Practice Connect #175

28 July 2023

Welcome to this edition of Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.

Acknowledgement of Country 

WA Primary Health Alliance acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

Throughout this newsletter, the term 'Aboriginal' is used to refer to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, unless stated otherwise.



Feature - Beyond the C Hepatitis



The word hepatitis simply means inflammation (titis) of the liver (hepat).
There are five types of viruses that can cause hepatitis.

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis D
  • Hepatitis E

We have the chance to eliminate hepatitis C from Australia

Australia is leading the world in reaching the goal of eliminating hepatitis C as a public health threat by 2030 because we have unrestricted access to direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) and specialists, general practitioners and nurse practitioners can all prescribe hepatitis C treatment.
To make this happen, we need more general practitioners (GPs) and authorised nurse practitioners to treat hepatitis C and more primary care practices to prioritise hepatitis C within their busy clinics.


World Hepatitis Day 2023

Hepatitis Can’t Wait
World Hepatitis Day is 28 July 2023. To find out more about the National World Hepatitis Day campaign and the National Hepatitis Infoline, visit:

Hepatitis WA has designed the “Not Worth the Bloody Risk” Campaign for World Hepatitis Day 2023 with information available here.




Quality Improvement Opportunities – Hepatitis C

As part of your Quality Improvement activities, a focus for your practice could be in identifying patients at risk of contracting Hepatitis C, not limited to, and including: 
  • Lifestyle behaviours such as sharing needles and drug use equipment
  • Have had unsterile tattooing or body piercing
  • Engaging in high-risk sexual behaviour including sex workers
  • Have been infected with HIV or Hep B
  • Clinical evidence of liver disease such as persistently elevated ALT
  • Have spent time in prison
  • Immigrants or refugees from certain countries with high prevalence of Hepatitis C


Decision Making in Hepatitis C

Viral hepatitis remains one of the leading causes of liver cancer in Australia. This World Hepatitis Day (WHD) on 28 July, take a moment to consider the opportunities to manage and cure hepatitis C in primary care. The theme of WHD 2023 is ‘We’re Not Waiting’. We have the tools to eliminate the disease by 2030.

ASHM’s Decision Making in Hepatitis C resource is a 2-page guide that provides a concise and comprehensive overview of the diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of hepatitis C.  The resource ensures you are engaging the latest strategies and guidelines in hepatitis C to support people to be cured of hepatitis C. For general practitioners, nurse practitioners, and other primary care providers, this resource can provide a simplified decision-making process, presenting a clear step-by-step approach to effectively manage hepatitis C care for an individual.

Page 1 outlines the indications for testing and provides guidance on interpreting hepatitis C serology results, allowing healthcare professionals to accurately diagnose hepatitis C. By following these guidelines, healthcare providers can ensure timely and accurate diagnoses, enabling prompt initiation of appropriate management strategies. Page 2 provides key considerations for assessing patients with hepatitis C and selecting the appropriate treatment regimen. Importantly, the resource includes indications for referral to a specialist, ensuring that patients receive timely and specialised care when necessary. As a primary care provider, you can utilise this practical guide to provide optimal care for patients and contribute to eliminating hepatitis C.

Download the resource here



Beyond the C

Liver cancer is the fastest increasing cause of cancer death in Australia, with a 5-year observed survival rate of only 18%, which is well beneath the 70% average of all cancers combined. Chronic hepatitis C, along with chronic hepatitis B, are the leading causes of liver cancer. Hepatitis C (HCV) is curable and can be managed in primary care, meaning that primary care is critical to the prevention of liver cancer. A new national program aiming to help eliminate HCV in Australia, is calling on primary care services, to sign up and help locate the approximately 117,800 Australians who have hepatitis C as of the end of 2020. Following a successful pilot program, ASHM has launched its partnership program, Beyond the C, as part of a national initiative to eliminate hepatitis C by 2030.  


Benefits to the practice 

  1. The Beyond the C program aligns with the new CPD requirements for GPs. This activity has been approved by the RACGP for Measuring Outcomes 5 hours.
  2. By completing the project, practices receive a $1,500 reimbursement payment  
  3. Aligns with the Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI) payment 

You’ll have personalised support through our Practice Nurse Advisor, along with ongoing access to a suite of tools and resources to guide you to: 

  • Plan your clinical audit using a PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) template   ­­
  • Make the most of your medical software system to conduct case-finding 
  • Implement quality improvement activities in your practice. 

Download the flyer

Register here


Australia can’t wait! World Hepatitis Day Updates from WA Health

General Practitioners play an integral role in achieving elimination of viral hepatitis in Australia, a key target of state and national blood-borne virus strategies.
In Western Australia, hepatitis C testing rates have remained stable whilst notification and test positivity rates have decreased, indicating a decrease in hepatitis C transmission. This is a positive step towards achieving elimination targets. However, ongoing effort is required for elimination targets to be reached.
The Australian recommendations for the management of hepatitis C virus infection: a consensus statement (2022) developed by the Gastroenterological Society of Australia and the Hepatitis C Virus Infection Consensus Statement Working Group, provides important hepatitis C testing and treatment updates including:

  • When screening for hepatitis C, it is recommended that clinicians request reflex testing for HCV RNA if HCV serology is positive.
►A good practice tip is to write on the pathology form, “If anti-HCV positive please perform a HCV RNA and genotype.”
  • The recommended definition of chronic hepatitis C includes individuals with detectable HCV RNA in plasma or whole blood, and the absence of clinical features of acute hepatitis. 
  • All individuals with chronic hepatitis C infection should be considered for antiviral therapy, including those with risks factors for transmission. The exception being for those with a life expectancy of <12 months due to non-liver or non-HCV related comorbidities. 
  • To confirm cure, undertake HCV RNA testing four weeks after completion of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy.

Refer to the WA Health Silverbook for hepatitis C clinical guidelines. 
Thank you for your on-going contribution to the elimination of hepatitis C in Australia.


Hepatitis C Case Finding - WA upcoming event

Presented by ASHM
15 August (6:00pm – 7:45pm AWST) Online via Zoom

This free training course is open to all primary healthcare GPs, nurses, practice managers and practice staff working in Western Australia. Register now to support Australia’s target to eliminate hepatitis C by 2030 and enhance health outcomes for people living with hepatitis C.
Presenters: Lisa Holden, ASHM; Dr Jessamy Stirling, Joe Staniszewski, Elena Donaghy (Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service)
Register here


Primary Sense Update 


Primary Sense Education Sessions a success

With over 85% of eligible practices now installed Primary Sense we have transitioned into looking at maximising the use of the tool in general practice. On Tuesday 18 July and Wednesday 19 July, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) hosted four Primary Sense Education Sessions at our Subiaco office.

The sessions provided Practice Managers, Practice Nurses and a small number of GPs with an opportunity to learn more about how Primary Sense can be best utilised in practice to access data, focusing on patient outcomes and support clinical decisions.

WAPHA’s Primary Care Navigators facilitated the sessions and stated the opportunity to meet face to face has proven to be a very rewarding experience for all involved. The first two days have seen 50 attendees with a further 60 registrations for the coming sessions.

In addition, the initial feedback from the attendees has been overwhelmingly positive:

  • “I think it is a fantastic tool and wish all GPs could see it as I have today” (GP Attendee)
  • “Great session, I now feel more knowledgeable and comfortable with the program.”
  • “It was great to be Face to face with fellow peers and having it explained in such detail.”
  • “We understand more clearly, Q&A session was valuable through information gained on questions raised by others.”
  • “Great team of supportive knowledgeable presenters.”

Everyone who registered for the sessions will receive a copy of the resources presented on the day.

WAPHA’s Primary Care Navigators have planned an additional four sessions and registrations are still open.

Please register your attendance below as sessions are limited to 20 people.

Register here

For further information please contact Practice Assist on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478) or 08 6278 7900


COVID-19 Updates 


Withdrawing from the COVID-19 Vaccination Program

A reminder that practices withdrawing completely from the COVID-19 Vaccination Program must inform WA Primary Health Alliance of their intention to withdraw via email at
Before practices can be withdrawn, please ensure no stock is on hand for each vaccine product. This can be achieved by:

  • Administering remaining doses
  • Transferring remaining doses (the Vaccine Operations Centre can assist with any issues)
  • Report remaining doses in the final stock management report as wastage (if vaccines have expired or are unable to be used)
  • If the wastage exceeds the threshold of 10 or more vials, practices will need to complete a Vaccine Wastage Report (please note, all doses need to be accounted for – if they cannot be used or transferred, they must be reported as wastage.)
  • Update Practice Connect Australia to show changed status

Once actioned, CVAS will be updated, and practices will no longer have access.
Please note: Practices that only wish to withdraw from an individual vaccine type, or pause their participation, can do this on CVAS without informing WA Primary Health Alliance.


Non-Medicare COVID-19 Vaccination Reimbursement 

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is funding WA Primary Health Alliance to reimburse general practices to support non-Medicare patients being vaccinated against COVID- 19. 

Practices can be reimbursed to the rebate value of the relevant MBS item number and reimbursement can be backdated to January 2023.

To make a claim, please complete the survey.

Please note: We no longer require an invoice to support reimbursement, only completion of the survey. For further information, contact Practice Assist.


Immunisation & Cancer Screening Updates 


Immunisation: Back to Basics webinar recording

On July 6, WA Primary Health Alliance hosted the webinar 'Immunisation: Back to Basics'.

Services Australia Business Development Manager, Michele Cusack, presented real time simulations on how to access and create a PRODA and an AIR delegation account.

She also presented on how to create a patient account and record an encounter.
This webinar was the first in a series that will look at all aspects of immunisation, data and QI activities.

The recording from the first webinar can be found on our Practice Assist website here.




Vaccinating Young Children Against Influenza

The acting Chief Health Officer sent out a letter this week to all Immunisation Providers to get them to continue to encourage vaccination against Influenza for all ages, but especially in younger children.

This year, Perth Children’s Hospital has seen a significant increase in the hospitalisation of young children with influenza.
The Department of Health is urging Immunisation Providers to keep offering the flu vaccination to all age groups.
Read the letter here


Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Immunisation resources

The Department of Health and Aged Care has released new, improved resources for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
These resources remind parents of the benefits of vaccination and encourage them to vaccinate on time.
View the new resources here


Focus on improving the timeliness of vaccination in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children 

Given that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are at greater risk of earlier and more severe disease than non-Indigenous children, timely vaccination at the earliest appropriate age is vital.  
Although fully vaccinated coverage by the 60-month milestone is higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children than for non-Indigenous children, the recently published Vaccination for our Mob virtual report shows that the percentage vaccinated on time is substantially lower. A particular concern is the higher percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who are vaccinated very late (over seven months after the scheduled time). 
The report outlines key strategies to improve the timeliness of vaccination in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, among other important topics.



The Future of Cancer Screening: Conversations and Conundrums

Presented by Cancer Council WA
Thursday 3 August (6.30pm to 8.30pm AWST)

The Cancer Council of WA is hosting Professor Bob Steele, a distinguished international expert from the UK, who will share invaluable insights into the future of cancer screening.

Also a panel of esteemed local experts in the field of cancer screening will engage in an exchange of ideas and questions.
Please note, this event is being held in person and virtually, but only virtual registrations are available now.

For more information and to register please click here



Maternal influenza Vaccination 2023 – Webinar

The Australian Medical Association partnered with the Department of Health and Aged Care, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Australian College of Midwives to run a webinar on Tuesday, 11 July, on the importance of maternal influenza vaccination.

The webinar is now available to view online


MatterofVax podcast – Immunisation Foundation of Australia 

In the MatterofVax podcast series, the Immunisation Foundation of Australia explores a range of vaccine-preventable diseases, including meningococcal, pneumococcal, human papillomavirus, influenza and shingles, with the help of some of Australia’s leading infectious diseases experts, including Dr Chris Blyth and Professor Booey
Listen (or watch if you prefer) here


Allan Cripps Memorial Webinar – Pneumococcal Update

Presented by Immunisation Coalition 
Thursday 10 August (7pm to 9pm AEST)

During his career Allan Cripps was instrumental in advancements for Pneumococcal vaccines.

A webinar to highlight his achievements and discuss the latest developments has been created.
An expert panel will discuss pneumococcal disease, vaccine development, and the impact of vaccines on disease reduction in both adults and children. They will also discuss the different serotypes and their effects across age groups, provide insights into invasive pneumococcal disease, immunisation recommendations, and compare polysaccharide and conjugated vaccine types.

Additionally, strategies to increase immunisation rates among older adults and high-risk groups will be covered.
To register:

  • Download the CPD HCP app on your phone or tablet or use the website at
  • Click on Create an Account or login with your existing account if you have used this app or website previously
  • Click on the arrow next to the event and click on register



Immunisation Course Expression of Interest

WA Primary Health Alliance are supporting practice nurses to complete the Understanding Vaccines and the National Immunisation Program (HESA Accredited). This Expression of Interest (EOI) is for Practice nurses who require training on immunisation. Please take the time to read the information below and in the link before completing the survey. 

This Program aims to equip health professionals with knowledge and skills to competently deliver a high quality and safe immunisation service. It is self-paced but must be completed within a period of 20 weeks from the date of registration. The course requires access to the internet. The system requirements are listed and should be checked prior to purchase. Animation, interactivity and audio may not be supported on some devices such as iPads or iPhones. 

Health Professionals must be registered with AHPRA to apply and those who successfully complete and meet all Program requirements will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. The course costs $350 inclusive of GST. Payment is made online through a secure PayPal system. On completion of the program, WA Primary Health Alliance will reimburse the cost of the course. All claims must be submitted to WAPHA prior to 31st December 2023.

For further information on the course please click here

The EOI will take approximately 3 minutes to complete. Please fill out the questions and submit in one session by COB Friday 10th of November 2023.


Practice Updates 


WAPHA staff visit general practices across the Goldfields

Over four days at the end of May, staff from WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) visited general practices in Kalgoorlie, Norseman, Kambalda and Leonora to strengthen relationships, enhance collaboration and discuss a range of key topics of interest.
WAPHA Regional Integration Manager, Sarah Brown, and WAPHA Practice QI Coach, Raelene Craft, visited nine practices across the Goldfields and had engaging and productive discussions with practice principals, general practitioners, practice managers and practice nurses.
“The key topics of interest that we discussed were GP Grants, Primary Sense, Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care, vulnerable population funding and mental health services. These face-to-face meetings have provided WAPHA with a greater understanding of the current, local concerns that the general practices are facing on a daily basis,” Raelene said.
During the practice visits, Raelene took the opportunity to review practice data and discuss potential quality improvement activities, while Sarah provided an overview of WAPHA’s ongoing stakeholder engagement in the Goldfields region.
“It was especially pleasing to see how practices are looking at new initiatives to improve health care for their communities and patients with the primary focus on improving health outcomes. All of the practices we engaged with were embracing change and adapting to the near-normal working life. They also explained they were constantly reviewing, keeping an open mind and modifying suggestions to suit the needs of their patients and workforce in order to have an effective, efficient and viable general practice,” Raelene said.
After the practice visits, Vimilou Divinagracia, Practice Manager at Collins Street Surgery in Kalgoorlie, showed her appreciation by emailing Sarah and Raelene the message below:
“That was indeed a very fruitful, productive and engaging face-to-face meeting and we highly appreciated all your valuable inputs and key take aways. Huge thank you for both your time and effort in preparing for today's discussion and the sustainable strategic plans you've shared. Greatly looking forward to more collaborative support in terms of training, seminars, courses, future plans and networking engagements.”

The Collins Street Surgery team (left to right: Practice Nurse Sharlee Murrihy, Practice Manager Vimilou Divinagracia, GP and Practice Principal Dr Shobha Ramanna, GP and Practice Principal Dr Satish Chandrashekharan).



My Medicare

MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration model. It aims to strengthen the relationship between patients, their general practice, GP and primary care teams.

Registration in MyMedicare is voluntary for patients and practices.

General practices that register will benefit by having access to:

  • more information about regular patients, making it easier to tailor services to fit the patient’s needs
  • new longer telephone items linked to MyMedicare
  • the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive from 1 August 2024, which will support regular health assessments, care plans and regular GP visits for people in residential aged care homes
  • new blended funding payments to support better care in the community for people with complex, chronic disease who frequently attend hospitals, that will roll out progressively across the country over three years from FY2024–25
  • Chronic Disease Management items linked to a patient’s registration in MyMedicare from November 2024, to support continuity of care for people with chronic and complex conditions.
NB: Patients who are not registered in MyMedicare will still be able to receive Chronic Disease Management items from their usual GP.

Patients will benefit from registering by:
  • accessing greater continuity of care
  • longer MBS-funded telephone calls
  • the triple bulk billing incentive for longer MBS telehealth consultations (Levels C, D and E) for children under 16, pensioners, and concession card holders.
For more information The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care’s MyMedicare webpage includes the following information:

WA Primary Health Alliance will soon be providing more information about how we can support general practices with this initiative.

For questions or support please contact Practice Assist on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478 or 08 6278 7900) or via email



New service to help people to better manage long term conditions – for GPs in the Wanneroo region

GPs within the City of Wanneroo region can now receive extra support for their patients who have long term health conditions, who also live with mental health and/or alcohol and other drug related problems.

A care plan support and coordination service, funded by WA Primary Health Alliance and provided by Silverchain, provides additional support to patients to remain engaged with their health and navigate community support services.

For GPs, this allows patient support and coordination outside of the practice, to save valuable time and free up consultations to focus on the presenting problems. The service also encourages patients to keep GP appointments to develop and review GPMP/MHCPs. There is no cost to patients and it does not replace GP care plan or use Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM) items.

Importantly, the service is based on integration and regular contact with referring GPs, providing updates on patient welfare and outcomes.

The service also connects patients with community-based mental health, alcohol and drug services to support them to manage mental health and/or alcohol and other drug related problems.

Sharon Hearns, Silverchain’s Director Clinical Operations said patients who have been referred to the service have received support and care to manage their health condition, help reduce alcohol and drug usage and attend counselling and mental health appointments.

“Our team of experienced case coordinators and nurses are working closely with GPs in the area to identify eligible patients, and to provide wraparound support for them within the community,” Sharon said.

“We provide an additional helping hand to educate patients and help them follow their GP provided health care plans.

“We know that meeting these patients in a safe, accessible space is important to them. We go to them, meeting them in their place of choice such as their home, their local park or a community centre. This helps reduce barriers to care.”

If you have questions or have patients who may benefit from this service, contact Dr Siobhan Brennan, GP Liaison on 0476 841 116 or Jaclyn Geraghty, Program Manager Primary Care & Chronic Disease on 0477 353 720.

This activity has been made possible through funding provided by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care under the Primary Health Network Program.  



Chronic Cough Awareness Campaign 

Lung Foundation Australia has launched a chronic cough awareness campaign which aims to raise awareness and support diagnosis in adults and children.

Chronic cough is often a sign of an underlying disease. Primary health care professionals are critical in the early detection and investigation of patients presenting with chronic cough.

Assessment of chronic cough should be undertaken differently for children and adults requiring a focused history of the chronic cough to elicit any ‘red flag’ cough pointers that may indicate an underlying disease. To support clinical best practice, two clinical algorithms have been designed to provide clear step-by-step, evidence-based recommendations in assessing and managing patients presenting with chronic cough.

Access the algorithms below.

To view more about the campaign and accompanying resources here



New DVA quick guide for GPs and specialists treating veterans with a cancer diagnosis

General practitioners and specialists now have easy access to the basics on how to assist eligible veterans to access free cancer treatment, with DVA's new Quick guide for providers.

Under DVA’s Non Liability Health Care (NLHC) arrangements, DVA may cover the cost of eligible veterans’ cancer treatment even if the cancer is unrelated to their Australian Defence Force service.



WA Rural Health Excellence Awards | Nominations now open  


Nominations now open  

Do you know an outstanding rural health professional who deserves recognition for their hard work and commitment to the community?

Nominate a peer, colleague or health team to help shine a spotlight on the health professionals making a difference.

The WA Rural Health Excellence Awards celebrate health professionals who have dedicated their careers to caring for rural communities, and showcase the achievements of health professionals who have enhanced healthcare across country WA.

Additional information on award categories and criteria can be found on the 2024 WA Rural Health Excellence Awards website.



Getting started with Provider Connect Australia

Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA) is a single place to update your business information that reduces duplication and streamlines notifications.
It maintains the accuracy of healthcare business information and practitioner contact details.

Healthcare provider organisations can use PCA to provide consistent, up-to-date information about healthcare services to funders, health service directories, communications services, and other key partners in your healthcare service delivery.

Registration process for healthcare providers

Security is a key design element of PCA which adheres to Australian Government security requirements. Although the registration process will take some time to complete, you’ll only need to do this once. The registration process establishes your agreement that the Agency, as operator of PCA, can collect and share information on your behalf. The time you invest will ensure your business information is kept secure, complete and as accurate as possible.

Learn more here



Genetics in primary care Western Australia

The Western Australian Department of Health and the Genetic Services of Western Australia invite primary care providers to participate in a public consultation about the future state of genetic service delivery in WA.

Online survey

The state-wide public clinical genetics service, Genetic Services of Western Australia (GSWA) are keen to hear from GPs, other primary care health professionals and non-GP specialists about their experiences ordering genetic tests such as Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and/or managing patients with genetic conditions via the Department of Health’s Clinician and Support Service survey. This survey is anonymous and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Online focus group: Tuesday 29 August, 7:00-8:30 PM (AWST)

GPs who order genetic tests such as NIPT and/or manage patients with genetic conditions are invited to register to attend a focus group about the current and future role of primary care in the provision of clinical genetics services in WA. The discussion will focus on the opportunities and priorities for GSWA, but participants do not have to refer to GSWA to be eligible to attend.

Places are limited so please register here to participate ASAP

GPs can claim self-logged CPD points and receive renumeration for attending the online focus group.

Further information

Please visit their website to find out more about the project and other ways you can participate:



Research Study: Evaluating barriers and enablers to implementing an automated text message support program for cancer survivors
into primary care

Researchers from the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, Melbourne University and Flinders University are undertaking research about delivering a health and wellness program for cancer survivors via text messages. The project aims to understand primary care staff members’ perceptions of the benefits, harms, barriers, and enablers to implementing a health and wellness text message support program for cancer survivors into primary care text message appointment reminder systems using PEN-Computer Systems Software.
You are invited to participate in a 30-minute interview, which can be conducted over the telephone or by videoconference, at a time that suits you. We are interested in what you think of delivering health and wellness support to cancer patients via text messages, how this program could fit into your clinic workflow, and any suggestions for modification. Your contribution will be invaluable in assisting our team to develop improved tools to help GPs with management of cancer survivors’ health and wellness between appointments.
For further information and to read the electronic participant information sheet, view here


Education & Events 


Primary Sense Education Sessions (Metro)

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
Thursday 3 & Thursday 10 August
WAPHA Offices - Subiaco

Primary Sense is a data extraction and clinical support tool that uses de-identified general practice data to give patients the right care at the right time.

These sessions have been designed to introduce Primary Sense to Practice Managers and Nurse’s whilst also extending on current knowledge and experience using the tool in general practice.

View the flyer here for more information

Register here


Rare Disease Project ECHO Registration

Presented by Department of Health funded Rare Disease Awareness, Education, Support and Training (RArEST) project
Multiple dates

All health professionals with an interest in rare disease are invited to be part of the Community of Clinical Learning Practice. This is part of the Department of Health funded Rare Disease Awareness, Education, Support and Training (RArEST) project.

This activity has RACGP approval for 5 CPD Approved Activity hours.

Register here


Aboriginal Health Conference 2023

Presented by Rural Health West
18 & 19 November (Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges)

We are excited to welcome health professionals from across rural WA to Walyalup, Fremantle on the 18 and 19 November for the 2023 Aboriginal Health Conference. The 2023 conference theme is Dedication: The Story of our Elders and will provide opportunity to learn from those who came before us, hear their stories, reflect on how we can move through the challenges faced by so many, and find a way forward together.

More information, including details on the travel support available for delegates and their families, can be found on the Aboriginal Health Conference website


Digital health – Did you know? eLearning at your fingertips

Available at your pace and at any time, the Australian Digital Health Agency’s online learning portal gives you access to free eLearning modules to support digital health in your practice.

Find modules to help you feel confident using electronic prescriptions, Active Script List, My Health Record, and developing a My Health Record security and access policy for your organisation.

Explore new modules including the popular Digital Health Security Awareness 2023 course.

Learn more here


Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

Immunisation – Back to Basics Webinar (Recording)
Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
6 July
Early Career GP Conference
Presented by RACGP
29 July (9am to 4pm AWST)
Festival of Nursing 2023
Presented by APNA
27 July to 29 July
Mooditj Leader Training
Presented by SHQ
31 July to 3 August
Free webinar series -  2023 Changes to the NIP: 'A New Paediatric Solution'
Presented by Benchmarque Group
1 August
Proposed Legislative Changes to Abortion Law in Western Australia - A Pro-Choice Perspective
Presented by SHQ
3 August
National Allied Health Conference
Presented by Department of Health
7 August to 9 August
2023 Perth Nurse Melanoma Symposium
Presented by Melanoma Institute Australia
10 August
BreastScreen WA visiting Wiluna
Presented by BreastScreen WA
10 August to 11 August
BreastScreen WA visiting Warmun
Presented by BreastScreen WA
15 August to 16 August
BreastScreen WA visiting Fitzroy Crossing
Presented by BreastScreen WA
25 August to 8 September
Course in Wound Closure (Bentley)
Presented by Benchmarque Group Pty Limited
8 September 
Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Nursing)
Presented by SHQ
15 August to 18 August
Contraceptive Implant Theory Workshops
Presented by SHQ
16 August
Module 2 Cervical Screening
Presented by SHQ
17 August to 18 August
Diabetes Education - Carbohydrates: The Basics
Presented by National Diabetes Services Scheme
17 October
Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.