Practice Connect #169

4 May 2023

Welcome to this edition of Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.

Acknowledgement of Country 

WA Primary Health Alliance acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

Throughout this newsletter, the term 'Aboriginal' is used to refer to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, unless stated otherwise.



Strengthening Medicare General Practice Grants Program


Act now to secure your Grant

Since mid - April, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) has contacted all eligible Medicare general practices about the Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants program. Eligible practices should have received two emails from about the program as follows: 

  1. Wednesday 19 April 2023 - Update your practice details by completing the WAPHA survey emailed via This step needs to be completed as soon as possible.
  2. From Monday 24 April 2023 - Register your practice as a supplier by clicking on the invitation link emailed via Note: this step will only be activated on completion of step 1.

Both emails require action from practices

It is important to complete the first two steps as soon as possible to ensure practices do not miss important updates about the Grants and to maximise the time available to undertake investment activities. 

A simple three-step application process

WAPHA’s GP Grant application process involves three steps that eligible practices must complete.

Once your supplier registration is approved, you can access and edit all previously entered information on behalf of your practice/s, except bank account details. 

* Missing or incomplete information will cause delays

If your practice is at Step 2: Register as a supplier, please follow the instructions in the manuals carefully when completing your registration.  Missing or incomplete information will delay your application.  Access the manuals here.
The GP Grants Support and Helpdesk is offering dedicated 20-minute sessions to practices who are currently completing Step 2: Supplier Registration within the WA Primary Health Alliance ASPIRE System. Please contact Practice Assist on 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478) to book a time with the team. 

Not received the email survey to update your details yet?
If your practice is eligible to receive a Grant and you have not received the email survey from WAPHA via the address, please contact the Practice Assist team on 1800 2 277 478 or via  

For more information on the GP Grants Program visit the Practice Assist website.

*Medicare general practices, and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) that deliver general practice services and are not owned or operated by a state, territory or local government agency or body. Please note eligible ACCHS will be able to apply for the GP Grants through the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). 




Primary Sense Update 


70% milestone for Primary Sense installations

Over 70% of eligible Western Australian practices now have Primary Sense installed.
If your practice has yet to complete your installation, we encourage you to contact us to progress to the final stages and ensure no disruption to your PIP QI submissions and payments prior to the end of May 2023.
For practices that have completed their installation, the next step is to install the desktop application for your staff.
The desktop application includes access to ready to go reports based on real time data allowing you to monitor performance and focus on clinical outcomes, as well as patient care prompts and medication alerts.
These features and functionality can support roles across the practice team, so we recommend installing the application on all GP, nurse, and management desktops so you can unlock the full potential of Primary Sense.
You can find more information on how to use the desktop in the Primary Sense Desktop Navigation Guide.
For support and troubleshooting when installing your individual desktop applications, please contact or call 1300 572 165 8am-4pm Monday to Friday. 
You can find additional guides and videos on the Primary Sense Toolkit page on the Practice Assist Website. Scroll down to Primary Sense Resources.
For further support, please connect with your local WA Primary Health Alliance Primary Care Navigator or Quality Improvement Coach via Practice Assist.



Feature - Heart Health


Collaborating across Australia to improve heart health in the Kimberley

As outlined in the WAPHA Kimberley Needs Assessment 2022-2024, Western Australia’s northern most region has the highest cardiovascular disease burden in the state. To help improve patient health outcomes, Kimberley Medical Group in Broome has established a nurse-led wellness clinic with team members using video conferencing to collaborate from locations across the country.
Practice nurse, Fiona Mardling located in Melbourne, is leading the clinic with support from the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA). Team members from WAPHA, including Quality Improvement Coach Sharon Sewell in Dampier and Primary Care Navigator Louise Turner in Geraldton, have provided guidance on data capture, data cleansing and quality improvement activities.
“The role of the WAPHA team has been critical to this project, we could not have done it without them. The support of Louise and Sharon has been crucial to give me the confidence to keep the project going, as in the early days I needed guidance on how to work with the data required for this activity. I have learnt so much about the complexities of working in general practice,” Ms Mardling said.
The first focus area of Kimberley Medical Group’s clinic is heart health, which has included utilising the Heart Foundation’s Heart Health Check Toolkit to identify risk factors for a selected cohort of patients and implement strategies to assist them with improving their heart health.
Practice Manager, Charles Gilliam, explained that the project team members connected regularly via video conferencing to develop the project plan and quality improvement plan, incorporating the capture of baseline and ongoing data as well as pre-emptive data cleansing activities such as bulk archiving.
“This was new ground for me and the experience of a collaborative approach has been terrific. The WAPHA team of Louise and Sharon helped us at all stages of the project, offering guidance and expertise. The connection via Microsoft Teams worked smoothly and allowed us to overcome distance and time barriers,” Mr Giliam said.
Throughout the project, PDSA cycles have been utilised to assess the processes and document observations, with all activity summarised into a quality improvement progress report. The trending data is continually being captured to monitor the number of heart health checks that are conducted by the clinic and a final evaluation will take place at the project’s conclusion to bring together the key learnings.


Kimberley Medical Group clinic online QI review meeting with Practice Nurse Fiona Mardling in Melbourne, Practice Manager Charles Giliam in Broome and WAPHA QI Coach Sharon Sewell in Dampier.



Heart Health – An opportunity for Quality Improvement

Modelling over the next 5 years has indicated that up to 76,500 CVD related events (including heart attacks, strokes and deaths) could be prevented with the uptake of Heart Health Checks through the:

  • Gathering information about a patient’s CVD risk factors 
  • Calculating and recording their absolute CVD risk using a validated calculator 
  • Managing their risk as per the Absolute Risk Guidelines on an ongoing basis. 
Anyone 30 years and over can have a regular Heart Health Check
View the source here or the MBS factsheet here


QI activities to be considered:

Identifying patients with risk factors not recorded, including:

  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Alcohol status
  • Smoking Status
  • Blood pressure
  • BMI
  • Cholesterol pathology
Identifying patients eligible for Heart Health Check


How Primary Sense can assist with QI activities relating to Heart Health

  • The CV Risk report lists patients who may be at increased risk of developing CVD and have potentially modifiable risk factors.
  • A Due Heart Heath Check prompt will alert the clinician to the patient’s eligibility for a Heart Health Assessment during a consultation.
  • Primary Sense Desktop Application Guide details the features of Primary Sense, allowing for maximum use of the tool.
  • The Practice Assist Quality Improvement (QI) Toolkit can assist you in understanding and developing QI activities within your practice.

For support with Quality Improvement (QI) activities relating to Heart Health please  contact Practice Assist and one of our QI coaches will be in touch with you.



Heart Health

Over 700,000 Australians live with coronary heart disease.  It is often silent with no warning signs before a devasting heart attack. One Australian will suffer a heart attack every 10 minutes, it is the biggest killer of men and woman.  In Australia, heart disease will kill three times as many women as breast cancer.

What is heart disease?

The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions.  The most common type of heart disease in Australia is coronary artery disease (CAD), which affects the blood flow to the heart.  Decrease blood flow can cause a heart attack.

Symptoms of heart disease

  • Heart attack:  Chest pain or discomfort, upper back or neck pain, indigestion, heartburn, nausea or vomiting, extreme fatigue, upper body discomfort, dizziness, and shortness of breath
  • Arrhythmia: Fluttering feelings in the chest (palpitations)
  • Heart failure: Shortness of breath, fatigue, or swelling of the feet, ankles, legs, abdomen, or neck veins.

What are the risk factors of heart disease?

  • High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease.  Several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excessive alcohol use

See below Heart Foundation resources:

For further pathways on the heart health check, you can view HealthPathways WA  or the Practice Assist  MBS Items for Heart Health Check factsheet.
If your practice is using Primary Sense, the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors can help you find your target population of patients. Our Primary Care Navigators can also assist you to use your practice data to develop strategies for identifying vulnerable populations within your practice.

For further information contact us via Practice Assist.


COVID-19 Updates 


Vulnerable Populations Vaccination Program - 2023

With the 2023 booster dose now available, some people may need assistance to access COVID-19 vaccinations this winter. WA Primary Health Alliance has been given additional funding by the Department of Health and Aged Care to support the vaccination of people at greater risk of illness from COVID-19.

With this round of funding, we have been directed to focus on the following vulnerable populations and we are looking to engage with organisations that work with:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse populations
  • People living in rural and remote communities
  • People living with a disability, or who are homebound
  • People experiencing homelessness​​​​​​​

Find out more

Download the flyer


Immunisation & Cancer Screening Updates 


Free influenza vaccine in May 2023 program

With winter fast approaching, everyone is being encouraged to get vaccinated against influenza as the health system braces for a tough flu season.
Last week the Western Australian Department of Health announced that they will again be funding free flu vaccines for everyone in Western Australia.
The campaign will be running for the month of May.
Campaign details and who is eligible can be found here
A reimbursement program will be available for General Practices with a per dose payment as well as the opportunity to access a one off grant.

The reimbursement is for every non-National Immunisation Program (NIP) and WA state-funded eligible influenza vaccine dose administered.
Although billing practices remain at the discretion of individual immunisation providers, it is expected that a consultation directly related to the vaccine administration under this program does not result in a cost to the patient.
Registration for the reimbursement program must be completed before 5pm 31 May 2023.
Information regarding the program and reimbursement scheme can be found on our Practice Assist website



Influenza Vaccination Coverage

NCIRS and the Department of Health and Ageing are monitoring the influenza vaccination coverage for the 2023 influenza season.

Data is based on age, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and also state/Territory of residence.
Data from NCIRS can be found here
Department of Health and Ageing data can be found here


Children 6 months to <5 years of age*                        Adults aged 65 years and over*



* Coverage is based on the proportion of AIR-registered, Medicare-eligible people who were recorded as having received at least one dose of influenza vaccine between 1 March 2023 and 22 April 2023 (inclusive). AIR data as at 23 April 2023



Karen Orr Nurse Education Scholarship

NCIRS is pleased to announce that applications for the Karen Orr Nurse Immunisation Education Scholarship are now open. 
This scholarship is dedicated to the late Karen Orr, who was a valued staff member of NCIRS.

Throughout her career, Karen was an exemplary role model for nurses and a passionate advocate for vaccination who made significant contributions to the fields of paediatric nursing and immunisation.
In her role as a clinical nurse consultant at NCIRS, Karen was instrumental in establishing the New South Wales Immunisation Specialist Service (NSWISS), which provides an expert phone advice line for clinicians and a specialist immunisation clinic for children and their families. She also led the development of the Drop-in Immunisation Clinic at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, which offers opportunistic immunisation for patients and visitors. 
This scholarship, which is awarded annually, offers a nurse or midwife up to $1,000 in funding to further their education by attending a conference or course to enhance their immunisation practice.

Applications close 5 May 2023.
Find out more and apply here



HPV in 2023 – Last chance to register

Presented by NCIRS
Friday 5 May 2023 (12.00pm to 1.30pm AWST)

NCIRS are inviting Practice Nurses and GP’s to discover the latest updates on the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) , including an in-depth look at the use, effectiveness and safety of the vaccine.

The panel will discuss the updated schedule for Australians and the implications this will have on vaccine delivery, as well as offering tips for maintaining high vaccine coverage.

They will also talk about the initiatives that are designed to eliminate cervical cancer globally
Register here



Japanese Encephalitis - Webinar

Presented by Immunisation Coalition
Tuesday 9 May 2023 (7pm – 8pm AEST)

The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care has declared Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) a Communicable Disease Incident of National Significance.

Since 1 January 2021 there have been 45 human cases of JEV notified, and sadly, 7 people have died as a result of JEV (2 in NSW, 2 in SA, 1 in VIC, 1 in QLD, 1 in NT).
This webinar, hosted by the Immunisation Coalition, provides timely and relevant education on JEV vaccination for: 

  • travellers going overseas to countries with known cases
  • domestic travellers visiting regions where conditions favour JEV outbreaks
  • communities living in areas of known historical outbreaks
  • frontline healthcare workers where JEV has been reported

You can register for the event here



Adult Immunisation Forum

Presented by Adult Immunisation Forum (AIF)
Thursday 22 June 2023 (8am – 4:30pm AWST) Pan Pacific Perth 

The Adult Immunisation Forum (AIF) will take place in Perth on June 22, immediately following the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) Communicable Diseases and Immunisation Conference. It is a 1 day event, presented as a hybrid meeting. 

The meeting is ideal for GPs, practice nurses, and other immunisation specialists.

The vaccines to be covered will include pneumococcal disease (PCV 15,20,21), RSV in adults, pertussis in older people, herpes zoster, influenza, Covid-19, Strep A, travel vaccines, as well as paediatric vaccines.

Chaired by Prof Robert Booy, confirmed speakers include Professors Tony Cunningham, Peter Richmond, Chris Blyth, and Paul Van Buynder. Information is being updated regularly on the Immunisation Coalition website here

It is free to attend, with refreshments and lunch provided.

Learn more here


Practice Updates 


Immunisation Course Expression of Interest

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) are supporting practice nurses to complete the Understanding Vaccines and the National Immunisation Program (HESA Accredited). This Expression of Interest (EOI) is for Practice nurses who require training on immunisation. Please take the time to read the information below and in the link before completing the EOI

This Program aims to equip health professionals with knowledge and skills to competently deliver a high quality and safe immunisation service. It is self-paced but must be completed within a period of 20 weeks from the date of registration. The course requires access to the internet. The system requirements are listed and should be checked prior to purchase. Animation, interactivity and audio may not be supported on some devices such as iPads or iPhones. 

Health Professionals must be registered with AHPRA to apply and those who successfully complete and meet all Program requirements will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. The course costs $350 inclusive of GST. Payment is made online through a secure PayPal system. On completion of the program, WA Primary Health Alliance will reimburse the cost of the course. All claims must be submitted to WAPHA prior to 31st December 2023. For further information on the course please click here.

The EOI will take approximately 3 minutes to complete. Please fill out the questions and submit in one session by COB Friday 26 May 2023.

Complete the EOI here



Celebrate International Nurses Day next Friday 12 May

Every year, International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on 12 May 2023, the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale who is widely regarded as the founder of modern nursing.
Led by the International Council of Nurses (ICN), the theme for International Nurses Day 2023 is “Our Nurses. Our Future.”
ICN President, Dr Pamela Cipriano, explained that the theme sets out what ICN wants for nursing in the future in order to address the global health challenges and improve global health for all.
“We need to learn from the lessons of the pandemic and translate these into actions for the future that ensure nurses are protected, respected and valued,” Dr Cipriano said.
The ICN has developed a suite of logos and posters that your team can download to celebrate International Nurses Day 2023 in your practice.



GP Urgent Care Network Breakfast

Recently, the GP Urgent Care Network (GPUCN) and the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) project team along with the WA Department of Health came together to discuss their experiences with the GP UCN pilot program. The discussion aimed to identify the barriers to scalability and sustainability of the program, such as the limits of existing funding and workforce challenges. The lack of awareness and knowledge of the service among patients was also recognised as a hindrance to its effectiveness. One of the key topics of the discussion was the importance of communicating and promoting the network to patients to differentiate it from other urgent care services available in the community.
The GPUCN proposed some ideas to overcome these barriers, including advertising, promotion and more effective communication strategies to inform the community about the services the network can offer. The WAPHA team has collated the feedback from the session and is committed to supporting the GPUCN in Western Australia. Our intent is to ensure that patients can distinguish between the federal government's bulk billing UCCs and WA GPUCN practices when they require urgent treatment for non-life-threatening injuries or illnesses within the scope of general practice. We believe that the continued collaboration with the GPUCN and our ongoing commitment to the project will make a difference in providing timely and appropriate care to patients in Western Australia.

View the findings here



My Aged Care Fax Decommission

The Department of Health and Aged Care wishes to advise the My Aged Care fax number (1800 728 174) will be decommissioned on 31 July 2023.

Decommissioning fax will: 

  • make it faster and easier for clients to progress through their aged care journey; and
  • ensure sensitive information is handled safely and securely.

General practitioners (GPs) are currently the highest users of the My Aged Care fax number. In 2021-22, 89% of inbound faxes received were referrals from GPs and hospitals.
GPs are encouraged to use the alternative referral pathways available e.g. the My Aged Care GP e-Referral solution and the Make a Referral tool on the My Aged Care website. Additional information on these alternate pathways can be found here 
The department has recently written directly to impacted stakeholders currently using fax and will continue to provide further communication in the lead-up to the decommissioning.
If you have any questions please contact



Medicare cards are now available in the myGov app

People can now securely store a digital version of their Medicare card in their myGov app wallet.

Medicare cards in the myGov app will look similar to those in the Express Plus Medicare app and physical cards.

To protect against fraud and theft the digital card has:

  • an animated hologram to show it’s not a screenshot
  • a QR code that providers can scan using the myGov app on a mobile device to confirm it’s genuine and valid.

Find out more about how health professionals can now view Medicare cards in the myGov app on the Services Australia website.



Parenting Education and Support Program: Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

Delivered in partnership with Triple P International Pty Ltd (TPI), the Parenting Education and Support Program (the Program) is providing free, universal access to evidence-based, online parenting education and support to all Australian parents and carers with a child under 12 years.  

The suite of parenting resources offered by TPI will enable parents and carers to develop the confidence, skills, and strategies required to better support child mental health and wellbeing as children progress through the key development milestones and help them identify potential problem behaviours early. 

Access the online Triple P-Positive Parenting Program suite here 


Raising Healthy Minds App

Developed by the Raising Children Network, the app is aimed at parents and carers of children aged 0-12 years, is free to download, and is filled with tips and practical ideas to help families support a childs social and emotional health and wellbeing and raise confident, resilient kids.  

The Raising Children Network is currently expanding app functionality and content to enable use by GPs and health care workers as a tool to assist with navigating discussions with parents and families in respect to parenting, and child development / mental health and wellbeing.

Learn more here



Education & Events 


MEDCON23 - 30% subsidy for GPs

Presented by AMA (WA)
23 to 24 June 

WA Primary Health Alliance is subsidising the cost of MEDCON23 registrations exclusively for GPs by 30%, with the offer valid from 27 April to 11 May 2023.

The AMA (WA)’s annual conference includes clinical presentations, workshops, expert speakers, innovation and networking, with the opportunity to enhance knowledge and professional development while gaining up to 12.5 CPD hours.

Subsidised tickets can be booked here registration page using promo code WAPHA30 at checkout.


Eating Disorders: Beyond the Surface

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance
6 May (8.00am-1.00pm AWST) ECU Mount Lawley Campus

This interactive educational workshop at ECU Mount Lawley Campus is designed for GPs and other community clinicians working with people with eating disorders.

It will provide a practical approach to assessing and managing patients with eating disorders including interventions that can be undertaken in the GP’s office.

Presenters include the WA Eating Disorders Outreach and Consultation Service team, GPs with a special interest in the area, a dietitian and psychologist.

Event Speakers:

  • Dr Lisa Miller - Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
  • Dr Senaratne Sivanthi - General Physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
  • Dr Suzannah Robinson - GP at GPs on Bayview
  • Dr Susan Cann - GP at GPs on Bayview
  • Dr Bronwyn Raykos - Clinical Psychologist
  • Dr Nicola Cummings - Dietitian

View the flyer here
Register now


Healthy weight masterclass series  

Following the recent launch of WA Primary Health Alliance’s SHAPE (Supporting Holistic and Person centred weight Education) website and Conversations About Weight online training, WA Primary Health Alliance, in partnership with local WA healthcare professionals and lived experience voices, is pleased to present a six-part masterclass series on supporting patients with weight concerns to improve their health and wellbeing. 

These sessions are open to all healthcare professionals, including GPs, practice nurses, allied health practitioners, and hospital based medical practitioners. 

Session 1: The science of obesity and weight stigma 
Wednesday 17 May 2023 (6.00-7.30pm AWST) Via Zoom 

The first session will provide attendees with an understanding of: 

Weight bias and weight stigma, including: 

  • The impact of weight stigma in the healthcare setting 
  • Patient experiences of weight stigma, including lived experience perspectives 
  • How to practice using an approach free from weight stigma 

The interplay of the multiple, complex factors contributing to weight and overall health. 

Register now  

Session 2: The role of general practice in supporting people with weight concerns
Wednesday 14 June 2023 (6.00-7.30pm AWST) Via Zoom

The second session will provide attendees with an understanding of:

  • The role of general practice in supporting patients with weight concerns.
  • How GPs, practice nurses (and other healthcare professionals) can overcome the risk of providing unsolicited advice when initiating conversations about weight.
  • How to incorporate a behaviour change and motivational approach to chronic disease care planning.

Register now


Free Event: What’s new in heart failure? Case studies for southeast metropolitan GP Practices

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) in partnership with East Metropolitan Health Service (EMPHN)
Wednesday 24 May (5.30pm to 8.00pm AWST) Kelmscott

Join East Metropolitan Health Service and WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) for an interactive session focused on sharing experience and understanding in the management of patients with multimorbidity across health service providers, with a focus on chronic heart failure (CHF). 

View the flyer here

Register now


General Practice Cancer Education

Presented by Cancer Council WA
30 May (Fiona Stanley Hospital)

A Walk in Our Patients’ Shoes: A Tour of Fiona Stanley Hospital Cancer Centre

This event offers healthcare professionals in general practice a unique opportunity to tour the Cancer Centre facilities at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) and gain firsthand insights into their patients’ cancer treatment experience.

This can help bridge the gap between general practice and oncology. Attendees will also hear from Dr. Wei-Sen Lam, Head of Service for Medical Oncology, who will provide valuable insights into the patient experience from the oncology team’s perspective and offer practical advice on how general practice can
further support the optimal care of their patients affected by cancer.

View the flyer here


Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

Identifying and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect e-learning module available NOW
Presented by Safer Families Centre of Research Excellence
Available Online Now
Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) - Webinars
Presented by ADHA
Multiple Dates
Talking About Suicide in General Practice (Online Interactive Webinar)
Presented by Black Dog Institute
5 May & 8 June
Motivational Interviewing Strategies to address domestic violence workshop
Presented by Safer Families Centre of Research Excellence
10 May
Curing Hepatitis C in Primary Care 
Presented by ASHM
13 May
ACRRM Webinar (members only):If only I could access my patient results
Presented by ACRRM
16 May
Contraception Essentials in Primary Care
Presented by ASHM
17 & 18 May
Gwandalan workshop - Perth
Presented by Gwandalan National Palliative Care Project
22 May
Hepatitis B for Nurses & Midwives
Presented by ASHM
23 & 25  May
Telehealth Billing - How to Get it Right!
Presented by AAPM
23 May
Head to Health Kids Hub community engagement workshop
Presented by Wellrounded in partnership with The Mental Health Commission
23 May
Interpreting Spirometry - Asthma WA Webinar
Presented by Asthma WA
24 May
Head to Health Kids Hub Sector Professionals Engagement Workshop
Presented by Wellrounded in partnership with The Mental Health Commission
25 May
Managing Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Presented by Kidney Health Australia
25 May
Project ECHO Session 13
Presented by WAPHA - Alcohol & Other Drug Network
25 May
Youth in Distress: Managing Suicidality and Self-harm - Blended (Wheatbelt Only)
Presented by Black Dog Institute
19 May & 14 June
Pivoting to the perpetrator: How to engage with patients who use DFV
Presented by Safer Families Centre of Research Excellence
31 May
Hepatitis B Clinical Update for Nurses and Midwives
Presented by ASHM
17 & 18 May
​BreastScreen WA Visit to Quairading
Presented by BreastScreen WA
26 May to 2 June
BreastScreen WA Visit to Cunderdin
Presented by BreastScreen WA
6 to 12 June
The Benchmarque Group Pty Limited
26 June
The Benchmarque Group Pty Limited
29 June
General Practice Conference & Education
Presented by GPCE
22 & 23 July
Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.