Practice Connect #207

Issue 207 - 31 October 2024


Welcome to Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, principals, nurses and administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.




Empowering general practice staff with free suicide prevention workshops

From May to June this year, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), funded by the Australian Government, commissioned Wesley LifeForce to deliver free suicide prevention workshops for general practice staff in targeted regional and metropolitan locations. 
Informed by WAPHA’s Suicide Prevention Strategy and recognising that practice staff are often the first point of contact for patients, the workshops were designed to build capacity and skills to recognise the at-risk signs and respond appropriately within a medical practice environment.
93 practice staff attended the workshops in Armadale, Bunbury, Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Manjimup and Midland. After the workshops, the attendees reported the following outcomes:

  • 98% rated themselves as medium or high ability to identify that a person is emotionally unwell and may be having suicidal thoughts.
  • 100% rated themselves as medium or high ability to communicate appropriately with a person having suicidal thoughts.
  • 98% rated their knowledge and understanding of factors contributing to suicide in Australia as medium or high.
  • 98% said that they would recommend the workshops to other practice staff.
In addition, the attendees provided a variety of positive feedback about the workshops:
  • “Getting the tools to respond to people in need. Recognising that I shouldn’t try to find solutions for these people, which would be my ‘go to’ usually. To just actively listen.”
  • “I found it all to be of benefit, especially the language and words to use, avenues of referral and scope of organisations.”
  • “I truly don’t think people are aware of how serious this is in the community. People need to know how to look for signs, how to communicate, where to find help and pass this on. I feel this is not just a course for medical staff but for everyone in today’s society.”

Based on the success of the workshops, WAPHA’s Suicide Prevention team is planning to expand the training – keep an eye out for further updates coming soon. In the meantime, you can refer to the primary care online resource kit that includes current training opportunities and a range of resources for all members of the practice team.
If you would like more information, call the Practice Assist Help Desk on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478 or 08 6278 7900) or email



Beyond the C Program Update | Re-opening Enrolments

ASHM has received a commitment of additional funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care to expand the Beyond the C national partnership program for the next two financial years. This allows the program to continue supporting the management of hepatitis C within primary care settings.

They are inviting practices to enrol in their partnership program, which offer a variety of incentives to Practices and Practitioners. 

For further information please view the flyer or reach out to


Empower your patients beyond the consultation with RACGP Healthy Habits

The RACGP Healthy Habits Program is a free digital health tool that helps you support patients on chronic disease management plans. The patient-facing app encourages small changes to nutrition, physical activity and sleep habits to meet larger health goals, set by patients and their GPs. Practices can then monitor patient progress, discuss challenges and provide messages of encouragement via a shared clinician dashboard.

Because Healthy Habits can be supported and managed by the whole primary healthcare team, it provides greater opportunities for patients to connect and feel motivated. It also gives the practice team a clear picture of the patient's lifestyle at a glance, saving time and making it easier to have informed conversations about preventive care.

It takes less than two minutes to register your practice, giving you access to the program and a suite of Healthy Habits resources and CPD.


Better Health Coaching - Western Australian Service

Better Health Coaching Service for Western Australians is a FREE, telephone based health program, designed to help adults in Western Australia prevent or manage chronic health conditions.
If patients are looking for support to: 

  • Make healthier food choices
  • Be more active
  • Manage stress better
  • Improve their sleep routine
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Build social connections with family and friends
  • Manage health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer

The service can provide personalised services, motivational interviewing, wellbeing tools, online moderated forums and regular updates on the patient’s progress throughout the program.
Community members, living in Western Australia and over the age of 18 years, can be referred by a health professional or by self-referral.
More information is available here Health Professionals - Better Health Coaching.


New standard to tackle chronic lung disease missed in half of patients (FED)

One in 13 Australians over the age of 40 have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but alarmingly only half of them know they have it.

Awareness of this incurable lung disease - which makes it difficult to breathe - lags considerably behind other serious chronic health conditions, despite COPD being a leading cause of avoidable hospitalisations.

In a bid to accurately diagnose COPD patients, keep them well and out of hospital, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has developed the first national standard of care.

Published 17 October 2024, the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Care Standard is endorsed by 20 peak bodies, including leading lung health organisations, the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and Lung Foundation Australia.

Read the full media release here.



Childhood immunisation - health professionals' kit: Tools and resources for healthcare professionals

Health recommendations and advice from a trusted healthcare professional can help parents and carers make informed decisions about childhood vaccinations.

Healthcare professionals who are able to effectively communicate the benefits and safety of childhood immunisation help to provide reassurance for parents and carers who are unsure about vaccinating their children.

Although most Australian parents and carers choose to vaccinate their children, it’s natural for them to have questions about: 

  • how vaccines work
  • vaccine safety
  • side effects
  • vaccine-preventable diseases.
The resources in the Childhood Immunisation — health professionals' kit are designed to support healthcare professionals in having conversations with parents and carers about childhood immunisation, helping them to make informed choices for their child.
Resources in this kit include:
  • answers to common questions from parents and carers
  • support for conversation approaches to childhood immunisation
  • guides to following up on children who have missed scheduled vaccines
  • immunisation clinical support.

Access the Childhood Immunisation — Health professionals’ kit online.


Department of Health and Aged Care promotes shingles vaccination

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is stressing the importance of ‘shielding yourself from shingles’ through a suite of resources designed to help health professionals have informative, supportive, culturally appropriate conversations about herpes zoster (shingles) vaccination with their patients.
The package includes clinical advice, a podcast, videos, a fact sheet and posters for display in healthcare settings.

A two-dose course of the shingles vaccine Shingrix is now free under the National Immunisation Program for all adults aged 65 years and over, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
aged 50 years and over, and people aged 18 years and over with selected severe immunocompromising conditions.
To access the resources, click here.


Pertussis cases are rising in WA

Pertussis (whooping cough) cases are increasing in WA. This increase is particularly evident in the school-aged children (5-14-year-olds).

The notification rate in the Aboriginal community is six times higher than the non-Aboriginal community.

According to the Australian Immunisation Handbook, pertussis is the second most frequently notified vaccine preventable disease in Australia.
Vaccination is a key prevention tool.

WA Health urges providers to offer opportunistic vaccination to ensure individuals are up to date with pertussis vaccination, including adolescents, pregnant people, infants and their siblings, and those caring for infants such as parents, childcare staff and healthcare workers. 
Also consider recalling your patients who have not had a whooping cough booster in the past 10 years.
As Whooping Cough Day 2024 approaches on November 8, providers are encouraged to raise awareness of the impact of whooping cough in the community. 

The Immunisation Foundation of Australia (IFA) will be sharing stories and campaign assets.
To read the full Vaccine Update on Pertussis from WA Health, click here.

For further information on IFA and campaign resources, click here.


National mpox cases continue to rise: Pre exposure vaccination offers best protection

With more than 1000 cases reported across Australia this year, GPs can help to prevent mpox transmission in WA by identifying and recalling eligible, at risk patients for preventative vaccination.

As of the 30 October, there have been 1,084 Australian cases reported to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System in 2024.

GPs can help to prevent mpox transmission in WA by identifying and recalling people at risk who are eligible, or patients who may have only had one dose, for pre-exposure preventative vaccination.

The WA Communicable Disease Control Directorate (CDCD) continues to advise that two doses of the vaccine, administered 28 days apart provides optimal protection. The recommended route of administration is subcutaneous. See also the relevant section of the Australian Immunisation Handbook for more details.

The WA Department of Health has developed a quick guide to support primary health care providers and an FAQ document for patients.

Additionally, the CDCD issued an alert for clinicians on 23 August. Clinicians are requested to consider and test for mpox in men who have sex with men (MSM) with a clinically compatible illness.  

Cases must be reported urgently by telephone to the Public Health Units within a few hours of first suspicion of diagnosis.

The RACGP have also made available a recording of their September 30 webinar on mpox and the epidemiology in NSW. Watch Stay ahead in sexual health: Navigating mpox and Doxy-PEP in your practice on demand here.  

Read more on clinical challenges, recommendations and resources for GPs in the September GP Connect Clinical Feature.

The CDCD also encourages GPs to email or phone 9222 2131 for more information.


Virtual masterclass: Preventing respiratory syncytial virus

Presented by United Clinical
6 November (4pm to 5.30pm AWST)

Register for this free online masterclass – titled ‘RSV & Mothers-to-be: Safeguarding infant health’.

Join infectious diseases experts in exploring the growing burden of RSV in infants and evaluating preventive approaches to RSV in early life, including integration into clinical practice.
For more information and to register click here.


NCIRS webinar recording now available

A Recording of the recent webinar, ‘Falling childhood vaccination rates: current context and future strategies’, is now available on the NCIRS website.

Hosted by Professor Nicholas Wood (Associate Director, Clinical Research and Services, NCIRS), this event reviewed current challenges relating to childhood immunisation in Australia, through the lens of emerging vaccination coverage and social science research.
Experts presented on topics including: 

  • the latest childhood immunisation coverage data and trends in Australia 
  • approaches to addressing vaccine mistrust 
  • practical strategies to increase coverage rates. 

The webinar included a preview of preliminary findings from the National Vaccination Insights project, which is investigating the drivers of partial and under-vaccination in Australia.
Watch here.


Immunisation Coalition - Shingles Webinar

Presented by Immunisation Coalition
20 November (3pm to 4pm AWST)

This webinar provides viewers with an update on shingles epidemiology, changes to the NIP schedule, and current trends in vaccination rates.

Low shingles vaccination rates in Australian adults impact the epidemiology of the disease.

This webinar explores what current guidelines advise regarding vaccination to reduce disease burden and complications associated from contracting Shingles.
For more information and to register, click here.



National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) Clinical Software Integration Available

The National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) integration is designed to streamline workflows for healthcare organisations, allowing you to access and report patient clinical information for the bowel and cervical screening programs and the soon-to-launch national lung cancer screening programs directly from the software you use every day.
The NCSR can be integrated with  leading clinical software programs including Best Practice Premier, Medical Director, and Communicare.
For further information on integrating your software, click here.


Breast Cancer Awareness 

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer Council WA wants to remind practice staff that their resources are available to support your professional development.

You can watch the recorded version of their latest event, Breast Cancer Update for General Practicefeaturing presentations from experts in radiology, medical oncology, and surgery.

Additionally, key take-home messages are available to reinforce the essential information shared during the event.

We encourage you to take advantage of these valuable resources.



Eliminating Cervical Cancer Conference

Presented by The Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer 
26 to 29 November (In-person: Sofitel Hotel, Melbourne; Virtual: details available on registration)

This major hybrid event – previously known as the Preventing Cervical Cancer Conference – will be structured around the three pillars of cervical cancer elimination: vaccination, screening and treatment. 
Adopting the theme ‘Achieving equity in Australia and the Indo-Pacific region’, the conference will feature speakers working at the vanguard of efforts to eliminate cervical cancer in our region.

The program will also highlight the work of the Australian Government-funded Elimination Partnership in the Indo-Pacific for Cervical Cancer (EPICC) Consortium, of which NCIRS is a proud member.

Virtual attendance is free for current residents of developing countries.
For further information and to register, click here.




Who's eligible for the Non-Medicare Reimbursement Scheme for COVID-19 Vaccinations

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has provided funding to WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) for the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations for non-Medicare patients within primary care. 
WAPHA can reimburse general practices to the value of the relevant MBS item number to support non-Medicare patients being vaccinated against COVID-19, and this reimbursement can be backdated to July 2023. 

Please note: The non-Medicare vaccine reimbursements will cease in December 2024. The last day to submit a claim will be 1 December 2024, to align with WAPHA’s end of year payment processing. 

To claim, practices will be required to declare reimbursement (i.e. private fee charge) has not already been received for the services claimed. 
WAPHA understands that some practices have withdrawn or are not administering COVID-19 vaccinations. Practices with a large cohort of non-Medicare patients can be supported to submit an expression of interest to join the program.  

To make a claim complete the survey or for further information please email our COVID-19


COVID-19 Primary Care Vaccination Support Program - How to Submit Your Activity Summary Reports

WA Primary Health Alliance wants the COVID-19 vaccination support program acquittal process to be as easy and effective as possible for all involved.  

We have created a ‘How to Guide’ to assist program participants in making sure everything is included when writing their Activity Summary Report/s. Each section in the guide will provide prompts whilst you answer each survey question so we receive accurate and useful information on those outcomes your activities achieved. 

Every organisation that is funded through the COVID-19 Primary Care Vaccination Support Program (Program) is required to provide an activity summary report promptly following the completion of the activity/s.  

Once you have completed your pop-up clinic or home visit/s where COVID-19 vaccinations were administered, organisations will need to complete an activity summary report to indicate how the funding has been utilised in line with the signed agreement and Program guidelines.  

Program participants will not need to submit receipts for purchases, but will be required to retain them in line with Australian Taxation Office requirements.  

For further information please visit our COVID-19 Vaccination & Resources webpage or email 




APNA Annual Workforce Survey 2024

Your voice matters - make sure it’s heard by completing the APNA Workforce Survey today. 

The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association’s annual Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Survey is the only one nationally that focuses exclusively on nurses and midwives working in primary health care. 

APNA use what you tell them about your working conditions, concerns, and aspirations when helping governments and policymakers better understand primary health care nursing and midwifery and how they can better utilise, attract, and retain this vital workforce. 

If you work outside of a hospital, you provide primary health care, and APNA want to hear from you!  You do not need to be an APNA member to complete the survey.  

The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete, and completed surveys go into a draw to win one of two $1000 Red Balloon vouchers or 10 x $100 cash cards. 

Complete the survey here 




WA Seniors Week is 10 to 17 November

WA Seniors Week 2024 runs from 10-17 November 2024, and recognises the important role that older people play in our community and celebrates the contributions of older Western Australians.

WA Seniors Week is an annual event that encourages people of all ages to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of older people to the Western Australian community. WA Seniors Week is also a celebration of seniors’ active participation in community life.

During Seniors Week 2024, the Department of Communities encourages all Western Australians to get involved in celebrating the priceless contributions of older people. These contributions, large and small, are enriching communities and lives throughout Western Australia.

WA Seniors Week events

Check out the online calendar of currently registered events.

Have a Go Day

Have a Go Day is a free activities and information day aimed at creating awareness around the importance of seniors leading active lives. In 2024, Have a Go Day will be held on 13 November.

Learn more here




Multidisciplinary Treatment of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) – an in-person and online clinician update

Presented by North Metropolitan Health Service
13 November 2024 (Virtual & In Person)

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake disorder (ARFID) is a persistent and disturbed pattern of feeding or eating that leads to a failure to meet nutritional needs resulting in medical and mental consequences. A multidisciplinary team approach is crucial for treating avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), ensuring collaboration among healthcare professionals. This presentation will provide clinicians with an update on the latest advancement in our understanding and management of ARFID.

This update will include information on:

  • The latest research including a meta-analysis and lived experience studies
  • Clinical management including a focus on diagnostic clarification of diagnosing ARFID

This update is suitable for any clinician of the multidisciplinary team including GPs and Psychiatrists providing support for those living with ARFID.

View the flyer here for in-person registration or the flyer here for online registration.


Webinar – Healthy Weight Masterclass: Pharmacological Interventions in Weight Management

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
12 November 2024 (6pm to 7:30pm AWST)

Please join us for the 9th webinar in the Healthy Weight Masterclass series, where we will discuss pharmacological interventions in weight management.
Learning objectives:

  • Explain the differences between all pharmacological interventions in weight management.
  • Discuss the GP’s role in discussing pharmacological therapies and making informed decisions with patients.
  • Review the evidence in the practical implementation of pharmacotherapy in primary care.
  • Discuss off-label prescription.

Find out more and register today.


GP Management of Patient Depression & Suicidality

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance in association with RCSWA
13 November 2024 (Rose & Crown Hotel, Guilford)

Developed by The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia (RCSWA) General Practitioners, in collaboration with Dr Mat Coleman.

Designed to enhance the skills of GP’s in treating depression and suicidality. 

Part 1: Online Module - Six concise modules (approx. 90mins to complete).

Part  2: Face-to-Face Workshop - Collaborative conversations, including sharing of clinical experiences, complex scenario analyses, debriefing and learning from adverse outcomes, (approx. 90 mins with a light meal included).

Both activities are CPD accredited.

Click here to register


Clinician Assist WA Live Demonstration

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
Multiple Dates & Times

Clinician Assist WA is a free to access, secure website providing GPs and other health professionals with guidance for assessing, managing and referring patients across Western Australia. It has replaced HealthPathways WA and provides access to the same trusted local guidance, features and functionality.

The Clinician Assist WA team will run online demonstrations facilitated by a GP Clinical Editor monthly until November 2024 to support users. These sessions will demonstrate how to maximise integration of Clinician Assist WA into your clinical practice. Learn key functionalities of the website and how to access condition specific tools and resources, Referral Access Criteria (RAC) (where available), GPbook Specialist Directory and specialist regional rosters.
Sessions have been approved for 1 CPD Educational Hour with the RACGP and will be held online on the following dates: 

For more information or to register, please refer the event flyer.
Open to all health professionals registered to practice in WA as well as general practice staff.
To register for an account, please visit


Paid GP online training: IAR-DST to guide mental health referrals – November and December training dates

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
Multiple Dates & Times

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) is providing GPs in WA with paid online Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) training, designed to help practitioners and clinicians recommend the most appropriate level of care for a person seeking mental health support.
GPs and GP registrars who attend the two workshops in the one online session will be remunerated $300 and CPD hours are available.

For the November and December IAR-DST training dates and registration links, visit the WAPHA IAR-DST webpage


Telehealth Clinical Skills Program 2024

Presented by the ACRRM
5 November 2024 (7pm AWST)

What every doctor needs to know about providing best practice telemedicine.

Available for both members and non-members this is an education and skills development program on how to plan and deliver telehealth services.

Featuring a live online workshop and exercises to complete in your own time, the program explores consultations with patients, remote GP supervision, assessing patients through nursing and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health staff, and family conferencing.

More information here.


Free GP online training sessions – depression management and suicide prevention

Presented by Black Dog Institute
Multiple Dates & Times

Please make your GPs and GP registrars aware that they can attend free online training sessions throughout the 2024 calendar year with a choice of target topics including:

  • Talking About Suicide in General Practice
  • Dealing with Depression
  • Dealing with Depression in Rural Australia
  • Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention

CPD hours are available for the online training sessions.
For more information, dates and registration links, visit WAPHA’s suicide prevention webpage.


WA Rural Health Conference 2025 - Save the date

Presented by Rural Health West
22 & 23 March 2025

With a theme of Strengthening rural WA: Once connection at a time Rural Health West looks forward to welcoming all rural health professionals to Perth on Saturday 22 + Sunday 23 March 2025.

Registrations open early November 2024. For further details please visit WA Rural Health Conference 2025 website.


Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

Clinical audit: chronic kidney disease – detection in practice (online course)
Presented by Kidney Health Australia
October to December 2024
WA HIV s100 Prescriber Update
Presented by ASHM
November (multiple dates)
BreastScreen WA visit to Rangeway (GRAMS)
Presented by BreastScreen WA
4 November to 19 November
WA Hepatitis B Prescriber Update
Presented by ASHM
5 November
Mental Health in the Workplace
Presented by WAAMH
7 November
IV Cannulation - Perform peripheral intravenous cannulation
Presented by Benchmarque Group
8 November
BreastScreen WA visit to Denmark
Presented by BreastScreen WA
8 November to 18 December
Everyday Counselling Skills
Presented by WAAMH
8 November
BreastScreen WA visit to Dunsborough
Presented by BreastScreen WA
11 November to 29 January
Applying generative artificial intelligence in clinical practice
Presented by ACRRM
11 November
Understanding Discrimination, General Protections and Workplace Rights
Presented by AAPM
12 November
BreastScreen WA visit to Narrogin
Presented by BreastScreen WA
12 November to 17 December
Diabetes In-Depth Training
Presented by Diabetes WA
14 November
BreastScreen WA visit to Wongin Hills
Presented by BreastScreen WA
21 November to 29 November
Course in Ear Wax Removal (Irrigation)
Presented by Benchmarque Group Pty Limited
22 November
Mental Health First Aid training
Presented by Luma
26 November & 27 November
WA Mental Health Conference 2024
Presented by WA Association for Mental Health
26 November & 27 November
BreastScreen WA visit to Koorda
Presented by BreastScreen WA
2 December to 5 December
De-escalation Skills
Presented by WAAMH
16 December to 17 December
Save the date: WA Rural Health Conference 2025
Presented by Rural Health West
22 March to 23 March


WA Primary Health Alliance acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.


Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.