exchange latest dementia care strategies, challenge existing perceptions, and explore innovative approaches to supporting people living with dementia. Featuring a keynote by The Hon. Emma McBride MP Assistant Minister, Department of Health and Aged Care and Dr. Shirley Bowen Director General, Department of Health WA, register to hear about the latest policies, research breakthroughs, technology and AI opportunities, practical tips and more.
Register online: The Dementia Symposium 2024 | Humanitix (Early bird tickets end 15 Aug 2024).


Provider Connect Australia educational webinar

Presented by the Australian Digital Health Agency
3 October 2024 (6pm to 6:45pm AWST)

General practice staff and health care professionals are invited to attend this educational webinar that will provide an overview of Provider Connect Australia (PCA).
PCA is an initiative of the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to help health care provider organisations update their business information in a single place, which automatically updates both the National Health Service Directory (NHSD) and the data shared with other business partners.
Learning outcomes:

  • Learn what PCA is designed for, its benefits to health care professionals and health care organisations.
  • Learn how health care organisations can register for PCA.
  • Learn how health care organisations can access PCA.
  • Learn how to add organisations, services and health care professionals in PCA.
  • Learn how to nominate business partners in PCA.

Find out more and register today.


Free GP online training sessions – depression management and suicide prevention

Presented by Black Dog Institute
Multiple Dates & Times

Please make your GPs and GP registrars aware that they can attend free online training sessions throughout the 2024 calendar year with a choice of target topics including:

  • Talking About Suicide in General Practice
  • Dealing with Depression
  • Dealing with Depression in Rural Australia
  • Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention

CPD hours are available for the online training sessions.
For more information, dates and registration links, visit WAPHA’s suicide prevention webpage.


Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

Integrating Digital Resources into Mental Health Care
Presented by Black Dog Institute
9 September
BreastScreen WA visit to Cranbrook
Presented by BreastScreen WA
12 September to 16 September
WA Sepsis Grand Round - World Sepsis Day
Presented by WA Department of Health and the Child and Adolescent Health Service
13 September
Free Chronic Conditions of the Foot Workshop
​Presented by Benchmarque Group
13 September
BreastScreen WA visit to Tambellup
Presented by BreastScreen WA
17 September to 19 September
Integrating Digital Resources into Mental Health Care​​​​​​​
Presented by Black Dog Institute
19 September
BreastScreen WA visit to Gnowangerup
Presented by BreastScreen WA
20 September to 25 September
Managing CKD alongside other chronic conditions
Presented by Kidney Health Australia
25 September
BreastScreen WA visit to Lake Grace
Presented by BreastScreen WA
27 September to 4 October
BreastScreen WA visit to South Hedland
Presented by BreastScreen WA
30 September to 14 October
De-escalation Skills NEW half day (face-to-face)
Presented by WAAMH
30 September
BreastScreen WA visit to Dumbleyung
Presented by BreastScreen WA
10 October to 21 October
BreastScreen WA visit to Wagin
Presented by BreastScreen WA
10 October to 21 October
Chronic Disease Care Planning
Presented by Benchmarque Group
11 October
2024 WA Addictions Symposium: Novel psychoactives and the new frontier in addiction
Presented by Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
12 October
Course in Wound Closure
Presented by Benchmarque Group
25 October
WA Hepatitis B Prescriber Update
Presented by ASHM
5 November
Course in Ear Wax Removal (Irrigation)
Presented by Benchmarque Group Pty Limited
22 November
Diabetes In-Depth Training
Presented by Diabetes WA
14 November


Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.