The Primary Care Navigator team have created a General Practice 2025 Year Planner that includes important dates to remind you of just some of the following:
For support with your general practice enquiries, contact the Practice Assist Help Desk or get in contact with your Primary Care Navigator and QI Coach on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478) or 08 6278 7900 or via email
When specific roles and responsibilities are agreed to and documented (eg in position descriptions):
If your practice uses computers to store patient health information, you must have a business continuity plan to protect information in the event of an adverse incident, such as a system crash or power failure. (RACGP Standards for General Practice - Criterion C3.1,C6.4)
If your practice is prepared for an emergency, you are more likely to provide effective continuity of care for your patients, and to continue operating your business as smoothly as possible. (RACGP Standards for General Practice - Criterion C3.3)